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United States Court Cases

District Of Columbia Court Of Appeals Record


Case Information: 11-CV-0652
Short Caption:KATARINA VARANI V. EDMUND SELLMAN ET ALClassification:Appeals - Civil - Other Civil
Superior Court or Agency Case Number:CAB8845-02Filed Date:05/26/2011

Opening Event Date:05/26/2011Case Status:Decided/Dismissed
Record Completed:01/23/2012Post-Decision Matter Pending:
Briefs Completed:04/26/2012
Disposition:Next Scheduled Action:
Mandate Issued:12/12/2012
Costs Waived

Party Information
Appellate RoleParty NameIFPAttorney(s)Arguing AttorneyE-Filer
AppellantKatarina Varani YPro SeN
AppelleeEdmund Sellman N
Michael B. McGovernNY
Marie JohnsonYY
AppelleeAppoline A Condominium Owners AssociationN
Marie JohnsonYY
AppelleePnc BankNPro SeN

Event DateStatusDescriptionResult
06/11/2011APPELLANT'S MOTION TO PROCEED IN FORMA PAUPERIS (received in the After Hours Filing Box)(Served by DCCA)
06/20/2011 On consideration of the notice of appeal filed in this case on May 26, 2011, and appellant's motion and financial information statement to proceed on appeal in forma pauperis, and it appearing that appellant is requesting transcript for this appeal, and it further appearing that appellee PNC is a business that must be represented by counsel, it is ORDERED that appellant's motion to proceed on appeal in forma pauperis is granted. However, within 10 calendar days from the date of this order, appellant must file a motion with the Court Reporting division for preparation of transcripts of proceeding in the Superior Court, with notice to appellee(s) for determination in accordance with Hancock V. Mutual of Omaha Ins. Co. 472 A,2d 867 (D,C, 1984). See D.C. App. R. 10 (b)(5)(A). The Court Reporting Division will submit the motion to the appropriate judge for a decision as to whether transcripts will be provided at no costs. It is FURTHER ORDERED that appellant shall simultaneously submit a file-stamped copy of the motion with this court. It is FURTHER ORDERED that appellant's failure to respond to this order shall result in the dismissal of this appeal without further notice for lack of prosecution. See D.C. App. R. 13 (a). It is FURTHER ORDERED that appellee PNC Bank shall within 30 days from the date of this order advise this court as to the identity of its counsel. See Moore Energy Resources, Inc. V. Public Serv. Comm'n of the District of Columbia, 785 A.2d 300, 304, (D.C. 2001); D.C. App. R. 3 (c)(2). (ETW) elp
06/26/2011FiledStatement Regarding Transcript(s) (Appellant)
07/14/2011FiledOrder Sua Sponte Dismissing Appeal
07/26/2011FiledReceived letter from aplt to Chief Judge re: ordering of transcrpts (Appellant)
08/12/2011LodgedReceived pro se letter from Appellant requesting a meeting with the Chief Judge. (Appellant)
08/31/2011FiledMandate Recalled
08/31/2011FiledOrder Granting Motion To Reinstate Appeal.
09/12/2011FiledAnswer/Response to the Court of Appeals Order to Reinstate the Appeal (Appellant)
09/19/2011FiledRecord Copies
09/19/2011FiledRecord Index
09/19/2011FiledSupplemental Record #1 (exhibit summary sheet filed 5/13/ nucn pro tunc 9/1/04, defendant ex 1 counting of legal fees, def ex 2 transcribe of depositions, def ex 3 indentification of the condo)
01/11/2012FiledOrder Sua Sponte directing appellant to file a statement with this court within 10 calendar days from the date of the order, that the arrangement have been made for transmittal of transcript
01/17/2012FiledStatement regarding pending transcripts ordered (Appellant)
01/23/2012FiledSupplemental Record#2 (36-pgs/tape 2/15/11 proc.)
01/23/2012FiledSupplemental Record #3 (36-pgs/ronan 3/15/11 proc.)
01/23/2012FiledSupplemental Record #4 (60-pgs/wood 4/12/11 proc)
01/23/2012FiledSupplemental Record#5 (95-pgs/rogers 4/27/11 proc.)w/cd
01/23/2012FiledRecord Completed
01/27/2012FiledBriefing Order
03/06/2012FiledBrief (Appellant)
03/06/2012FiledAppendix (Appellant) attached to brief
04/06/2012FiledBrief (Appellee Appoline A Condominium Owners Association)
04/13/2012FiledReply Brief (Appellant)
04/26/2012FiledOrder Sua Sponte that this appeal shall be scheduled for consideration before a merits division of this court on the record an on appellate briefs on file.
04/26/2012FiledBriefing Completed
05/22/2012FiledACTION - Ready for Calendaring - Summary
10/02/2012FiledACTION - Calendar notice sent
11/13/2012FiledSubmitted to Judges Blackburne-Rigsby, McLeese, Newman
11/20/2012FiledAffirmed (MOJ) (Judges Blackburne-Rigsby, McLeese, Newman)