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United States Court Cases

District Of Columbia Court Of Appeals Record


Case Information: 11-CV-0531
Short Caption:SNR DENTON US LLP V. DOUGLAS E. ROSENTHALClassification:Appeals - Civil - Contracts
Lead:11-CV-0531Consolidated: 11-CV-0615
Superior Court or Agency Case Number:CAB7607-05Filed Date:04/27/2011

Opening Event Date:04/27/2011Case Status:Decided/Dismissed
Record Completed:06/01/2011Post-Decision Matter Pending:
Briefs Completed:
Disposition:Next Scheduled Action:
Mandate Issued:11/04/2011

Party Information
Appellate RoleParty NameIFPAttorney(s)Arguing AttorneyE-Filer
Appellant-Cross-AppelleeSNR Denton US, LLPN
James HamiltonNN
Raechel AnglinNN
Daniel D. BarnowskiNY
Appellee-Cross-AppellantDouglas E. Rosenthal N
S. Michael KayanNN

Event DateStatusDescriptionResult
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#1 (33-pgs/davis 8/5/10 proc>)
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#2 (19-pgs/armstrong 9/8/10 proc)
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#3 (95-pgs/swaringer 12/1/10 proc.)
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #4 (102-pgs/graybill 12/16/10 proc.)
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#5 (78-pgs/peterson-hart 1/20/11 proc.)
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#6 (186-pgs/burr 2/10/11 proc.)
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#7 (187 of 287pgs/wood 2/10/11 proc.)
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#8 (288 of 409 pgs swarger 2/11/11)proc. am
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#9 (410 of 554 pgs/johnson 2/11/11 proc.)pm
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#10 (555 of 674 pgs/hawkins 2/14/11 proc.) am
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#11 (675 of 787 pgs/coney 2/14/11 proc.) pm
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#12 (788 of 915 pgs/white 2/15/11 proc.)am
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#13 (916 of 1043 pgs/madox 2/15/11 proc) pm
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#14 (1041 of 1187pgs/gilliam 2/16/11 proc.) am
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #15 (1188 of 1283 pgs/lindsay 2/16/11 proc.)pm
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#16 (1284 of 1404 pgs/wood 2/17/11 proc.)am
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#17 (1405 of 1525 pgs/burr 2/17/11 proc.)pm
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#18 (1526 of 1689 pgs/johnson 2/18/11 proc.) am
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#19 (1690 of 1823 pgs/hawkins 2/18/11 proc.) pm
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #20 (1824 of 1966 pgs/coney 2/22/11 proc.)a.m.
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#21 (1967 of 2056 pgs/gilliam 2/22/11 proc.) pm
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#22 (2057 of 2168 pgs/maddox 2/23/11 proc) am
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#23 (2169 of 2275 pgs/white 2/23/11 proc.) pm
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #24 (2276 of 2403 pgs/lindsa 2/24/11 proc.) am
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#25 (2404 of 2506 pgs/wood 2/24/11 proc.)pm
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#26 (2507 of 2636 pgs/burr 2/25/11 proc.)
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#27 (2637 of 2648 pgs/gilliam 2/28/11 proc.)
05/24/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD#28 (10-pgs/ richer 3/7/11 proc.)w/cd
06/01/2011RECORD INDEX (BOTH CASES - 11-CV-531 & 11-CV-615) (elp)
06/02/2011 Upon consideration of the notices of appeal in these matters, the statement regarding transcript filed in appeal no. 11-CV-531, and it appearing that the complete record on appeal has been filed with this court, it is ORDERED, sua sponte, that appeals nos. 11-CV-531 and 11-CV-615 are consolidated for all purposes herein. It is (MORE)
06/02/2011 FURTHER ORDERED that the briefs shall be filed as follows: Opening brief (not to exceed 50 pages) of appellant/cross-appellee, and the appendix within 40 days from the date of this order; Responsive brief (not to exceed 50 pages) of appellee/cross-appellant, including opening brief of cross-appeal, within 30 days from the date of service of the opening brief of appellant/cross-appellee; Reply brief (not to exceed 20 pages) of appellant/cross-appellee, including response to the cross-appeal brief, within 21 days from the date of service of the response brief of appellee/cross-appellant; and Reply brief (not to exceed 20 pages) of appellee/cross-appellant, if any, within 21 days from the date of service of the reply brief of appellant/cross-appellee. (JAC) elp
06/14/2011APLT-X-APLE MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF until August 11, 2011 (no oppo)
06/16/2011 On consideration of appellant/cross- appellee's motion for an extension of time to file the brief and the appendix, it is ORDERED that the motion is granted and appellant/cross-appellee's brief and the appendix shall be filed on or before August 11, 2011. (JAC) elp
07/19/2011FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File Appendix, Brief (Appellant-Cross-Appellee)
07/21/2011FiledOrder Granting Motion For Extension Of Time to File Appendix, Brief (Appellant-Cross-Appellee) to 10/11/2011
09/26/2011FiledStipulation To Dismiss Appeal (Appellant-Cross-Appellee)
09/30/2011FiledOrder Sua Sponte Dismissing Appeal