Docket Information |
Filing Date | Document Description | Docket Entry Type | Docket Entry Subtype | Status | |
06/10/2013 | Event - Docketed and indexed | Event | Docketed and indexed | Final | |
06/10/2013 | Notice-Incoming - Record completion notice from district court | Notice-Incoming | Record completion notice from district court | Final | |
06/10/2013 | Fees - Docket fee received | Fees | Docket fee received | Final | |
06/10/2013 | Notice-Outgoing - Docketing letter | Notice-Outgoing | Docketing letter | Final | |
07/30/2013 | Brief - Failure to file - appellant | Brief | Failure to file - appellant | Final | |
07/30/2013 | Order - Dismiss - want of prosecution | Order | Dismiss - want of prosecution | Final | |
08/01/2013 | Notice-Incoming - Designation of record | Notice-Incoming | Designation of record | Final | |
08/01/2013 | Petition - Reinstatement | Petition | Reinstatement | Final | |
08/05/2013 | Event - Hardcopy received - Combined Petition for Reinstatement and Brief in Support of Petition; and received proposed order. | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
08/08/2013 | Response/Objection - Other | Response/Objection | Other | Final | |
08/08/2013 | Event - Hardcopy received - Response to Petition for Reinstatement | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
08/27/2013 | Order - Reinstatement - Order Granting Petition to Reinstate Appeal | Order | Reinstatement | Final | |
09/03/2013 | Brief - Appellant, per court's order reinstating appeal. Due date for brief of Appellee calculated from today's date. | Brief | Appellant | Final | |
09/03/2013 | Event - Hardcopy filed per Court's order | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
09/06/2013 | Notice-Incoming - Other - Copy of unfiled notice of substitution of counsel in the district court for Jessica Y. Frint obo Appellee | Notice-Incoming | Other | Final | |
10/21/2013 | Brief - Appellee | Brief | Appellee | Final | |
10/21/2013 | Event - Hardcopy received - Brief of Appellee/Respondent; and copy of Appellee/Respondent's Designation of Record | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
10/25/2013 | Notice-Internal - Expedite recommendation | Notice-Internal | Brief only recommendation | Final | |
11/08/2013 | Brief - Appellant reply | Brief | Appellant reply | Final | |
11/12/2013 | Order - Assigning to expedited docket | Order | Assigning to brief only docket | Final | |
11/12/2013 | Notice-Outgoing - Request for transmitted record on appeal | Notice-Outgoing | Request for transmitted record on appeal | Final | |
11/13/2013 | Event - Hardcopy received - Reply Brief of Appellant | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
11/15/2013 | Record - Notice from District Court Clerk Appellee designated entire record | Record | Other | Final | |
11/15/2013 | Event - Phone Call to Clerk, will send record. | Event | Phone Call | Final | |
11/21/2013 | Record - Transmitted record on appeal from district court clerk, two volumes (Volume I, court pleadings; Volume II, agency record) | Record | Transmitted record on appeal | Final | |
11/21/2013 | Notice-Outgoing - Transmitted record on appeal filed | Notice-Outgoing | Transmitted record on appeal filed | Final | |
03/13/2014 | Opinion - Opinion and journal order affirming. Justice Hill writing for the court. | Opinion | Opinion and journal order | Final | |
03/27/2014 | Motion - Fees and costs | Motion | Fees and costs | Final | |
03/27/2014 | Affidavit - Attorney fees and costs | Affidavit | Attorney fees and costs | Final | |
03/27/2014 | Affidavit - Attorney fees and costs | Affidavit | Attorney fees and costs | Final | |
03/31/2014 | Event - Phone Call to counsel for Appellant requesting original and additional copies | Event | Phone Call | Final | |
04/03/2014 | Event - Hardcopy received - Motion for Payment of Attorney's Fees to Appellant's Attorney | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
04/03/2014 | Event - Hardcopy received - Affidavit of Margot Elizabeth Glendenning | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
04/03/2014 | Event - Hardcopy received - Affidavit of Stephenson D. Emery | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
04/22/2014 | Order - Awarding attorney fees and costs | Order | Awarding attorney fees and costs | Final | |
04/22/2014 | Notice-Outgoing - Mandate | Notice-Outgoing | Mandate | Final | |
04/22/2014 | Notice-Outgoing - Record return letter | Notice-Outgoing | Record return letter | Final | |
04/22/2014 | Record - Record returned to district court | Record | Record returned to district court | Final | |
04/22/2014 | Event - Case closed | Event | Case closed | Final | |
04/25/2014 | Service - Certified mail signature return card - Record signed for 4/23/2014. | Service | Certified mail signature return card | Final | |