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United States Court Cases

District Of Columbia Court Of Appeals Record


Case Information: 10-CF-1002
Short Caption:ANTWON O. BLADES V. UNITED STATESClassification:Appeals - Criminal Felony - Homicide
Lead:10-CF-1002Consolidated: 10-CF-1260
Superior Court or Agency Case Number:CF1-2803-09Filed Date:08/11/2010

Opening Event Date:08/11/2010Case Status:Decided/Dismissed
Record Completed:12/29/2010Post-Decision Matter Pending:
Briefs Completed:06/07/2012
Disposition:Next Scheduled Action:
Mandate Issued:02/20/2013

Party Information
Appellate RoleParty NameIFPAttorney(s)Arguing AttorneyE-Filer
AppelleeUnited StatesN
Roy W. McLeese, IIINN
Anne Y. ParkYN

Event DateStatusDescriptionResult
08/30/2010 On consideration of the notice of appeal and it appearing that appellant has been found eligible for court appointed counsel, it is ORDERED that James W. Klein, Esquire, is hereby appointed to represent appellant in this appeal. It is FURTHER ORDERED that counsel for appellant shall immediately take the necessary steps to review the trial court record and to ensure that the transcripts necessary to the appeal have been ordered and shall, within 30 days from the date of this order complete and file with this court a single copy of the statement regarding transcript available for completion online. Where transcript(s) necessary for this appeal have been ordered and completed for non-appeal purposes, appellant must advise the Court Reporting and Recording Division to forward said transcript(s) for inclusion in the record on appeal. (JAC)
10/29/2010ORDERED, sua sponte, that appeals nos. 10-CF-1002 and 10-CF-1260 are consolidated for all purposes herein. F/O that Thomas T. Heslep, Esquire, is hereby appointed to represent appellant in appeal no. 10-CF-1260. F/O that counsel for appellant in appeal no. 10-CF-1260, shall immediately take the necessary steps to review the trial court record and to ensure that the transcripts necessary to the appeal have been ordered and shall, within 30 days from the date of this order complete and file with this court a single copy of the statement regarding transcript available for completion online. Where transcript(s) necessary for this appeal have been ordered and completed for non-appeal purposes, appellant must advise the Court Reporting and Recording Division to forward said transcript(s) for inclusion in the record on appeal. (JAC)
12/09/2010 On consideration of this court's order of October 29, 2010, directing counsel for appellant Rashar Smith to file the statement regarding transcript within 30 days and it appearing that the statement regarding transcript has not been filed, it is ORDERED that counsel for appellant Rashar Smith shall within 15 days from the date of this order submit the statement regarding transcript, accompanied by a motion for leave to file out of time. The motion should set forth good cause for the failure either to timely file the document or to request an extension within which to do so. (Castillo)
12/29/2010SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #1 (9 pgs/Tape - 4/19/10 proc.)
12/29/2010SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #2 (6 pgs/Davis - 4/22/10 proc.)
12/29/2010SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #3 (90 pgs/Richer - 4/26/10 proc.)
12/29/2010SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #4 (251 pgs/Wood - 4/27/10 proc.)
12/29/2010SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #5 (232 pgs/Maddox - 4/28/10 proc.)
12/29/2010SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #6 (262 pgs/Maar - 4/29/10 proc.)
12/29/2010SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #7 (259 pgs/Maddox - 4/30/10 proc.)
12/29/2010SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #8 (243 pgs/Maar - 5/3/10 proc.)
12/29/2010SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #9 (pgs 244 thru 452/Maar - 5/4/10 proc.)
12/29/2010SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #10 (5 pgs/Tape - 5/5/10 proc.)
12/29/2010SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #11 (34 pgs/Richer - 5/10/10 proc.)
12/29/2010SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #12 (pgs 35 thru 38/Richer - 5/11/10 proc.)
12/29/2010SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #13 (16 pgs/Tape - 7/23/10 proc.)(w/CD)
01/10/2011RECEIVED - aplt's statement re transcript.
01/12/2011FiledSUPPLEMENTAL RECORD - #14 (SEALED pleadings)
01/12/2011FiledSUPPLEMENTAL RECORD - #15 (SEALED pleadings)
01/12/2011RECORD INDEX (10-CF-1002)
01/12/2011RECORD COPIES (10-CF-1002)
01/12/2011FiledRECORD COPIES (10-CF-1260)
01/12/2011RECORD INDEX (10-CF-1260)
01/13/2011 On consideration of appellant Rashar Smith's motion for leave to file the lodged statement regarding transcript, and it appearing that the complete record on appeal has been filed, it is ORDERED that the motion is granted and appellant Smith's lodged statement regarding transcript is filed. It is FURTHER ORDERED that appellants' briefs and the limited appendixes including the documents required by D.C. App. R. 30 (f), shall be filed within 40 days from the date of this order, and appellee's brief shall be filed within 30 days thereafter. See D.C. App. R. 31. (Castillo)
02/22/2011APPELLANT'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF to 90 days. (Blades) no oppo
02/25/2011 On consideration of appellant Antwon O. Blades' unopposed motion for an extension of time within whihc to file the brief, it is ORDERED that appellant Antwon O. Blades' motion is granted and appellant Antwon O. Blades' brief and limited appendix shall be filed on or before May 23, 2011. (JAC)
03/03/2011 On consideration of this court's order of January 13, 2011, directing counsel for appellant Rashar Smith to file the brief, and the limited appendix as required by D.C. App. R. 30 (f), within 40 days and it appearing that the brief and appendix have not been filed, it is ORDERED that appellant Smith's brief and the limited appendix shall be submitted within 20 days from the date of this order, accompanied by a motion for leave to file out of time. The motion should set forth good cause for the failure either to timely file the documents or to request an extension of time within which to do so. (Castillo)
03/29/2011APPELLANT'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF to 5/16/11. (Smith) no oppo
03/29/2011 On consideration of appellant Rashar Smith's motion for extension of time within which to file the brief, it is ORDERED that the motion is granted and appellant Smith's brief and limited appendix shall be filed on on before May 16, 2011. Any further requests of time will be looked upon with disfavor and granted only upon a showing of good cause. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the brief and limited appendix of appellant Anton O. Blades remain due on or before May 23, 2011. (Castilllo)
05/17/2011APPELLANT'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF to 6/20/11. (Smith) no oppo
05/31/2011 On consideration of appellant Rashar Smith unopposed motion for extension of time to file the brief, and the unopposed motion of appellant Anton O. Blades' unopposed motion for extension of time to file the brief, it is ORDERED that the motion of appellant Smith is granted and the brief and limited appendix shall be filed on or before June 20, 2011. Any further requests for extensions of time will be looked upon with disfavor and granted only upon a showing of good cause. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the motion of appellant Blades is granted and the lodged brief and limited appendix shall be filed on or before August 22, 2011. Any further requests for extensions of time will be looked upon with disfavor and granted only upon a showing of good cause. (Castillo)
06/16/2011APPELLANT'S BRIEF (Smith)
06/16/2011APPENDIX (Smith)
08/01/2011FiledCounsel's Motion To Withdraw - and to appoint new counsel (Appellant)
08/15/2011FiledORDER GRANT - Withdraw Appointed Counsel James W. Klein, Esquire, and appointing Nancy Allen, Esquire in appeal no. 10-CF-1002.
09/08/2011FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File 10cf1002 Appendix, Brief (Appellant)
09/15/2011FiledGRANT - Order Granting Appellant Antwon O. Blades' motion for an extension of time within which to file the brief and limited appendix to 12/13/11.
09/22/2011FiledSupplemental Record specify - #16 (19 pgs/Hunt) 3/5/10 proc.
09/22/2011FiledSupplemental Record specify - #17 (13 pgs/tape) 4/7/10 proc.
09/22/2011FiledSupplemental Record specify - #18 (4 pgs/Wood) 4/26/10 proc. w/cd
11/17/2011FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File (Blades) Appendix, Brief (Appellant)Granted
12/01/2011FiledGRANT - Order Granting appellant Antwon O. Blades motion for extension of time to file the brief and limited appendix to 2/13/12.
02/03/2012FiledBrief (Appellant) (Blade)
02/03/2012FiledAppendix ( attached to brief) (Appellant) Blade
03/09/2012FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File Brief (Appellee)
03/13/2012FiledGRANT - Order Granting Motion For Extension Of Time to File Brief (Appellee)
05/09/2012FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File Brief (Appellee)Granted
05/15/2012FiledGRANT - Order Granting Motion For Extension Of Time to File Brief (Appellee) to 6/7/12
06/07/2012FiledBrief (Appellee)
06/07/2012FiledBriefing Completed
06/25/2012FiledACTION - Ready for Calendaring - Regular
07/02/2012FiledLetter To Counsel/Party Re Future Calendaring
07/09/2012FiledLetter From Counsel/Party Re Future Calendaring (Appellee)
07/16/2012FiledLetter From Counsel/Party Re Future Calendaring (Appellant)
10/02/2012FiledACTION - Calendar notice sent
10/24/2012FiledMotion To Supplement The Record (Appellee)Granted
11/07/2012FiledArgued before Judges Washington, Glickman, Newman Thomas T. Heslep, Esq. for appellant Rashar Smith Nancy E. Allen, Esq. for appellant Antwon O. Blades Anne Y. Park, Esq. for appellee
11/13/2012FiledGRANT - Order Granting aple motion to supplement the record.
11/27/2012FiledRemanded (MOJ) (Chief Judge Washington, Glickman, Newman)
12/05/2012FiledQualls Letter Filed (Blades) (Appellant)
12/11/2012FiledPetition For Rehearing/Rehearing En Banc (Smith) (Appellant)Denied