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United States Court Cases

Texas 1st Court Of Appeals Record

Webb, Joyce v. Charter National Bank, et al

Case: 01-96-01324-CV
Miscellaneous/other civil
Webb, Joyce
Charter National Bank, et al
Appellate Briefs
Date Event Type Description Document
No briefs.
Case Events
Date Event Type Disposition Document
04/12/1999Mandate issued - criminal or civil
04/12/1999Mandate issued - criminal or civil
02/04/1999Motion for rehearing disposedOverruled
12/29/1998Motion for rehearing filed
12/21/1998Extension of time to file mtn. for rehearing disp.Grant motion
12/03/1998Date Petition for Review Disposed in Supreme CourtMotion or Writ Denied (inactivated by Hebert 2-8-06)
12/03/1998Motion for rehearing disposedOverruled
09/22/1998Date Petition for Review filed in Supeme Court
08/28/1998Reporter's record filed (statement of facts)
08/07/1998Ext. time or lv to file Supp. Rpt Rec mot DisposedGrant motion
08/07/1998Motion for rehearing disposedOverruled
07/31/1998Motion for rehearing filed
07/31/1998Motion to file or ext. time to file Supp. Rpt Rec
07/30/1998Filing fee paid in the amount $10.00 of ext on rec
07/30/1998Filing fee paid in the amount $10.00 of ext on rec
07/16/1998Opinion issuedAffirmed in part and reversed and remanded in part
07/16/1998Opinion issuedAffirmed in part and reversed and remanded in part
05/26/1998Brief filed-oral argument has been waived
05/24/1998Brief Due
05/14/1998Order entered
05/08/1998Letter Brief Filed
05/01/1998Brief Due
05/01/1998Brief filed-oral argument has been waived
04/21/1998Order entered
10/24/1997Exhibits filed
10/24/1997No description available.
10/07/1997Motion to ext. time to file ssfacts dispGrant motion
10/07/1997Motion to ext. time to file ssfacts dispGrant motion
08/27/1997Brief filed-oral argument has been requested
08/27/1997Case ready to be set
08/27/1997Motion to extend time to file Supp. SFACTS
08/27/1997Case ready to be set
08/21/1997Motion to extend time to file brief disposed.Grant motion
08/12/1997Motion to extend time to file brief filed.
07/24/1997Motion to extend time to file brief disposed.Grant motion
07/15/1997Motion to extend time to file brief filed.
07/08/1997Brief Due
07/01/1997Motion to extend time to file Supp. SFACTS
06/30/1997No description available.
06/13/1997Brief Due
06/13/1997Brief filed-oral argument has been requested
05/30/1997Brief Due
05/29/1997Motion to extend time to file brief disposed.Grant motion
05/22/1997Motion to extend time to file brief disposed.Grant motion
05/19/1997Motion to extend time to file brief filed.
05/19/1997No description available.
05/15/1997Motion to extend time to file brief filed.
05/15/1997No description available.
04/30/1997Statement of Facts Due
04/30/1997Statement of facts filed
03/21/1997Motion to extend time to file state of facts dispGrant motion
03/20/1997Motion to extend time to file statement of facts
03/20/1997No description available.
03/07/1997Statement of Facts Due
03/06/1997Motion to extend time to file statement of facts
01/23/1997Motion to extend time to file state of facts dispGrant motion
01/07/1997Statement of Facts Due
01/06/1997Motion to extend time to file statement of facts
01/06/1997No description available.
11/27/1996Motion to extend time to file state of facts dispGrant motion
11/26/1996Court correspondence to parties/letter in file
11/15/1996Filing Fee in the amount of $50 paid-trans filed
11/15/1996Motion to extend time to file statement of facts
11/15/1996No description available.
11/08/1996Record due
11/04/1996Transcript filed
11/04/1996Created for Data Conversion -- an event inserted to correspond to the beginning of a process
08/09/1996Motion for new trial filed in trial court (civil Tex. R. Civ. P. 329b, criminal TRAP 21)
06/04/1996Date judgment signed by trial judge
Set DateCalendar TypeReason Set
04/12/1999Case StoredCase stored
WEBB, JOYCEAppellantWillis Witt
WEBB, JOYCEAppelleeBertrand C. Moser
Philip J. Orth, III
COURT RPT, DONALD G. PYLANTCourt reporterDon Pylant
Trial Court Information
Co Civil Ct at Law No 1