Events |
Event Date | Status | Description | Result |
04/05/2005 | | PETITION FOR REVIEW | |
04/05/2005 | | FILING FEE of $100.00. | |
04/06/2005 | | CERTIFIED COPY OF PETITION TO BOARD and Richard A. Beverly, Esq. | |
04/11/2005 | | On consideration of the petitions for review regarding matters before the Publice Service Commission, it is (More) | |
04/11/2005 | | ORDER, SUA SPONTE, CONSOLIDATING APPEAL NO. 05-AA-315 with previously consolidated petitions for reviews nos. 05-AA-155 & 05-AA-157 for all purposes herein. It is F/O, sua sponte, that petition for review no. 05-AA-315 is hereby expedited. It is F/O that respondent shall within 20 days from the date of this order prepare and transmit the administrative records. See D.C. App. R. 17. (BY: JAT) | |
04/11/2005 | | CASE EXPEDITED | |
04/11/2005 | | RESPONDENT'S ANSWER/RESPONSE - to petition for review | |
04/11/2005 | | RECORD ON APPEAL 05AA155 | |
04/11/2005 | | RECORD ON APPEAL 05AA157 | |
04/11/2005 | | RECORD COMPLETED for 05-AA-315 (No separate record, see the Record in 05-AA-155 and 05-AA-157) ta | |
04/12/2005 | | PETITIONER'S MOTION FOR STAY (Wash. Gas Energy) | |
04/18/2005 | | STATEMENT - from respondent regarding the court order of 4/11/05 and the administrative record | |
04/19/2005 | | RESPONDENT'S OPPOSITION - to petitioner motion to stay pending appeal and motion for bond or security | |
04/25/2005 | | TMC - Petr's motion for stay - Respondent's opposition - Respondent's motion to supplement record - Respondent's response to petition for review | |
04/26/2005 | | ORDER DENYING PETITIONER MOTION FOR STAY Petitioner has not demonstrated a likelihood of cuccess on the merits or identified any irreparable harm. See Barry v. Washington Post Co., 529 A.2d 319, 321 (D.C. 1987); District of Columbia v. Group Ins. Admi., 633 A.2d 2, 23 (D.C. 1993). *** MORE *** | |
04/26/2005 | | ORD GRANT RESP MO FOR LV TO SUPPLELENT THE RECORD and the Clerk shall file the documents attached thereto as a supplemental record. F/O that in light of respondent's April 18th Statement, that the order of April 11, 2005, is vacated tothe extent that it directs filing of the record. F/O that petitioners shall file their briefs on the merits within 40 days from the date of this order, that respondent shall file its brief 30 days thereafter, and petitioners their replies, if any, within 21 more days. See D.C. App. R. 31. (by: TERZNE) | |
04/26/2005 | | SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #1: Titled (Formal Case nos. GAS 04-3 & EAS 04-1) | |
04/26/2005 | | RECORD COMPLETED | |
06/03/2005 | | PETITIONER'S MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE w/05aa426 no oppo | |
06/06/2005 | | PETITIONER'S BRIEF (Washington Gas Energy Service) | |
06/06/2005 | | APPENDIX - (additional copies filed 6/15/05) ee (PEPCO) ee | |
06/06/2005 | | PETITIONER'S BRIEF (Pepco Energy Service) | |
06/08/2005 | | PTNR MOTION FOR LV TO FILE AMENDED/CORRECTED BRIEF and to file file a late appendix. (Washington Gas Energy Svcs.) | |
06/08/2005 | | RECEIVED - aplt's corrected brief and appendix. (Washington Gas Energy Svcs.) | |
06/13/2005 | | MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE APPENDIX (Pepco Energy Services (Petitioner for 05-AA-157)) | |
06/13/2005 | | RECEIVED Appendix (Pepco 05-AA-157) | |
06/15/2005 | | On consideration of the motion to consolidate, filed by Pepco Energy Services, Inc., the motion to accept the appendix out of time, filed by Pepco Energy Services, Inc.; and the motion of Washington Gas Energy Services, Inc., to correct typographical errors in its lodged corrected brief and to file a late appendix, to which no oppositions have been filed, and it appearing that the initial briefs of petitioners in petition for review nos. 05-AA-155, 05-AA-157 and 05-AA-315 have been filed, and it further appearing that these cases are expedited, it is (More) | |
06/15/2005 | | ORDER GRANTING PETITIONER'S MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE and petition for review no. 05-AA-426 is hereby consolidated with previously consolidated petitions for review nos. 05-AA-155, 05-AA-157 and 05-AA-315 for all purposes herein. It is (More) | |
06/15/2005 | | GRANT MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE APPENDIX to the extent that the Clerk shall file the lodged copies of the appendices to Pepco Energy Services, Inc.'s brief, nunc pro tunc to June 6, 2005. It is F/O, sua sponte, that petition for review no. 05-AA-426 is hereby expedited. It is (More) | |
06/15/2005 | | ORD GRT PTNR MO FOR LV TO FL AMENDED/CORRECTED BRF to the extent that the Clerk shall file the lodged corrected brief and the appendix of Washington Gas Energy Services, Inc. It is F/O that, in petition for review no. 05-AA-426, petitioner shall file a supplemental brief and appendix, no later than July 18, 2005, and the consolidated brief of respondent shall be filed no later than August 17, 2005, and the reply briefs of petitioners, if any, shall be filed no later than September 7, 2005. See D.C. App. R. 31. It is F/O that these cases shall be placed on the calendar of December, 2005. As these dates have been set to enable the court to schedule these cases on this calendar, it is F/O that any requests for extensions of time will be looked upon with disfavor and granted only upon a showing of good cause. (BY: AMW) | |
06/15/2005 | | LETTER TO COUNSEL/PARTY RE FUTURE CALENDARING (December Calendar) | |
06/15/2005 | | PETITIONER'S AMENDED/CORRECTED BRIEF (Washington Gas Energy Services, Inc.) | |
06/15/2005 | | APPENDIX (Washington Gas Services, Inc.) | |
06/15/2005 | | CASE EXPEDITED (05-AA-426) | |
07/18/2005 | | PETITIONER'S SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF/MEMORANDUM (Pepco energy services) | |
07/18/2005 | | APPENDIX (pepco energy services) | |
08/17/2005 | | RECEIVED - respondent's point & authorities in support of respondent's motion for summary affirmance affirmance or in the alternative, reply brief of respondent | |
08/18/2005 | | TMC - (D.C.'s) motion for summary affirmance - points and authorities in support of - petitioner's (WASHINGTON GAS) response - petitioner's (PEPCO) response | |
08/24/2005 | | PETITIONER'S ANSWER/RESPONSE to Public Service Commission for summary affirmance (BY: WASHIGNTON GAS ENGERGY SERVICES INC.) LW | |
08/25/2005 | | PETITIONER'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY REVERSAL and MOTION FOR EXPEDITED DECISION ON BRIEFING and response to motion for summary affirmance (BY: PEPCO) LW | |
08/30/2005 | | PETITIONER'S ANSWER/RESPONSE - to cross motion of PEPCO for summary reversal and an expedited decision on briefing schedule LW | |
09/02/2005 | | RESPONDENT'S MOTION FOR LV TO FILE ANSWER/RESPONSE to petitioner's motion for summary reversal (BY: D.C. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION) LW | |
09/02/2005 | | RECEIVED - Respondent's response to petitioner's motion for summary reversal | |
09/06/2005 | | ORDER GRANT RESP MO FOR LV TO FILE ANSWER/RESPONSE and the Clerk shall file the lodged response. It is *****MORE***** | |
09/06/2005 | | RESPONDENT'S ANSWER/RESPONSE *****MORE***** | |
09/06/2005 | | ORDER DENYING RESP MOTION FOR SUMMARY AFFIRMANCE NEITHER the law nor the facts are clear and thus this matter is not ripe for summary disposition. See Oliver T. Carr Mgm't, Inc. v. Nat'l, Inc., 397 A.2d 914, 915 (D.C. 1979). It is *****MORE***** | |
09/06/2005 | | FURTHER ORDERED that respondent's alternative request is granted and the Clerk shall file respondent's motion for summary affirmance as its brief on the merits. It is *****MORE***** | |
09/06/2005 | | RESPONDENT'S BRIEF (DC PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION) ****motion for summary affirmance filed as BRIEF per 9/6/05 order *****MORE***** | |
09/06/2005 | | ORDER DENY PETITIONER MOTION FOR SUMMARY REVERSAL Neither the law nor the facts are clear and thus this matter is not ripe for summary disposition. See T. Carr Mgm't, INc., v Nat'l Deli., Inc. It is *****MORE***** | |
09/06/2005 | | ORDER DENYING PETITIONER MOTION TO EXPEDITE APPEAL AS MOOT since the matter is already scheduled for the December 2005 calendar. It is ******MORE****** | |
09/06/2005 | | FURTHER ORDERED that petitioners shall file their reply briefs, if any, within 21 days from the date of this order. See D.C. App. R. 31. (TEFANW) | |
09/06/2005 | | BRIEFS COMPLETED | |
09/07/2005 | | RECEIVED - petitoiner's reply to response of Public Service Commission of the D.C. to motion for summary reversal of Pepco ENERGY Services, Inc., | |
09/27/2005 | | PETITIONER'S REPLY BRIEF (Washington Gas) | |
09/27/2005 | | PETITIONER'S REPLY BRIEF - (Pepco Energy Srv) | |
10/27/2005 | | CALENDAR NOTICE SENT | |
12/06/2005 | | RESPONDENT'S MISCELLANEOUS PROCEDURAL MOTION to correct typographical errors in respondent's brief anf to add pages inadvertently omitted from agency record at WGES R. 58, order no. 13478 | |
12/16/2005 | Filed | ACTION - Argued / Submitted | |
12/16/2005 | | ARGUED before Judges Schwelb, Reid, Fisher Peter E. Meier, Esq. for petitioner Pepco Karen B. Pancost, Esq. for petitioner Wash Gas Marc J. Williams, Esq. for respondent | |
12/22/2005 | | On consideration of the respondent's motion to correct typographical errors in respondent's brief and to add pages inadvertently omitted from agency record a WGES R.58, order no. 13478, it is ORDERED that the motion is granted and the Clerk shall file the lodged corrected errors and the inadvertently omitted pages from respondent's brief. (TE,FA,NW) | |
12/22/2005 | | RESPONDENT'S SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF/MEMORANDUM (corrected errors and the inadvertently omitted pages from respondent's brief) | |
03/09/2006 | | REMANDED Opinion (Schwelb, Reid, Fisher) and Judgment remanding orders on review to respondent for proceedings consistent with said opinion. | |
04/03/2006 | | MANDATE ISSUED | |