Events |
Event Date | Status | Description | Result |
02/09/2007 | | NOTICE OF APPEAL | |
03/30/2007 | | On consideration of the notice of appeal filed in this case on February 9, 2007, and it appearing that no transcript is needed for this appeal, it is ORDERED that a briefing order will be issued upon the filing in this court, by the Clerk of the Superior Court, of the record index in accordance with D.C. App. R. 11 (b)(3)(A). (GP) elp | |
04/12/2007 | | RECORD INDEX | |
04/12/2007 | | SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #1(35-pgs/tape 12/8/6 proc.) | |
04/12/2007 | | RECORD COMPLETED | |
04/17/2007 | | It appearing that the complete record on appeal has been filed with this court, it is ORDERED that appellant's brief and the appendix including the documents required by D.C. App. R. 30 (a)(1), shall be filed within 40 days from the date of this order, and appellees' briefs shall be filed within 30 days thereafter. See D.C. App.R. 31. (GP) elp | |
05/24/2007 | | APPELLANT'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF no oppo to 6/12/07 | |
05/30/2007 | | On consideration of appellant's consent motion for an extension of time within which to file the brief and the appendix, it is ORDERED that the motion is granted and appellant's brief and the appendix shall be filed on or before June 12, 2007. (GP) elp | |
06/12/2007 | | APPELLANT'S BRIEF | |
06/12/2007 | | APPENDIX - aplt | |
06/20/2007 | | TMC - (WHITMAN) motion for summary affirmance - (FANNING) motion for summary affirmance | |
06/26/2007 | | APPELLEE'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY AFFIRMANCE (Whitman - Walker Clinic) | |
07/09/2007 | | APPELLEE'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF (pending disposition of summary affirmance) by: Mary Fanning LW | |
07/17/2007 | | STATEMENT - from aple (Whitman-Walker Clinic's) notice joining motion to stay briefing schedule | |
07/23/2007 | | ORDERED that the MOTION TO EXTEND TIME is HEREBY DENIED as MOOT in light of the pending motions for summary affirmance. See D.C. App. R. 27(c). (BY: ETW) lw | |
08/30/2007 | | ORDERED that appellees' MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY AFFIRMANCE ARE DENIED. It is *****MORE***** | |
08/30/2007 | | FURTHER ORDERED that appellees shall, within 30 days from the date of this order, file their briefs. (RDGLPR) | |
09/20/2007 | | APPELLEE'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF joint 10/29/07 | |
09/25/2007 | | On consideration of appellees' joint consent motion for an extension of time within which to file their briefs, it is ORDERED that the motion is granted and appellees' briefs shall be filed on or before October 29, 2007. Any further requests for extensions of time will be looked upon with disfavor and granted only upon a showing of good cause. (GP) elp | |
10/29/2007 | | APPELLEE'S BRIEF all aples | |
10/29/2007 | | BRIEFS COMPLETED | |
01/31/2008 | | It appearing that this appeal is likely to be calendared for argument during the months of April 2008 thru June 2008, it is ORDERED that counsel shall advise this court in writing by February 19, 2008 of specific dates during that period when they are unavailable so that the court can attempt to avoid such dates in scheduling argument. Counsel must continue to advise the court of availabilities for subsequent months until this case is in fact set for argument. Note that the calendar is prepared approximately two months in advance, e.g. January calendar set for release at the end of November. The court does not encourage the filing of motions to postpone a scheduled argument. If you do seek a change in a scheduled argument date, your motion should both indicate the opponent's position with respect to your request and alternative dates when you and opposing counsel would be available. You may call the Calendar Clerk prior to filing such a motion for information on dates in the scheduled month when the courtroom is available.(aj) Garland Pinkston, Jr. Clerk | |
02/14/2008 | | LETTER FROM COUNSEL/PARTY RE FUTURE CALENDARING aple Whitman Walker Attorney Sanders | |
07/25/2008 | | CALENDAR NOTICE SENT | |
08/18/2008 | | APPELLEE'S MOTION TO POSTPONE/CONTINUE ARGUMENT (Whitman Walker) consent motion | |
08/22/2008 | | On consideration of appellee Whitman Walker's consent motion for continuance of oral arguments, and it appearing that this matter is scheduled on the Regular Calendar of September 11, 2008, it is ORDERED on behalf of the merits division assigned to consider this matter that the motion is denied. (GP) | |
09/11/2008 | | ARGUED before Judges Ruiz, Reid, Farrell Jonathan C. Dailey, Esq. for Appellant Michael L. Sanders, Esq. for Appellees | |
10/01/2009 | | AFFIRMED Opinion (Ruiz, Reid, Farrell) and Judgment affirming the trial court order granting summary judgment. (VACATED PER MARCH 1, 2010, EN BANC ORDER) Opinion published at 980 A.2d 1229. | |
11/10/2009 | | ORDER that appellees, within 14 days from the date of this order, shall file a response to pet for reh en banc (10 copies). (WH) | |
11/24/2009 | | APPELLEE'S ANSWER/RESPONSE- to petition for rehearing en banc | |
03/01/2010 | Filed | ORDER GRANTING APLT PETITION FOR REHEARING EN BANC and the opinion and judgment of October 1, 2009, are hereby vacated. Further Ordered that the Clerk shall schedule this matter for argument before the court sitting en banc as soon as the calendar permits. Further Ordered that aplt shall file its brief within 30 days from the date of this order, aple shall file its brief within 30 days after filing of aplt's brief. Any responsive brief shall be filed within 20 days thereafter. Each party shall file 10 copies of its briefs. These new briefs shall be specifically designed for consideration by and addressed to the en banc court and shall supersede all briefs previously filed in this appeal. Further Ordered that any requests for extension of time will be looked upon with disfavor and will be granted only upon a showing of good cause. (WHRZRDGLKRFIBRTHOB) Order published 3/4/10,published at 990 A.2d 455. | |
03/01/2010 | | LETTER TO COUNSEL/PARTY RE FUTURE CALENDARING (en banc argument for the month of June) | |
03/05/2010 | | LETTER FROM COUNSEL/PARTY RE FUTURE CALENDARING (Whitman Walker Clinic) aple | |
03/15/2010 | | CHANGE OF ADDRESS RECEIVED Alfred F. Belcuore 888 17th Street, NW Suite 904 Washington, DC 20006 202 296-1322 | |
03/15/2010 | | LETTER FROM COUNSEL/PARTY RE FUTURE CALENDARING aple and letting court know that attorney Belcuore will be arguing for the en banc | |
03/23/2010 | | LETTER FROM COUNSEL/PARTY RE FUTURE CALENDARING (from aplt's counsel) | |
03/23/2010 | | APPELLANT'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF en banc no oppo to 4/30/10 | |
03/26/2010 | | APPELLANT'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF to 4/14/10. no oppo | |
03/30/2010 | | ORD GRANT APLT MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF and appellant's brief shall be filed on April 14, 2010, appellee's brief shall be filed on May 21, 2010, and appellant's reply brief shall be filed on May 28, 2010. (WH) | |
04/14/2010 | | APPELLANT'S BRIEF | |
04/14/2010 | | APPENDIX | |
04/21/2010 | | AMICUS CURIAE'S BRIEF (The Trial Lawyers Association of Metropolitan Washington, D.C.)dwm | |
04/26/2010 | | AMICUS CURIAE MISCELLANEOUS SUBSTANTIVE MOTION permission to participate in oral argument in support of aplt | |
04/29/2010 | | APPELLEE'S OPPOSITION-to motion of aplt's amicus curiae to participate in oral argument | |
04/30/2010 | | CALENDAR NOTICE SENT | |
05/13/2010 | | On consideration of the motion to permit the Trial Lawyers Association of Metropolitan Washington, D.C. as amicus curiae to participate in oral argument by dividing time of appellant, and the opposition thereto, and it appearing that this matter is scheduled for En Banc hearing on June 10, 2010, it is ORDERED on behalf of the merits division assigned to consider this matter that the motion is granted and the TLA-DC as amicus curiae may share the argument time allotted to appellant. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the time permitted for oral argument shall not exceed forty-five (45) minutes per side. (GP) | |
05/21/2010 | | APPELLEE'S BRIEF (En banc) | |
05/28/2010 | | AMICUS CURIAE'S BRIEF (Childrens Natl Medical Ctr & Physicians, employees and Assoc. in support of aple's) | |
05/28/2010 | | APPELLANT'S REPLY BRIEF | |
06/10/2010 | Filed | ACTION - Argued / Submitted | |
06/10/2010 | | ARGUED before Cheif Judge Washington, Ruiz, Reid, Glickman, Kramer, Fisher, Blackburne- Rigsby, Thompson, Oberly, Farrell Jonathan C. Dailey, Esq. for the APPELLANT Marc I. Fiedler, Esq. for the APPELLANT Alfred F. Belcuore, Esq. for the APPELLEE | |
06/30/2011 | Filed | REVERSED AND REMANDED (OPINION) (Washington, Chief Judge, and Ruiz, Glickman, Fisher, blackburne-Rigsby, Thompson, and Oberly, Associate Judges, Reid* and Kramer**, Associate Judges, Retired, and Farrell, Senior Judge.) (ORDERED and ADJUDGED that the judgment on appeal is reversed and remanded for further proceedings in the trial court consistent with this opinion.) *Judge Reid was an Associate Judge of the court at the time of argument. Her status changed to Associate Judge, retired, on April 7, 2011. **Judge Kramer was an Associate Judge of the court at the time of argument. Her status changed to Associate Judge, Retired, on May 1, 2011. | |
07/22/2011 | Filed | Mandate | |