Events |
Event Date | Status | Description | Result |
07/27/2010 | | REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD ON PROF. RESP. a three year suspension. The Board does not recommend a fitness requirement, as proposed by Bar Counsel. | |
08/02/2010 | | RECEIVED errata sheet correcting an error in the Separate Statement of Mr. Frank as to Sanction. | |
08/10/2010 | | ORDER On consideration of the report and recommendation of the Board on Professional Responsibility filed with the Court on July 27, 2010, and the Errata sheet received by the Court on August 2, 2010, correcting an error in the separate statement of Theodore D. Frank, Esquire, as to sanction, it is ORDERED that respondent show cause within thirty days why the Court should not enter an order of suspension pending final action on the Board on Professional Responsibility's recommendation. It is FURTHER ORDERED that respondent's attention is drawn to the requirement of Rule XI, Sec 14 relating to suspended attorneys and to the provisions of Rule XI, Sec 16 (c) dealing with the timing of eligibility for reinstatement as related to compliance with Rule XI, Sec 14, including the filing of the required affidavit. (ETW) | |
08/16/2010 | | RESPONDENT'S EXCEPTIONS | |
08/16/2010 | | PETITIONER'S EXCEPTIONS (Bar Counsel) | |
08/24/2010 | | LETTER from the Board on Professional Responsibility advising the court that the Board will not seek leave to file a brief to address Bar Counsel's exceptions. | |
08/25/2010 | | ORDER On consideration of the exceptions of respondent and Bar Counsel, filed in response to the Board on Professional Responsibility's report and recommendation filed on July 27, 2010, and the letter from the Board on Professional Responsibility (the Board) advising the Court that the Board will not seek leave to file a brief to address Bar Counssel's exception, it is ORDERED that the brief of respondent (an original and three copies) shall be filed within 40 days from the date of this order, and the brief of Bar Counsel shall be filed within 30 days thereafter. (JAC) | |
09/17/2010 | | PETITIONER'S ANSWER/RESPONSE to respondent's response to show cause order | |
09/20/2010 | | TMC - OTSC - ROTSC (RESPONDENT'S) - ROTSC (BAR COUNSEL) - respondent's motion to exceed page limit - opening brief | |
09/23/2010 | | RESPONDENT'S MISCELLANEOUS PROCEDURAL MOTION to exceed page limits of principal brief. (unopposed) | |
09/30/2010 | | ORDER On consideration of the Board on Professional Responsibility's report and recommendation, this court's order directing respondent to show cause why he should not be suspended pending final action on the Board's report, the responses of respondent and Bar Counsel and respondent's motion to exceed the page limit of the principal brief, it is ORDERED that respondent is hereby suspended from the practice of law in the District of Columbia effective immediately and pending further order of this court. See D.C. Bar R. XI, Sec 9 (g)(e)(a). It is FURTHER ORDERED that respondent's motion to exceed the page limitation is denied. (RD,TH,NW) | |
10/04/2010 | | RESPONDENT'S MISCELLANEOUS PROCEDURAL MOTION to reset the commencement date of suspension. | |
10/04/2010 | | RESPONDENT'S BRIEF | |
10/05/2010 | | PETITIONER'S OPPOSITION to respondent's motion to reset the commencement date of suspension, | |
10/12/2010 | | AFFIDAVIT of respondent (Sec 14 (g)) | |
10/13/2010 | | TMC - respondent's motion to reset commencement of suspension - oppo | |
10/19/2010 | | ORDER On consideration of respondent's motion to reset commencement of his suspension, the opposition thereto and it appearing that respondent filed his D.C. Bar R. XI, Sec 14 (g) affidavit on October 12, 2010, it is ORDERED that respondent's motion to reset commencement of his suspension is denied as moot. (RD,TH,NW) | |
11/03/2010 | | PETITIONER'S BRIEF (Bar Counsel) | |
11/04/2010 | | BRIEFS COMPLETED | |
11/09/2010 | | It appearing that this appeal is likely to be calendared for argument during the month(s) of January 2011 through March 2011, it is ORDERED that counsel shall advise this court in writing by NOV. 22, 2010, of specific dates du ring that period when they are unavailable so that the court can attempt to avoid such dates in scheduling argument. (Please see the attached instruction sheet.) (aj) Julio Castillo Clerk | |
11/12/2010 | | LETTER FROM COUNSEL/PARTY RE FUTURE CALENDARING Elizabeth Herman, Esquire, Deputy Bar Counsel. | |
11/23/2010 | | LETTER FROM COUNSEL/PARTY RE FUTURE CALENDARING Paul L. Knight, Esquire (Attorney for Respondent) | |
11/24/2010 | | RESPONDENT'S REPLY BRIEF | |
12/16/2010 | | LETTER from the Office of Bar Counsel requesting that the court take judicial notice of the Superior Court opinion and order in Gaither, following the remand from the DCCA. See Christopher v. Aguigui, 841 A.2d 310, 315 n.2 (D.C. 2003) | |
02/02/2011 | | CALENDAR NOTICE SENT | |
02/14/2011 | | RESPONDENT'S MISCELLANEOUS PROCEDURAL MOTION to extend oral argument time. | |
02/16/2011 | | PETITIONER'S ANSWER/RESPONSE to respondent's motion to extend oral argument time. | |
02/25/2011 | | On consideration of respondent's motion for additional argument time, and Bar Counsel's response thereto, and it appearing that this matter is scheduled on the Regular Calendar of March 8, 2011, it is ORDERED on behalf of the merits division assigned to consider this matter that the motion is denied. (JC) | |
03/03/2011 | | CERTIFICATE PER RULE 28 (Bar Counsel) | |
03/08/2011 | Filed | ACTION - Argued / Submitted | |
03/08/2011 | Filed | ARGUED before Reid,Blackburne-Rigsby,Pryor. Elizabeth A.Herman Esq.for petitioner. Paul L.Knight Esq.,for respondent. | |
03/08/2012 | Filed | Disbarment - Accordingly, for the foregoing reasons, it is ORDERED that respondent G. Paul Howes is disbarred from the practice of law in the District of Columbia, effective thirty days from the date of this opinion.
(BR,PY,RD) | |
03/21/2012 | Filed | Motion For Extension Of Time to File apetition for rehearing and rehearing en banc. (unopposed) (Respondent) | |
03/21/2012 | Filed | Motion to reset effective date of disbarment. (Respondent) | |
03/27/2012 | Filed | Answer/Response of Bar Counsel to respondent's motion to reset effective date of disbarment. (Petitioner Bar Counsel) | |
03/28/2012 | Filed | Order - ORDERED that respondent's motion is granted and respondent's petition for rehearing or rehearing en banc shall be filed on or before April 6, 2012. | |
06/07/2012 | Filed | Order - ORDERED that respondent's motion is granted and the effective date of respondent's disbarment is nunc pro tunc to September 30, 2010. It is
FURTHER ORDERED that an amended opinion shall issue on the date of this order (BR,PR,RD) | |
06/07/2012 | Filed | Order - Amended Opinion issued this date. (BR,PR,RD) | |
08/23/2012 | Filed | Order Denying the petition for rehearing en banc, (WS,GL,**FI,*BR,TH,OB,BK,**EA,***ML,*PY,*RD,****RZ)
**Associate Judge Fisher and Easterly have recused.
***Associate Judge McLeese III did not participate in this matter.
****Senior Judge Ruiz was an Associate Judge, Retired of the court at the time of argument. Her status changed to Senior Judge on July 2, 2012. | |
12/24/2012 | Filed | Received a copy of an order of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ordering respondent's name to be removed from the roll of attorneys admitted to practice in this court effective 35 days from the date of this order unless the court receives pr that date a response from Mr. Howes showing cause why his right to practice before this court should not be terminated. (Respondent) | |