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United States Court Cases

Texas 13th Court Of Appeals Record

Woodson, John C. and wife, Mary Lee Woodson v. Hooper, Ray G., Glenn L. Bugay, Jack Ashmore, Jr., and Spohn Hospital

Case: 13-94-00095-CV
Personal Injuries/Damages
Woodson, John C. and wife, Mary Lee Woodson
Hooper, Ray G., Glenn L. Bugay, Jack Ashmore, Jr., and Spohn Hospital
Appellate Briefs
Date Event Type Description Document
No briefs.
Case Events
Date Event Type Disposition Document
09/16/1997Exhibits Disposed
08/07/1997Mandate Issued
08/05/1997Record returned to Court.
06/12/1997Motion for rehearing disposedOverruled
06/14/1996Higher Court DecisionMotion or Writ Denied
11/20/1995Application of Writ of Error sent to Supreme Court
11/10/1995Writ Filed
11/10/1995Writ of Error Fee Paid
10/12/1995Motion for rehearing disposedOverruled
09/11/1995Motion for rehearing filed
08/24/1995Motion to extend time to file rehearing disposedMotion or Writ Granted
07/27/1995Extension of time to file Mo. for Rehear
07/13/1995Opinion issuedAffirmed
02/23/1995Reply Brief Filed
02/07/1995Entry of Judge Selection for Case.
10/31/1994Brief Filed
10/31/1994Oral argument requested
09/22/1994Mot. for Ext. File Brief Disp.Motion or Writ Granted
09/22/1994Mot. for Ext. File Brief Disp.Motion or Writ Granted
09/12/1994Mot. for Ext. to File Brief
09/09/1994Mot for extension of time REPLY BRIEF Filed f
08/22/1994Brief Filed
08/22/1994Case ready to be set
08/22/1994Oral argument requested
08/18/1994Mot. for Ext. File Brief Disp.Motion or Writ Granted
08/02/1994Mot. for Ext. to File Brief
06/30/1994Mot. for Ext. File Brief Disp.Motion or Writ Granted
06/23/1994Mot. for Ext. to File Brief
05/24/1994Exhibits Filed
05/24/1994Statement of Facts Number of Pages in Remarks
03/10/1994Statement Filed
03/01/1994Statement Filed
02/28/1994Mot for Ext Stat of Facts DispMotion or Writ Granted
02/22/1994Exhibits Filed
02/22/1994Filing Fee Paid
02/22/1994Transcript Filed
02/18/1994Filing Fee Paid
02/18/1994Mot-Ext. to File Stat of Facts
02/18/1994Created for Data Conversion -- an event inserted to correspond to the beginning of a process
Set DateCalendar TypeReason Set
08/07/1997Case StoredCase stored
Hooper, Ray G. Glenn L. BugayAppelleeGuy Allison
Hon. Carlos Villarreal
Hon. Darrell L. Barger
Hon. Rose Vela
Woodson, John C. And Wife MarAppellantHon. J. A. "Tony" Canales
Lucinda J. Garcia
J. G. Adami, Jr.
Trial Court Information
117th District Court
Honorable Robert Blackmon