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United States Court Cases

District Of Columbia Court Of Appeals Record


Case Information: 08-BG-0099
Short Caption:IN RE: NATHAN D. COOPERClassification:Bar Governance - Bar - Disciplinary Reciprocal
Lead: 08-BG-0048 Consolidated:08-BG-0099
Superior Court or Agency Case Number:BDN316-07Filed Date:02/14/2008

Opening Event Date:02/14/2008Case Status:Closed
Record Completed:Post-Decision Matter Pending:
Briefs Completed:
Disposition:Next Scheduled Action:
Mandate Issued:

Party Information
Appellate RoleParty NameIFPAttorney(s)Arguing AttorneyE-Filer
PetitionerBar CounselN
Wallace E. Shipp NN
William R. RossNY
PetitionerBoard on Professional ResponsibilityN
Charles J. WilloughbyNN
RespondentNathan D. Cooper NPro SeN

Event DateStatusDescriptionResult
02/14/2008DISCIPLINARY LETTER from the Office of Bar Counsel with a certified copy of an order of the Supreme Court of Missouri disbarring respondent.
02/14/2008RECEIVED second address for respondent: ID #34350-044, USP Marion, U.S. Penitentiary, P.O. Box 1000, Marion, IL 62959.
02/15/2008LETTER from the Office of Bar Counsel correcting the zip code to respondent's incarcerated address.
02/27/2008ORDER Having received a certified copy of an order of the Supreme Court of Missouri disbarring respondent, it is, accordingly, pursuant to D.C. Bar Rule XI, Sec 11 (d), it is ORDERED that respondent is suspended from the practice of law in the District of Columbia pending final disposition of this proceeding, effective on the date of entry of this order, and it is FURTHER ORDERED that Bar Counsel inform the Board on Professional Responsibility of its position regarding reciprocal discipline within 30 days of the date of this order. Thereafter, respondent shall show cause before the Board on PRofessional Responsibility, if cause there be, within 10 days why identical, greater or lesser discipline should not be imposed in the District of Columbia. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the Board on Professional Responsibility is directed to recommend promptly thereafter to this court whether identical, greater or lesser discipline should be imposed as reciprocal discipline or whether the Board, instead, elects to proceed de novo pursuant to D.C. Bar Rule XI, Sec 11. It is FURTHER ORDERED that respondent's attention is drawn to the requirement of D.C. Bar Rule XI, Sec 14 relating to suspended attorneys and to the provisions of Sec 16 (c) dealing with the timing of eligibility for reinstatement based on compliance with Sec 14, including the filing of the required affidavit. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk shall cause a copy of this order to be directed to the Chair of the Board on Professional Responsibility and transmitted to the respondent. It is FURTHER ORDERED that Bar Counsel inform the court if the matter is resolved without the necessity of further court action. (ETW)
03/28/2008LETTER from the Office of Bar Counsel with a certified copy of an order of the Supreme Court of Illinoise disbarring respondent by consent.
04/15/2008ORDER Having received a certified copy of an order of the Supreme Court of Illinois disbarring respondent, it is, accordingly, pursuant to D.C. Bar Rule XI, Sec 11 (d), ORDERED that respondent is suspended from the practice of law in the District of Columbia pending final disposition of this proceeding, effective on the date of entry of this order, and it is FURTHER ORDERED that Bar Counsel inform the Board on Professional Responsibility of its position regarding reciprocal discipline within 30 days of the date of this order. Thereafter, respondent shall show cause before the Board on Professional Responsibility, if cause there be, within 10 days why identical, greater or lesser discipline should not be imposed in the District of Columbia. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the Board on PRofessional Responsibility is directed to recommend promptly thereafter to this Court whether identical, greater or lesser discipline should be imposed as reciprocal discipline or whether the Board, instead, elects to proceed de novo pursuant to D.C. Bar Rule XI, Sec 11. It is FURTHER ORDERED that respondent's attention is drawn to the requirement of D.C. Bar Rule XI, Sec 14 relating to suspended attorneys and to the provisions of Sec 16 (c) dealing with the timing of eligibility for reinstatement based on compliance with Sec 14, including the filing of the required affidavit. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk shall cause a a copy of this order to be directed to the Chair of the Board on Professional Responsibility and transmitted to the respondent. It is FURTHER ORDERED that Bar Counsel inform the Court if the matter is resolved without the necessity of further court action. (ETW)
04/24/2008REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD ON PROF. RESP. that the court enter an order disbarring respondent on consent pursuant to D.C. Bar R. XI, Sec 12 (b) and that the court dismiss the criminal conviction and reciprocal discipline matters as moot, without prejudice to Bar Counsel's reinstituting a reciprocal discipline proceeding if respondent seeks reinstatement to the District of Columbia Bar while his Missouri and Illinois disbarments are still in effect. Respondent's period of disbarment should run, for purposes of reinstatement, from the date respondent files an affidavit in full compliance with D.C. Bar R. XI, Sec 14 (g).
04/28/2008ORDER In is ORDERED, sua sponte, that case nos. 08-BG-48 and 08-BG-99 are consolidated for all purposes herein. (GP)
05/22/2008DISBARRED ON CONSENT On consideration of the affidavit of Nathan D. Cooper, wherein he consents to disbarment from the Bar of the District of Columbia pursuant to Sec 12 of Rule XI of the Rules Governing the Bar of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, which affidavit has been filed with the Clerk of this Court, the report and recommendation of the Board on Professional with respect thereto, it is this 22nd day of May, 2008, ORDERED that the said Nathan D. Cooper is hereby disbarred by consent effective forthwith. The effective date of respondent's disbarment shall run, for reinstatement purposes, from the date respondent files his affidavit pursuant to D.C. Bar Rule XI, Sec 14 (g). It is FURTHER ORDERED that Bar Counsel's petitions for discipline based upon respondent's guilty plea in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri and a certified copy of an order of the Supreme Court of Illinois disbarring respondent from the practice of law in Illinois are hereby dismissed as moot, without prejudice to Bar Counsel's reinstating a reciprocal discipline proceeding if respondent seek reinstatement to the District of Columbia Bar while his Missouri and Illinois disbarment are still in effect. The Clerk shall publish this order, but the affidavit shall not be publicly disclosed or otherwise made available except upon order of the Court or upon written consent of the respondent. The Clerk shall cause a copy of this order to be transmitted to the Chairman of the Board on Professional Responsibility, and to the respondent, thereby giving him notice of the provisions of Rule XI, Secs 14 and 16, which set forth certain rights and responsibilities of a disbarred attorney and the effect of failure to comply therewith. (FA, RD, NE)
12/09/2008AFFIDAVIT of respondent and change of address: 4900 Nottingham Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63109.