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United States Court Cases

Nevada Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Information: 44621
Short Caption:PLUMMER (MILTON) VS. STATE C/W 44619Court:Supreme Court
Consolidated: 44619 *, 44621Related Case(s): 40185 , 48910 , 53963 , 67310 , 67310-COA , 79664 , 79664-COA
Lower Court Case(s):Washoe Co. - Second Judicial District - CR012499Classification:Criminal Appeal - Fast Track - Post-Conviction
Disqualifications:HardestyCase Status:Remittitur Issued/Case Closed
Replacement:Justice Becker for Justice HardestyPanel Assigned: Panel
To SP/Judge:SP Status:
Oral Argument:Oral Argument Location:
Submission Date:How Submitted:

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
02/02/2005OtherDisqualification of Justice Hardesty. Sat in district court proceedings.
02/02/2005Filing Fee Filing Fee Waived.
02/02/2005Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal/Fast Track. Fast track appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. (Fast Track Notice mailed to all counsel.) 05-02133
02/15/2005TranscriptFiled Transcript. Proceedings: 11/18/04. Court Reporter: Donna Davidson. (Filed in docket no. 44619 only.)
02/23/2005Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal/Proper Person. 05-03598
03/03/2005MotionFiled Motion to Consolidate. Motion to Consolidate Fast Track Appeals. Nos. 44619/44621. 05-04228
03/10/2005Fast Track BriefReceived Fast Track Statement. Nos. 44619/44621 (05-04809).
03/10/2005AppendixReceived Appendix. Appellant's Fast Track Appendix-Joint Appendix. Nos. 44619/44621 (05-04810).
03/21/2005Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Motion. filed March 3, 2005. These appeals are hereby consolidated. The clerk of this court shall file, forthwith, the fast track statement and appendix provisionally submitted on March 10, 2005. Nos. 44619/44621. (05-05451)
03/21/2005Fast Track BriefFiled Fast Track Statement. Nos. 44619/44621. (05-04809)
03/21/2005AppendixFiled Joint Appendix. To Fast Track Statement. Nos. 44619/44621. (05-04810). (Original Joint Appendix in No. 44619).
03/30/2005Other Incoming DocumentReceived Proper Person Document. Supplemental Submission of Exhibits. Nos. 44619/44621. (05-06236) 06/14/05 ORDER OF AFFIRMANCE-FN9: PROPER PERSON DOCUMENT RETURNED UNFILED.
04/01/2005Fast Track BriefFiled Fast Track Response. Nos. 44619/44621 (05-06436).
06/14/2005Order/DispositionalFiled Order of Affirmance. These are consolidated appeals. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." fn9[Because Plummer is represented by counsel, the clerk of this court shall return to Plummer unfiled all proper person documents he has submitted to this court in this matter.] SNP05-NB/RR/MG. Nos. 44619/44621. 05-11627
06/14/2005Notice/OutgoingIssued Letter. to appellant Milton Plummer. Returned unfiled, the "Proper Person Supplemental Submission of Exhibits received March 30, 2005 in Nos. 44619 and 44621."
06/29/2005Post-Judgment PetitionReceived Proper Person Petition for Rehearing. Motion for Reconsideration of Order Denying Petitions for Writs of Habeas Corpus. Nos. 44619/44621. (05-12915)
07/22/2005Post-Judgment OrderFiled Order/Rehearing Denied. Appellant has submitted a proper person petition for rehearing. "We deny appellant's proper person petition for rehearing." NRAP 40(c). Nos. 44619/44621. SNP05-NB/RR/MG 05-14607
08/17/2005RemittiturIssued Remittitur. 05-14686
08/17/2005Case Status Update Remittitur Issued/Case Closed.
08/25/2005RemittiturFiled Remittitur. Received by District Court Clerk on August 18, 2005. 05-14686