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United States Court Cases

Texas Supreme Court Record


Case: 96-1044
App Writ of Error
Appellate Briefs
Date Event Type Description Remarks Document
09/12/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
09/11/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
07/14/1997Motion for RehearingPetitionerpostmark attached to original
11/15/1996Reply to ResponseRespondent
11/01/1996Application for Writ of Error - FiledPetitioner
Case Events
Date Event Type Disposition Remarks Document
09/12/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
09/11/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
08/20/1997Record returned to Court of Appealscase stored
07/31/1997Motion for Rehearing - DisposedOverruled
07/18/1997Letter Filedthey will not be filing a response to the motion for rehearing
07/14/1997Conditional motion for rehearingNo description available.CONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive begin date.
07/14/1997Motion for Rehearingpostmark attached to original
07/14/1997Motion for Rehearing forwardedrecord remains in the clerk's office
06/27/1997Motion for Extension of Time to File Motion for Rehearing
06/27/1997Motion for Extension of Time to File Motion for Rehearing disposedFiling granted07-11-97
06/27/1997MOTION FOR REHEARING DUE TO BE FILEDRehearing due in this Court on or before 11 July, 1997
06/12/1997Application for Writ of Error - DisposedDeniedApplication for writ of error is denied, with the notation, "Writ Denied".
11/20/1996Case forwarded to Court
11/15/1996Reply to Response
11/01/1996Application for Writ of Error - Filed
Set DateCalendar TypeReason SetRemarks
08/20/1997Case StoredCase stored.27B5 record returned
JONES, FRED M. "MICKEY"RespondentMr. Edwin E. Wright III
Mr. Ronald D. Wren
ALLISON, ALYSON ANNPetitionerMr. L. Brent Farney
Mr. Gershon D. Cohen
Mr. Don W. Griffis
Court of Appeals Information:
Affirmed [duplicate 3]
RULE 90, 07-11-96
8th Court of Appeals
Trial Court Information
70th District Court
Honorable Ira Royal Hart