Events |
Event Date | Status | Description | Result |
12/24/2008 | | NOTICE OF APPEAL | |
01/15/2009 | | On consideration of the notice of appeal filed in this case and it appearing that this appeal meets the initial criteria for inclusion in the mandatory mediation program, See Administrative Order M229-07, it is ORDERED that counsel for all parties must, within 20 days from the date of this order, individually complete and file with this court two (2) copies of the screening statement available for completion online. Motions for extensions of time to file this form must give specific reasons for a short extension and are not looked upon favorably. If after review of all information the case is selected for inclusion in the mndatory mediation program, counsel will be contacted by the Senior Judge assigned as mediator and must comply with all provisions of administrative order M229-07. If the case is not selected the appeal will proceed without any delay. It is FURTHER ORDERED that failure of the parties to comply with this order may result in the imposition of sanctions. (GP) elp | |
02/05/2009 | | MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE MED SCR STATEMENT (Appellant) | |
02/05/2009 | | RECEIVED - Appellant's Civil Appeals Screening Statement | |
02/05/2009 | | RECEIVED - aple's civil appeals screening statement | |
02/20/2009 | | On consideration of appellant's motion to late file the lodged screening statement, and appellee's motion for an extension of time to file the lodged screening statement, to which no oppositions have been filed, it is ORDERED that appellant's motion is granted and the lodged screening statement is filed. It is (MORE) | |
02/20/2009 | | CIVIL APPEALS SCREENING STATEMENT (Apellant) | |
02/20/2009 | | ORDERED that appellee's motion is granted and the lodged screening statement is filed. (GP) elp | |
02/20/2009 | | CIVIL APPEALS SCREENING STATEMENT (Appellee) | |
02/23/2009 | | NO MEDIATION | |
04/03/2009 | | RECORD INDEX | |
04/03/2009 | | RECORD COMPLETED | |
04/06/2009 | | It appearing that the complete record on appeal has been filed with this court, and it further appearing that the court did not direct this matter to mediation, it is ORDERED that appellant's brief and the appendix including the documents required by D.C. App. R. 30 (a)(1), shall be filed within 40 days from the date of this order, and appellee's brief shall be filed within 30 days thereafter. See D.C. App. R. 31. (GP) elp | |
05/11/2009 | | APPELLANT'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF no oppo to 7/7 | |
05/19/2009 | | On consideration of appellant's consent motion for an extension of time within which to file the brief and the appendix, it is ORDERED that the motion is granted and appellant's brief and the appendix shall be filed on or before July 7, 2009. (GP) elp | |
07/15/2009 | | On consideration of this court's order of May 19, 2009, granting appellant's motion for an extension of time to file the brief and the appendix on or before July 7, 2009, and it appearing that the brief and the appendix have not been filed, it is ORDERED that appellant shall within 20 days from the date of this order, submit the brief and the appendix, accompanied by a motion for leave to file the documents out of time. The motion shall set forth good cause for the failure either to timely file the documents or to request an extension of time within which to do so. Failure to comply with this order shall subject this appeal to dismissal without further notice. (GP) elp | |
07/15/2009 | | APPELLANT'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF no oppo to 7/16/09 | |
07/21/2009 | | On consideration of appellant's consent motion to late file the brief and the appendix, and it appearing that appellant's brief and the appendix were not lodged with this court on or before July 16, 2009, it is ORDERED that the motion is granted to the extent that appellant's brief and the appendix shall be filed within 15 days from the date of this order. Any further requests for extensions of time will be looked upon with disfavor and granted only upon a showing of good cause. (GP) elp | |
07/27/2009 | | APPELLANT'S BRIEF | |
07/27/2009 | | APPENDIX- aplt | |
08/26/2009 | | APPELLEE'S BRIEF | |
08/26/2009 | | BRIEFS COMPLETED | |
09/23/2009 | | RECEIVED - Appellant's Reply Brief | |
09/25/2009 | | On consideration of appellant's consent for leave to late file the lodged reply brief, it is ORDERED that the motion is granted and the lodged reply brief is filed. (elp) | |
09/25/2009 | | APPELLANT'S REPLY BRIEF | |
01/11/2010 | | It appearing that this appeal is likely to be calendared for argument during the month(s) of March 2010 through April 2010, it is ORDERED that counsel shall advise this court in writing by Jan. 22, 2010, of specific dates du ring that period when they are unavailable so that the court can attempt to avoid such dates in scheduling argument. (Please see the attached instruction sheet.) (aj) Garland Pinkston, Jr. Clerk | |
02/03/2010 | | CALENDAR NOTICE SENT | |
03/24/2010 | Filed | ACTION - Argued / Submitted | |
03/24/2010 | | ARGUED before Judges Kramer, Fisher, Blackburne-Rigsby Thomas T. Ruffin, Jr., Esq. for appellant Richard S. Love, Esq. for appellee | |
04/29/2010 | Filed | AFFIRMED Opinion (Kramer, Fisher, Blackburne-Rigsby) and Judgment affirming the trial court's judgment. | |
05/20/2010 | | MANDATE ISSUED | |