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United States Court Cases

Nevada Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Information: 35001
Short Caption:ROUTSIS VS. JUSTICE COURTCourt:Supreme Court
Lower Court Case(s):NONEClassification:Original Proceeding - Criminal - Certiorari/Prohibition
Disqualifications:Case Status:Notice in Lieu of Remittitur Issued/Case Closed
Replacement:Panel Assigned: Panel
To SP/Judge:SP Status:
Oral Argument:Oral Argument Location:
Submission Date:How Submitted:

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
10/21/1999Filing Fee Filing Fee Waived. RETURNED check no. 7734 to Roeser & Roeser.--no fee due.
10/21/1999Petition/WritFiled Petition for Writ of Mandamus or Prohibition. 99-10311
10/21/1999Petition/WritFiled Points and Authorities in Support of Petition for Writ. 99-10312
10/21/1999AppendixFiled Appendix to Petition for Writ. Exhibits to Petition for Writ of Mandamus or in the Alternative Writ of Prohibition. 99-10313
10/28/1999Notice/IncomingFiled Notice. Notice of Entry of Stay. 99-10557
11/22/1999Order/ProceduralFiled Order/Answer Writ Petition. Answer due: 20 days from the date of this order. 99-11622
12/06/1999Petition/WritFiled Answer to Petition for Writ. Respondents' Answer Against Writ of Mandamus, or in the Alternative, Writ of Prohibition. 99-12190
12/10/1999Petition/WritFiled Answer to Petition for Writ. State of Nevada's Answer and Authorities in Response to Original Petition for a Writ of Mandamus or Prohibition. 99-12429
12/14/1999Letter/IncomingFiled Letter. Copy of a letter addressed to Chief Justice Rose from attorney Michael Roeser requesting an extension of time to respond to answer to petition. 99-12580
12/29/1999MotionFiled Motion for Permission to File Document. Motion to Grant Petitioner Leave of Court to Reply to the Answers of Real Parties in Interest and Responses to Petition for a Writ of Mandamus or Prohibition. 99-13368
07/24/2000Order/DispositionalFiled Order Denying Petition. " . . . we deny the petition." fn1[We deny as moot petitioner's request for an extension of time to file a reply and motion for leave to file a reply submitted to this court on December 14, 1999, and December 29, 1999, respectively.] SNP99B-WM/MS/NB 00-12730
07/24/2000Notice/OutgoingIssued Letter. to the Roeser firm: returned unfiled the original Petitioner's Reply to the Answers of Real Parties in Interest and Responses to Petition for a Writ of Mandamus or Prohibition.
08/21/2000RemittiturIssued Notice in Lieu of Remittitur. 00-14587
08/21/2000Case Status Update Remittitur Issued/Case Closed.