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United States Court Cases

District Of Columbia Court Of Appeals Record


Case Information: 07-CT-0140
Short Caption:EVE L. TETAZ V. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAClassification:Appeals - Criminal - DC - DC Non-Traffic
Lead: 07-CT-0271 Consolidated:07-CT-0140, 07-CT-0141 , 07-CT-0262 , 07-CT-0272 , 07-CT-0273 , 07-CT-0284 , 07-CT-0285 , 07-CT-0410 , 07-CT-0434
Superior Court or Agency Case Number:CDC21526-06Filed Date:03/08/2007

Opening Event Date:03/08/2007Case Status:Closed
Record Completed:06/26/2007Post-Decision Matter Pending:
Briefs Completed:08/12/2008
Disposition:Next Scheduled Action:
Mandate Issued:03/09/2010
Costs Waived

Party Information
Appellate RoleParty NameIFPAttorney(s)Arguing AttorneyE-Filer
AppellantEve L. Tetaz Y
Mark L. GoldstoneYY
AppelleeDistrict of ColumbiaN
Rosalyn Calbert GroceNY
Sidney R. BixlerYN

Event DateStatusDescriptionResult
03/20/2007ORDER, SUA SPONTE, CONSOLIDATING APPEALS nos. 07-CT-140 and 07-CT-141 for all purposes. It is FURTHER ORDERED that Mark L. Goldstone, Esquire, is hereby appointed to represent appellant in theses appeals nunc pro tunc to March 9, 2007. It is FURTHER ORDERED that counsel for appellant shall immediately take the necessary steps to review the trial court record and to ensure that the transcripts necessary to these appeals have been ordered and shall, within 30 days from the date of this order complete and file with this court a single copy of the attached statement regarding the transcript ordered for these appeals. Where transcript(s) necessary for these appeals have been ordered and completed for non-appeal purposes, appellant must advise the Court Reporting and Recording Division to forward said transcript(s) for inclusion in the records on appeal. (By: GP)
03/29/2007STATEMENT REGARDING TRANSCRIPT(S) (rt ordered)dfe
03/29/2007RECEIVED - motion for appeal transcript
06/26/2007RECORD INDEX (07CT140)
06/26/2007RECORD COPIES (07CT140)
06/26/2007SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD - #1 (209pgs/Tape) 2/15/07 proc.
06/26/2007SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD - #2 (249pgs/Tape) 2/16/07 proc.
06/26/2007RECORD INDEX (07CT141)
06/26/2007RECORD COPIES (07CT141)
07/05/2007 It appearing that the complete record on appeal has been filed with this court, it is ORDERED that appellant's consolidated brief and the limited appendix including the documents required by D.C. App. R. 30 (f), shall be filed within 40 days from the date of this order, and appellee's brief shall be filed within 30 days thereafter. See D.C. App. R. 31. (By: GP)
07/25/2007ORDER, SUA SPONTE, CONSOLIDATING APPEAL no. 07-CT-641 with previously consolidated appeals nos. 07-CT-140 & 07-CT-141 for all purposes. It is FURTHER ORDERED that Mark Goldstone, Esquire, is hereby appointed to represent appellant in appeal no. 07-CT-641 nunc pro tunc to June 4, 2007. It is FURTHER ORDERED that counsel for appellant shall immediately take the necessary steps to review the trial court record and to ensure that the transcripts necessary to the appeal no. 07-CT-641 have been ordered and shall, within 30 days from the date of this order complete and file with this court a single copy of the attached statement regarding transcript ordered for appeal no. 07-CT-641. Where transcript(s) necessary for appeal no. 07-CT-641 have been ordered and completed for non-appeal purposes, appellant must advise the Court Reporting and Recording Division to forward said transcript(s) for inclusion in the record on appeal. It is FURTHER ORDERED that a new consolidated briefing order will be issued upon completion of the record in appeal no. 07-CT-641. (By: GP)
09/06/2007 On consideration of this court's order of July 25, 2007, directing counsel for appellant in appeal no. 07-CT-641 to file the statement regarding transcript within 30 days, and it appearing that the statement regarding transcript has not been filed, it is ORDERED that counsel for appellant shall within 15 days from the date of this order ubmit the statement regarding transcript in appeal no. 07-CT-641, accompanied by a motion for leave to file out of time. The motion should set forth good cause for the failure either to timely file the document or to request an extension of time within which to do so. (GP)
09/10/2007MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE STATEMENT RE TRANSCRIPT (Titled response to 9/6/07 order) (no oppo)
09/10/2007RECEIVED - statement regarding transcripts (appeal no. 07-CT-641)dfe
09/21/2007 On consideration of appellant's motion for leave to file the lodged statement regarding transcript for appeal no. 07-CT-641, it is ORDERED that appellant's motion is granted and the lodged statement regarding transcript is filed for appeal no. 07-CT-641. (By: GP)
09/21/2007STATEMENT REGARDING TRANSCRIPT(S) (rt ordered) (07-CT-641)
11/06/2007ORDERED: Sua sponte, that appeal no. 07-CT-641 is hereby severed from appeals nos. 07-CT-140 & 07-CT-141. (By: ETW)
11/19/2007ORDER, SUA SPONTE, CONSOLIDATING APPEALS nos. 07-CT-140 and 07-CT-141 with previously consolidated appeals nos. 07-CT-262, 07-CT-271, 07-CT-272, 07-CT-273, 07-CT-284, 07-CT-285 & 07-CT-410 for all purposes. It is FURTHER ORDERED that appellants' brief and the appendixes including the documents required by D.C. App. R. 30 (a)(1), shall be filed within 40 days from the date of this order, and appellee's consolidated brief shall be filed within 30 days thereafter. See D.C. App. R. 31. (By: GP)
12/19/2007RECEIVED - aplt's motion for appt of counsel and 60 day extension to file brief (sent back no cert of service and not enough copies)
12/27/2007APPELLANT'S BRIEF (for appeal nos. 140- & 141)dfe
12/27/2007APPENDIX attached to Appellant's Brief.
01/11/2008ORDERED: That appellants in appeals nos. 07-CT-262, 07-CT-271, 07-CT-272, 07-CT-273, 07-CT-284 and 07-CT-410 shall within 15 days from the date of this order submit the briefs and appendices for each appeal, accompanied by motions for leave to file out of time for each appeal. The motions should set forth good cause for the failure either to timely file the briefs or to request extensions of time within which to do so. Failure to comply with this order shall subject these appeals to dismissal without further notice. See D.C. App. R. 13. (By: GP)
01/23/2008APPEARANCE of Mark Goldstone on behalf of Barfield, Obuszewski, Adams, Hogen, Nicholson, McClanen and Grise.
02/14/2008ORDER GRANTING APPELLANT'S motion to consolidate and appeal no. 07-CT-434 is consolidated with previously consolidated appeals nos. 07-CT-140, 07-CT-141, 07-CT-262, 07-CT-271, 07-CT-272, 07-CT-273, 07-CT-284, 07-CT-285, 07-CT-410 for all purposes. It is FURTHER ORDERED that, in appeal no. 07-CT-434, a briefing order will be issued upon the filing in this court, by the Clerk of the Superior Court, the record index and transcripts required by D.C. App. R. 11 (b)(3)(A). It is FURTHER ORDERED that appellee's motion for an extension of time within which to file the brief is granted to the extent that a consolidated brief shall be filed within 30 days from the date the brief of appellant is filed in appeal no. 07-CT-434. (By: GP)
04/15/2008RECEIVED - aplt's brief (07-CT-434)dfe
04/15/2008RECEIVED - aplt's appdx (attached to brief) (07-CT-434)dfe
05/29/2008RECORD INDEX - 07-CT-434 (Barber)
06/18/2008ORDERED: That the lodged brief and the limited appendix are filed in appeal no. 07-CT-434. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the brief of appellee shall be filed within 30 days from the date of this order. (By: GP)
06/18/2008APPELLANT'S BRIEF (07-CT-434)
06/18/2008APPENDIX (07-CT-434)
07/09/2008SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD - #3 (30pgs/Tape) 3/14/07 proc.
07/09/2008SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD - #4 (237pgs/Tape) 3/14/07 proc.
07/25/2008 On consideration of appellee's motion for an extension of time within which to file the brief, to which no opposition has been filed, it is ORDERED that the motion is granted and appellee's brief shall be filed on or before August 1, 2008. (By: GP)
08/07/2008RECEIVED - aple's brief.
08/12/2008 On consideration of appellee's motion for an extension of time within which to file the brief, to which no opposition has been filed, and the lodged brief, it is ORDERED that appellee's motion is granted and the lodged brief is filed. It is FURTHER ORDERED that this appeal shall be scheduled for consideration before a merits division as soon as the calendar permits. (By: GP)
12/19/2008 It appearing that this appeal is likely to be calendared for argument during the months of March 2009 thru May 2009, it is ORDERED that counsel shall advise this court in writing by January 12, 2009 of specific dates during that period when they are unavailable so that the court can attempt to avoid such dates in scheduling argument. Counsel must continue to advise the court of availabilities for subsequent months until this case is in fact set for argument. Note that the calendar is prepared approximately two months in advance, e.g. January calendar set for release at the end of November. The court does not encourage the filing of motions to postpone a scheduled argument. If you do seek a change in a scheduled argument date, your motion should both indicate the opponent's position with respect to your request and alternative dates when you and opposing counsel would be available. You may call the Calendar Clerk prior to filing such a motion for information on dates in the scheduled month when the courtroom is available.(aj) Garland Pinkston, Jr. Clerk
03/31/2009RECEIVED - Aplt's motion to deliver oral argu- ment in consolidated cases (filed by Obuszewski)
04/02/2009FiledACTION - Argued / Submitted
04/02/2009ARGUED before Judge Ruiz, Kramer, Farrell Max Obuszweski, Pro Se John Barber, Pro Se Sidney R. Bixler, Esq. Appellee
07/30/2009AFFIRMED Opinion (Ruiz, Kramer, Farrell) and Judgment affirming the judgment on appeal.
08/17/2009APLT MO TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE PET FOR REHEARING until September 20, 2009 and for leave to late file (Tetaz)(unopposed)
08/18/2009ORD GRT APLT MO TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE PET FOR REH on or before September 21, 2009. (WH) (of Tetaz)
09/17/2009APPELLANT'S MISCELLANEOUS PROCEDURAL MOTION for leave to exceed page limit for pet for reh/ reh en banc. no oppo
09/17/2009RECEIVED - consolidated aplt's combined pet for reh/reh en banc.
11/10/2009ORDER that appellee, within 14 days from the date of this order, shall file a response to pet for reh/reh en banc (10 copies). (WH)
11/24/2009APLE MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE ANSWER/RESPONSEto Appellant's Petition for Rehearing until December 22, 2009 (no oppo).
12/01/2009ORD GRT APLE MO TO EXT TM TO FILE ANSWER/RESPONSE to pet for reh/reh en banc on or before Dec. 22, 2009. (WH)
12/22/2009APPELLEE'S ANSWER/RESPONSE - to aplt's petition for reharing/rehearing en banc
03/01/2010ORD DENY APPELLANT'S PETITION FOR REH/REH EN BANC and grant aplts' motion to file the lodged petition in excess of page limit and the Clerk is directed to file the lodged petition. (WHRZRDGLKRFIBRTHOBFA) (Judge Ruiz would grant the petition for rehearing.)