Docket Information |
Filing Date | Document Description | Docket Entry Type | Docket Entry Subtype | Status | |
02/28/2011 | Event - Docketed and indexed | Event | Docketed and indexed | Final | |
02/28/2011 | Notice-Incoming - Record completion notice from district court | Notice-Incoming | Record completion notice from district court | Final | |
02/28/2011 | Notice-Outgoing - Docketing letter | Notice-Outgoing | Docketing letter | Final | |
04/13/2011 | Motion - Extension of time - brief | Motion | Extension of time - brief | Final | |
04/14/2011 | Event - Hardcopy received - Motion for extension of time to file brief; and received proposed order. | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
04/15/2011 | Order - Grant - extension of time | Order | Grant - extension of time | Final | |
05/25/2011 | Motion - Extension of time - brief | Motion | Extension of time - brief | Final | |
05/25/2011 | Motion - Stay briefing - unopposed | Motion | Stay briefing - unopposed | Final | |
05/27/2011 | Event - Hardcopy received - Appellants motion to stay briefing schedule; and received proposed order. | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
05/27/2011 | Event - Hardcopy received - Motion for second extension of time to file brief; and received proposed order. | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
05/27/2011 | Order - Grant - extension of time | Order | Grant - extension of time | Final | |
06/07/2011 | Order - Granting stay | Order | Granting stay | Final | |
07/08/2011 | Event - Phone Call re status of remand, hearing date vacated and reset | Event | Phone Call | Final | |
08/12/2011 | System - Status check - other. Received call from Ms. Olson indicating that the motion has been denied, no order yet entered, but should be available next week, and it will be sent to this court. | System | Status check - other | Final | |
08/17/2011 | Rulings-Other Courts/Agencies - Order on remand, "Order Denying Defendant's Motion to Withdraw No Contest Plea" | Rulings-Other Courts/Agencies | Order on remand | Final | |
10/27/2011 | Event - Other - resume briefing schedule with docketing of second notice of appeal | Event | Other | Final | |
11/01/2011 | Motion - Consolidate | Motion | Consolidate | Final | |
11/03/2011 | Event - Hardcopy received - Motion to Consolidate Cases | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
11/03/2011 | Order - Consolidating cases | Order | Consolidating cases | Final | |
12/13/2011 | Brief - Appellant | Brief | Appellant | Final | |
12/14/2011 | Event - Hardcopy received - Brief of Appellant and Designation of Record on Appeal | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
01/27/2012 | Brief - Appellee | Brief | Appellee | Final | |
01/30/2012 | Event - Hardcopy received - Brief of Appellee | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
02/06/2012 | Notice-Internal - Expedite recommendation | Notice-Internal | Brief only recommendation | Final | |
02/15/2012 | Notice-Outgoing - Request for transmitted record on appeal | Notice-Outgoing | Request for transmitted record on appeal | Final | |
02/17/2012 | Order - Assigning to expedited docket | Order | Assigning to brief only docket | Final | |
02/27/2012 | Notice-Incoming - Record transmittal notice from district court | Notice-Incoming | Record transmittal notice from district court | Final | |
02/27/2012 | Record - Transmitted record on appeal from district court clerk, three volumes. Volume I, Original Papers; Volume II, Transcripts; Volume III, Confidential Folder. | Record | Transmitted record on appeal | Final | |
02/27/2012 | Notice-Outgoing - Transmitted record on appeal filed | Notice-Outgoing | Transmitted record on appeal filed | Final | |
08/10/2012 | Opinion - Opinion and journal order affirming. Justice Hill writing for the court. | Opinion | Opinion and journal order | Final | |
08/28/2012 | Notice-Outgoing - Mandate | Notice-Outgoing | Mandate | Final | |
08/28/2012 | Record - Record returned to district court | Record | Record returned to district court | Final | |
08/28/2012 | Notice-Outgoing - Record return letter | Notice-Outgoing | Record return letter | Final | |
08/28/2012 | Event - Case closed | Event | Case closed | Final | |
08/31/2012 | Service - Certified mail signature return card - Record signed for 8/30/2012. | Service | Certified mail signature return card | Final | |