Events |
Event Date | Status | Description | Result |
02/19/2008 | | NOTICE OF APPEAL | |
02/22/2008 | | APPELLANT'S MOTION FOR STAY of execution of order and for an injunction pending appeal | |
02/25/2008 | | TMC - appellants' EMERGENCY motion for stay - appellants' supplement - opposition - appellees' supplement to opposition | |
03/04/2008 | | APPELLEE'S OPPOSITION to Appellant's Motion for Stay of Execution of Order and for Injunction pending appeal | |
03/04/2008 | | RECEIVED - aplt's supp in support of emergency mot for stay of execution of order and for injunction pending appeal. | |
03/04/2008 | | RECEIVED - aple's supp to oppo to aplt's emergency mot for stay of execution of order and for injunction pending appeal. | |
03/05/2008 | | ORDERED that appellants' EMERGENCY MOTION FOR STAY IS GRANTED TO THE EXTENT that the portion of the Superior Court order requiring them to meet and discuss relocation is stayed until a demolition permit has been issued and DENIED TO THE EXTENT that appellees are required to reestablish gas and heat to the subject property. It is *****MORE***** | |
03/05/2008 | | FURTHER ORDERED that appellees' REQUEST FOR BOND IS DENIED. It is *****MORE****** | |
03/05/2008 | | F/ORDERED that appellant shall, within 10 days from the date of this order, complete and file with this court a single copy of the attached statement regarding transcript. Where transcript(s) necessary for this appeal have been ordered and completed for non-appeal purposes, appellant must advise the Court Reporting Division to forward said transcript(s) for inclusion in the record on appeal. FURTHER ORDERED appellant's failure to respond to any order of this court, including this order, shall subject this appeal to dismissal without further notice for lack of prosecution. See D.C. App. R. 13(a). (BRTHPR) | |
03/13/2008 | | APPELLANT'S MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION PARTIAL of 3/5/08 (emergency) | |
03/13/2008 | | STATEMENT REGARDING TRANSCRIPT(S) (RT-NEEDED/RT-ORDERED for 11/28/07, 12/21/07, 2/8/08, 2/11/08 & 2/29/08) (elp) | |
03/14/2008 | | TMC - appellant's EMERGENCY motion for partial reconsideration - opposition | |
03/20/2008 | | APPELLEE'S OPPOSITION - to aplt's emergency motion for partial reconsideration of 3/15/08 order AND MOTION TO VACATE THE STAY LW | |
03/27/2008 | | RECEIVED- supplement to aple's oppo to aplt's emergency motion for partial reconsideration of 3/5/08 order and partial motion for reconsideration of same | |
03/28/2008 | | ORDERED that appellee's MOTION TO VACATE THE STAY IS DENIED. It is *****MORE***** | |
03/28/2008 | | FURTHER ORDERED that appellants' MOTION FOR PARTIAL RECONSIDERATION IS GRANTED TO THE EXTENT that the stay shall remain in effect until appellees secure the demolition permit or pursue any other action and resolution by the landlord and tenant court that would establish their legal right to possession. (BRTHPR) | |
04/29/2008 | | APPELLANT'S MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE w/08cv430 | |
05/21/2008 | | Upon consideration of the notices of appeal in these matter, and appellant's motion to consolidate, to which no opposition has been filed, and it appearing that no new transcript is needed for appeal no. 08-CV-430, and it further appearing that these appeals meet the initial criteria for inclusion in the mandatory mediation program. See Administrative Order M229-07, it is ORDERED that appellants' motion to consolidate is granted and appeal nos. 08-CV-125, and 08-CV-430 are consolidated for all purposes. It is (MORE) | |
05/21/2008 | | FURTHER ORDERED that counsel for all parties must, within 20 calendar days from the date of this order, individually complete and file with this court two (2) copies of the attached screening statement. Motions for extensions of time to file this form must give specific reasons for a short extension and are not looked upon favorably. If after review of the case is selected for inclusion in the mandatory mediation program, counsel will be contacted by the Senior Judge assigned as mediatior and must comply with all provisions of administrative order M229-07. If the case is not selected the appeal will proceed without any delay. It is FURTHER ORDERED that failure to comply with this order may result in the imposition of sanctions. (GP) elp | |
06/02/2008 | | CIVIL APPEALS SCREENING STATEMENT (aples) | |
06/09/2008 | | NO MEDIATION | |
07/23/2008 | | SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#1 (140-pgs/tape 2/8/08 proc.) | |
07/23/2008 | | SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#2 (27-pgs/tape 2/11/08 proc.) | |
07/23/2008 | | SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#3 (16-pgs/tape 2/29/08 proc.) | |
08/25/2008 | | RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE to 8/5/08 order | |
08/27/2008 | | ORDERED that the OTSC IS HEREBY DISCHARGED. It is *****MORE***** | |
08/27/2008 | | FURTHER ORDERED, SS, that appeals no. 08-CV-812, IS HEREBY CONSOLIDATED with previously consolidated appeals nos 08-CV-125 and 08-CV-430, for all purposes herein. It is FURTHER ORDERED that a briefing order shall be issued once the complete records on appeal including all ordered transcript have been transmitted to this court. (GLTHSC) | |
09/04/2008 | | SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#4 (71-pgs/tape 11/28/07 proc.) | |
09/04/2008 | | SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#5 (12-pgs/tape 11/28/07 proc.) | |
09/04/2008 | | SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#6 (12-pgs/tape 12/21/07 proc.) | |
09/04/2008 | | RECORD COMPLETED | |
09/04/2008 | | It appearing that the complete record on appeal has been filed with this court, it is ORDERED that appellants' brief and the appendix including the documents required by D.C. App. R. 30 (a)(1), shall be filed within 40 days from the date of this order, and appellees' brief shall be filed within 30 days thereafter. See D.C. App. R. 31. (GP) elp | |
09/09/2008 | | RECORD INDEX | |
09/09/2008 | | RECORD COPIES | |
10/14/2008 | | APPELLANT'S BRIEF | |
10/14/2008 | | APPENDIX to Appellant's Brief. | |
10/21/2008 | | AMICUS CURIAE MISCELLANEOUS PROCEDURAL MOTION-of the Legal Aid Society of D.C. for leave to file a brief as Amicus Curiae in support of Aplts and for an extension of time within which to do so (dwm) | |
10/22/2008 | | TMC - motion to extend time to file amicus brief - motion to extend time to file brief (SCHUMAN) - motion to dismiss (SCHUMAN) - (SCHUMAN's) oppo to leave to file amicus brief - appellant's opposition to motion to dismiss | |
10/28/2008 | | APPELLEE'S OPPOSITION- to motion of Legal Aid Society of the D.C. for leave to file a brief as Amicus Curiae in support of aplt and for extension of time within which to do so. | |
10/30/2008 | | APPELLANT'S ANSWER/RESPONSE- to aple' oppo to legal aid's motin for leave to file a brief as amicus curiae | |
11/10/2008 | | APPELLANT'S OPPOSITION - to aple's motion to dismiss | |
11/13/2008 | | RECEIVED - aple's brief. | |
11/17/2008 | | APPELLEE'S ANSWER/RESPONSE- to aplt's opposition to appellee's motion to dismiss appeal (dwm) | |
11/21/2008 | | ORDERED that appellees' MOTION TO DISMISS THE APPEALS AS MOOT IS GRANTED and these appeals are HEREBY DISMISSED. It is *****MORE******** | |
11/21/2008 | | FURTHER ORDERED that the Legal Aid Society's MOTION FOR LEAVE to file an AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF on behalf of appellants and MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME to do so are DENIED AS MOOT. It is ********MORE********* | |
11/21/2008 | | DISMISSED | |
12/15/2008 | | MANDATE ISSUED | |