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United States Court Cases

District Of Columbia Court Of Appeals Record


Case Information: 11-AA-0541
Short Caption:RONALD L. WIGGINS V. HIGHTOWERS LLCClassification:Agency - Administrative Agency - Employment Services
Superior Court or Agency Case Number:DOES02981-10Filed Date:05/02/2011

Opening Event Date:05/02/2011Case Status:Closed
Record Completed:Post-Decision Matter Pending:
Briefs Completed:
Disposition:Next Scheduled Action:
Mandate Issued:07/19/2011

Party Information
Appellate RoleParty NameIFPAttorney(s)Arguing AttorneyE-Filer
PetitionerRonald L. Wiggins NPro SeN
RespondentHightoers LLCNPro SeN

Event DateStatusDescriptionResult
05/02/2011PETITION FOR REVIEW (RECVD ONLY) (No fee or IFP attached). Held in Abeyance
05/25/2011 ORDERED that PETITIONER SHALL W/N 20 DAYS EITHER TENDER THE $100 FILING FEE or file a motion for IFP...Failure to comply shall subject this petition to dismissal w/o further notice... It is ****MORE****
05/25/2011 FURTHER ORDERED that PETITIONER SHALL W/N 20 DAYS SHOW CAUSE why this petition should not be dismissed for havng been UNTIMELY FILED...It is FURTHER ORDERED that the LODGED PFR is HELD IN ABEYANCE... (BY: ETW) LW
06/15/2011RECEIVED Petitioner's Response to Order to Show Cause (no fee or IFP included).
06/27/2011 ON FURTHER CONSIDERATION of this court's May 25, 2011 order...the response thereto and it appearing that petitioner has neither filed a motion to proceed IFP or tender the required $100 filing fee, it is ORDERED that this PFR IS STRICKEN AND DISMISSED. See DC App R. 24(b); DC App. R. 13. (BY: ETW) LW