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United States Court Cases

Texas 13th Court Of Appeals Record

Thompson, Donnie Hughes v. Thompson, Nancy Elizabeth

Case: 13-94-00101-CV
Miscellaneous civil
Thompson, Donnie Hughes
Thompson, Nancy Elizabeth
Appellate Briefs
Date Event Type Description Document
No briefs.
Case Events
Date Event Type Disposition Document
01/04/1996Mandate Issued
11/16/1995Opinion issuedAffirmed
08/02/1995Entry of Judge Selection for Case.
10/27/1994Bar fees paid
10/27/1994Green card in
10/25/1994Bar fees paid
10/21/199410 day letter sent
06/23/1994Motion for leave to file brief DISPOSEDMotion or Writ Granted
05/23/1994Brief Filed
05/23/1994Brief received.
05/23/1994Motion for leave to file brief
05/23/1994No oral argument requested
04/25/1994Brief Filed
04/25/1994Case ready to be set
04/25/1994Oral argument requested
04/21/1994Motion for leave to file SOF DISPOSEDMotion or Writ Granted
04/15/1994Filing Fee Paid
04/15/1994Motion for leave to file Statement of Facts
04/08/1994Filing Fee Paid
04/08/1994Motion for leave to file Statement of Facts
04/01/1994Filing Fee Paid
03/30/1994Letter sent to attorneys
03/28/1994Statement of Facts Filed
03/28/1994Transcript Filed
03/28/1994Statement of Facts Number of Pages in Remarks
03/28/1994Statement of Facts Received
03/28/1994Transcript Received
03/24/1994Mot ext time file record dispMotion or Writ Granted
03/18/1994Certificate Filed
03/15/1994Statement Filed
03/15/1994Affidavit Filed
02/28/1994Court Reporter's Affidavit
02/25/1994Extend time to file Record
02/25/1994Created for Data Conversion -- an event inserted to correspond to the beginning of a process
Set DateCalendar TypeReason Set
01/04/1996Case StoredCase stored
Thompson, Nancy ElizabethAppelleeHon. Peter Gilman
Thompson, Donnie HughesAppellantHon. Randell W. Friebele
Trial Court Information
138th District Court
Honorable Roberto Garza