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United States Court Cases

District Of Columbia Court Of Appeals Record


Case Information: 05-AA-0349
Short Caption:QUINCY SCOTT V. DTI, INC.Classification:Agency - Administrative Agency - Employment Services
Superior Court or Agency Case Number:ESP100923-05Filed Date:04/14/2005

Opening Event Date:04/14/2005Case Status:Closed
Record Completed:03/22/2006Post-Decision Matter Pending:
Briefs Completed:05/26/2006
Disposition:Next Scheduled Action:
Mandate Issued:12/08/2006
Costs Waived

Party Information
Appellate RoleParty NameIFPAttorney(s)Arguing AttorneyE-Filer
PetitionerQuincy Scott Y
RespondentDti, Inc.N
Natalie S. Cortez YN

Event DateStatusDescriptionResult
04/14/2005PETITION FOR REVIEW (Nunc Pro Tunc)
04/28/2005 On consideration of petitioner's motion and affidavit to proceed on appeal in forma pauperis, and the lodged petition for review, and it appearing that DTI, Inc., is a business that must be represented by counsel, it is (More)
04/28/2005ORDER GRANT PTNR MO TO PROCEED IN FORMA PAUPERIS and the petitioner shall proceed in forma pauperis. It is F/O that the Clerk shall file the lodged petition for review nunc pro tunc to April 14, 2005. It is F/O that the Office of Administrative Hearings shall file the administrative record within 60 days from the date of this order. See D.C. App. R. 17. It is F/O that DTI, Inc., shall within 30 days from the date of this order advise this court as to the identity of its counsel. See Moore Energy Resources, Inc. v. Public Serv. Comm'n of the District of Columbia, 785 A.2d 300, 304 (D.C. 2001); D.C. App. R. 15(a)(5). (BY: AMW)
06/29/2005RECEIVED - record on appeal
07/27/2005 On consideration of respondent's motion for leave to late file the lodged administrative record, to which on opposition has been filed, and on further consideration of this court's order of April 28, 2005, directing respondent to identity its counsel, and it appearing that respondent has failed to comply with the order, it is ORDERED that respondent shall within 15 days from the date of this order advise this court as to the identity of its counsel. See Moore Energy Resources, Inc. v. Public Serv. Comm'n of the District of Columbia, 785 A.2d 300, 304 (D.C. 2001); D.C. App. R. 15 (a)(5). It is (More)
07/27/2005ORD GRANT RESP MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE THE RECORD and the lodged administrative record is filed. it is F/O that petitioner's brief and the limited appendix shall be filed within 40 days from the date of this order, and respondent's brief shall be filed within 30 days thereafter. See D.C. App. R. 30, 31. (BY: AMW)
09/01/2005APPEARANCE of Glenn Schlactus as retained counsel for pet.
09/01/2005PETITIONER'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF to 30 days after documentation of the hearing is provided.
09/06/2005 On consideration of petitioner's emergency motion for an extension of time to file the brief, and it appearing that the record filed with this court by the Office of Administrative Hearing is incomplete, and it further appearing that respondent has failed to identify its counsel, it is ORDERED that Office of Administrative Hearings shall, within 30 days from the date of this order, file either a certified copy of the transcript of any testimony before the agency or a certified narrative statement of relevant proceedings and evidence in accordance with D.C. App. R. 16(a)(4). It is (More)
09/06/2005ORDER GRANT PTNR MOTION TO EXT TIME TO FILE BRIEF to the extent that petitioner's brief and the appendix shall be filed within 40 days from the date the aforementioned transcript or narrative statement is filed with this court. It is F/O that respondent shall, within 15 days from the date of this order identify its counsel. See Moore Energy Resources, Inc. v. Public Serv. Comm'n of the District of Columbia, 785 A.2d 300, 304 (D.C. 2001); D.C. App. R. 15 (a)(5). (BY: ETW)
09/12/2005APPEARANCE - of Richard A. Medway on behalf of respondent
09/13/2005TMC - respondent's motion to dismiss - opposition
09/26/2005PETITIONER'S OPPOSITION - to respondent's motion to dismiss and petitioner's motion for substitution
10/03/2005RESPONDENT'S REPLY - memorandum in support of its motion to dismiss
10/06/2005 On consideration of respondent's motion to dismiss it from the appeal, petitioner's limited opposition thereto requesting that the District of Columbia Department of Employment Services be substituted as respondent herein, and the reply thereto, it is ORDERED that respondent's motion to dismiss shall be denied TO THE EXTENT that it requests dismissal of DTI, Inc., as the respondent herein. See D.C. Code 2-1831.16 (h) (2005 Supp.). It is FURTHER ORDERED that respondent's motion to dismiss shall be construed as its statement in lieu of brief. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the District of Columbia Department of Employment Services may seek to intervene in this matter. (GLPRNE)
10/06/2005RESP MOTION FOR LEAVE TO SUPPLEMENT THE RECORD w/cd attached and extension of time of filing transcripts filed by: to:11/15/05 Olga Brand, Staff Brandon Office of Administrative Hearings
10/11/2005RECEIVED - amended certificate of service re: pleading filed on 9/26/05
10/20/2005 On consideration of Office of Administrative Hearings' submission of audio recording and motion for extension of itme for filing of transcript, to which no opposition has been filed, and it appearing that an audio CD does not comply with this court's rules, it is (More)
10/20/2005ORDER GRANT RESP MISCELLANEOUS PROCEDURAL MOTION to file the transcript to the extent that Office of Administrative Hearings shall file the transcript within 45 days from the date of this order. (BY: ETW)
12/13/2005 On consideration of court's order of October 22, 2006, which directed Office of Administrative Hearings to file either a certified copy of any testimony testimony before the agency or a certified narrative statement of relevant proceedings within 45 days from the date of the order, and it appearing that Office of Administrative Hearings have failed to comply with the order, it is ORDERED that the Office of Administrative Hearings shall, within 15 days from the date of this order, submit either a certified copy of the transcript of any testimony before the agency or a certified narrative statement of relevant proceedings and evidence in accordance with D.C. App. R. 16 (a)(4), accompanied by a motion for leave to file out of time. The motion should set forth good cause for the failure either to timely file the document or to request an extension of time within which to do so. (GP)
12/13/2005NOTICE RECEIVED - from respondent withdrawing counsel of record
12/27/2005 On consideration of respondent's notice withdrawing counsel of record, construed as a motion to withdraw appearance, it is ORDERED that the motion of respondent is granted, and the appearance of Richard A. Medway, Esquire, is hereby withdrawn, and that Anie E. Wulkan, Esquire, will remain as counsel for respondent. (ETW) elp
01/25/2006APPEARANCE of Arthur Rogers for pet's.
02/02/2006PETITIONER'S MISCELLANEOUS PROCEDURAL MOTION to compel D.C.'s OAH hearings to file transcripts, or in the alternative, motion for ex parte consideration of appeal (dwm)
02/22/2006CHANGE OF ADDRESS RECEIVED Glenn Schlactus 29 Lightning Ridge Road Santa Fe, NM 87505 202 246-7641
03/22/2006SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #1 (transcript)
04/04/2006ORDER DENYING AS MOOT PETITIONER'S motion to compel filing of the transript, or in the alternative, motion for ex parte consideration of appeal, and it appearing that the complete record on appeal has been filed, it is F/ORDERED that petitioner's brief and the appendix shall be filed w/in 40 days from the date of this order, and respondent's brief shall be filed w/in 30 days thereafter. See D.C. A.. R. 30, 31. (ETW)
04/11/2006APPEARANCE - of Natalie S. Cortez, Esq. representing respondent (DTI, Inc)
04/28/2006APPENDIX - petitioner's
05/04/2006COUNSEL'S MOTION TO WITHDRAW FOR BUSINESS REASONS withdraw co-counsel (Glenn Schlactus) Granted
05/23/2006ORDER: Grant the motion of con-counsel, Glenn Schlactus, Esquire, for petitioner to withdraw his appearance, it is ORDERED that the motion is granted and the appearance of Glenn Schlactus, Esquire, is hereby withdrawn as counsel of record. See D.C. App. R. 42(b). It is F/O that the Clerk shall note that co-counselArthur P. Rogers, Esquire, will remain as the counsel of record for petitioner. (ETW)
10/17/2006FiledACTION - Argued / Submitted
10/17/2006SUBMITTED to Judges Ruiz, Kramer, Nebeker
11/16/2006AFFIRMED MOJ (Ruiz, Kramer, Nebeker)