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United States Court Cases

Wyoming Supreme/Appellate Court Record

LANCE OIL & GAS COMPANY, INC., a Delaware Corporation v. THE SANDRA K. LANGE TRUST dated June 28, 1994, by and through its Trustee Sandra K. Lange and the MOORE MINERAL TRUST, by and through its Trustees James Moore, Stephen Moore and Vern Moore, Suing on Behalf of Themselves and All Oather Similarly Situated Royalty Owners

Case Heading (S-12-0272)
Case Number:S-12-0272Case Docketed On:12/13/2012
Original Court:Sixth Judicial District Campbell CountyCase Type:Original Proceeding - Petition for writ of review - Extraordinary Relief
Short Title:LANCE OIL & GAS COMPANY, INC., a Delaware Corporation v. THE SANDRA K. LANGE TRUST dated June 28, 1994, by and through its Trustee Sandra K. Lange and the MOORE MINERAL TRUST, by and through its Trustees James Moore, Stephen Moore and Vern Moore, Suing on Behalf of Themselves and All Oather Similarly Situated Royalty Owners
Full Title:LANCE OIL & GAS COMPANY, INC., a Delaware Corporation, Petitioner, v. THE SANDRA K. LANGE TRUST dated June 28, 1994, by and through its Trustee Sandra K. Lange and the MOORE MINERAL TRUST, by and through its Trustees James Moore, Stephen Moore and Vern Moore, Suing on Behalf of Themselves and All Oather Similarly Situated Royalty Owners, Respondents.

- Party Information
RoleParty NameAttorney(s)
PetitionerLance Oil & Gas Company, a Delaware corporationPatrick Reed Day
Mark Richard Ruppert
Jere (Trey) Cecil Overdyke III
RespondentThe Sandra K. Lange Trust dated June 28, 1994J. N. Murdock
Cody L. Balzer
RespondentMoore Mineral TrustJ. N. Murdock
Cody L. Balzer

- Case Decision Information
Opinion Number:

Docketing Filter View

Docket Information
Filing DateDocument DescriptionDocket Entry TypeDocket Entry SubtypeStatus
12/13/2012Event - Docketed and indexedEventDocketed and indexedFinal
12/13/2012Fees - Docket fee receivedFeesDocket fee receivedFinal
12/13/2012Petition - Writ - reviewPetitionWrit - reviewFinal
12/13/2012Notice-Outgoing - Other - Notice to counsel regarding e-filing requirements and electronic service orders sent to Jere (Trey) Cecil Overdyke III and J N Murdock.Notice-OutgoingOtherFinal
12/28/2012Response/Objection - Petition for reviewResponse/ObjectionPetition for reviewFinal
01/02/2013Event - Hardcopy received - Respondent's Response to Petition for Writ of ReviewEventHardcopy receivedFinal
01/02/2013Order - Petition for review - denyOrderPetition for review - denyFinal
01/02/2013Event - Case closedEventCase closedFinal