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United States Court Cases

Wyoming Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Heading (S-13-0160)
Case Number:S-13-0160Case Docketed On:07/25/2013
Original Court:Ninth Judicial District Teton CountyCase Type:Original Proceeding - Petition for writ of review - Extraordinary Relief
Full Title:GREGORY MATTHEWS, Petitioner, v. THE STATE OF WYOMING, Respondent.

- Party Information
RoleParty NameAttorney(s)
PetitionerGregory MatthewsRobert E. Schroth Sr.
RespondentThe State of WyomingPeter K. Michael
David L. Delicath
Jennifer Eve Zissou

- Case Decision Information
Issues:Criminal Law -DUI, Criminal Law -Search and Seizure
Opinion Number:2014 WY 54
Citation:322 P.3d 1279

Docketing Filter View

Docket Information
Filing DateDocument DescriptionDocket Entry TypeDocket Entry SubtypeStatus
07/25/2013Event - Docketed and indexedEventDocketed and indexedFinal
07/25/2013Fees - Docket fee receivedFeesDocket fee receivedFinal
07/25/2013Petition - Writ - reviewPetitionWrit - reviewFinal
07/25/2013Event - Phone Call to AG advising that petition had been filedEventPhone CallFinal
08/08/2013Response/Objection - Petition for reviewResponse/ObjectionPetition for reviewFinal
08/09/2013Event - Hardcopy received - Response to Petition for Writ of ReviewEventHardcopy receivedFinal
08/13/2013Order - Petition for review - grant - Order Granting Petition for Writ of ReviewOrderPetition for review - grantFinal
09/30/2013Motion - Extension of time - briefMotionExtension of time - briefFinal
09/30/2013Event - Phone Call from AG's office informing us they have no objection to the motion for extension of time.EventPhone CallFinal
10/04/2013Event - Hardcopy received - Petitioner's Motion for Extension of Time to File BriefEventHardcopy receivedFinal
10/04/2013Order - Grant - extension of timeOrderGrant - extension of timeFinal
10/30/2013Brief - Petitioner (Brief dated 10/29/2013)BriefPetitionerFinal
11/04/2013Event - Hardcopy received - Brief of Petitioner on Writ of ReviewEventHardcopy receivedFinal
12/17/2013Brief - RespondentBriefRespondentFinal
12/18/2013Event - Hardcopy received - Brief of Respondent; and received copy of designation of record on appeal.EventHardcopy receivedFinal
01/03/2014Motion - Extension of time - briefMotionExtension of time - briefFinal
01/03/2014Order - Denying Appellant's Request for Extension to File Reply BriefOrderDenyFinal
01/06/2014Order - Oral argument scheduledOrderOral argument scheduledFinal
01/06/2014Brief - Petitioner replyBriefPetitioner replyFinal
01/07/2014Notice-Outgoing - Request for transmitted record on appealNotice-OutgoingRequest for transmitted record on appealFinal
01/07/2014Event - Hardcopy received - Petitioner's Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply BriefEventHardcopy receivedFinal
01/10/2014Event - Hardcopy received - Reply Brief of Petitioner on Writ of ReviewEventHardcopy receivedFinal
01/10/2014Record - Transmitted record on appeal from circuit court clerk, one volume, original papers & cd's. (will be combined with District Court record and labeled at that time).RecordTransmitted record on appealFinal
01/10/2014Event - Phone Call to Clerk of District Court requesting that she prepare and send entire District Court record for transmission to Supreme Court.EventPhone CallFinal
01/15/2014Record - Transmitted record on appeal from district court clerk, two volumes (Volume I, district court pleadings; Volume II, district court exhibits); combined with circuit court transmitted record (pleadings and trial/hearing CDs) - record on appeal consists of three total volumesRecordTransmitted record on appealFinal
01/15/2014Notice-Outgoing - Transmitted record on appeal filedNotice-OutgoingTransmitted record on appeal filedFinal
01/16/2014Notice-Incoming - Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting from Jennifer Zissou obo RespondentNotice-IncomingReceipt acknowledgment - oral argument settingFinal
01/17/2014Notice-Incoming - Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting from Robert E. Schroth, Sr. obo PetitionerNotice-IncomingReceipt acknowledgment - oral argument settingFinal
02/05/2014Motion - Withdrawal of recordMotionWithdrawal of recordFinal
02/06/2014Order - Allowing Withdrawal of Record until 02/10/2014OrderOtherFinal
02/06/2014Event - Hardcopy received - Motion to Withdraw Designated Record on AppealEventHardcopy receivedFinal
02/12/2014Notice-Internal - Oral argument notice, argued before Chief Justice Kite, Justices Hill, Burke, Davis and Fox (Robert E. Schroth, Sr. obo Petitioner; Jennifer E. Zissou obo Respondent) and taken under advisement.Notice-InternalOral argument noticeFinal
04/23/2014Opinion - Opinion and journal order reversing and remanding. Justice Fox writing for the court.OpinionOpinion and journal orderFinal
05/09/2014Notice-Outgoing - MandateNotice-OutgoingMandateFinal
05/09/2014Notice-Outgoing - Record return letterNotice-OutgoingRecord return letterFinal
05/09/2014Record - Record returned to district courtRecordRecord returned to district courtFinal
05/09/2014Event - Case closedEventCase closedFinal
05/14/2014Service - Certified mail signature return card - record signed for 5/12/14ServiceCertified mail signature return cardFinal