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United States Court Cases

Texas 3rd Court Of Appeals Record

Linda Robinson v. Voncile Howard

Case: 03-96-00613-CV
Linda Robinson
Voncile Howard
Appellate Briefs
Date Event Type Description Document
No briefs.
Case Events
Date Event Type Disposition Document
08/27/2004Case file was destroyed per retention schedule
11/17/1998CASE STORED
05/19/1997Mandate Issued
02/13/1997miscellaneous motion dispMotion or Writ Granted
02/13/1997Opinion issuedJudgment vacated and cause dismissed
02/07/1997miscellaneous motion filed
01/31/1997Result after mediationYes for mediation
01/27/1997Mot. for Ext. File Brief Disp.Motion or Writ Granted
01/16/1997Mot. for Ext. to File Brief
12/23/1996Order EnteredReferral for ADR
12/23/1996Brief filed
12/23/1996ADR mediation referralYes for mediation
12/10/1996Mot for Ext Stat of Facts DispMotion or Writ Granted
12/06/1996Supplemental Transcript filed
12/06/1996Supplemental Transcript Received
12/06/1996Staff recommendation for mediationYes for mediation
12/02/1996Statement of Facts Filed
12/02/1996Statement of Facts Received
11/27/1996Response requested (postcard)
11/25/1996Staff recommendation for mediationYes for mediation
11/25/1996Transcript Filed
11/25/1996Transcript Received
11/25/1996Mot-Ext. to File Stat of Facts
11/15/1996Docketing statement or response
11/15/1996Motion for ext of time to file cost bond disposedMotion or Writ Granted
11/07/1996Docketing statement or response
11/04/1996ADR letter w/docketing statement
10/30/1996Motion for ext of time to file cost bond filed
10/30/1996Created for Data Conversion -- an event inserted to correspond to the beginning of a process
Set DateCalendar TypeReason Set
05/19/1997Case StoredCase stored
Howard, VoncileAppelleeMr. F. W. (Bill) Price
Robinson, LindaAppellantMr. Ronald E. Pearson
Ms. Mary Black Pearson
Trial Court Information
County Court at Law No. 1
Honorable Edward Charles Johnson