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United States Court Cases

District Of Columbia Court Of Appeals Record


Case Information: 11-CV-0513
Short Caption:TALMADGE HANCOCK, ET AL V. WACHOVIA BANK, N.A.Classification:Appeals - Civil - Other Civil
Superior Court or Agency Case Number:CAR2097-10Filed Date:04/21/2011

Opening Event Date:04/21/2011Case Status:Decided/Dismissed
Record Completed:08/04/2011Post-Decision Matter Pending:
Briefs Completed:
Disposition:Next Scheduled Action:
Mandate Issued:06/27/2012
Costs Waived

Party Information
Appellate RoleParty NameIFPAttorney(s)Arguing AttorneyE-Filer
AppellantTalmadge HancockYPro SeN
AppellantOveda HancockYPro SeN
AppelleeWachovia Bank N.A.N
Jennifer L. SarvadiNN
IntervenorMorgan KelleherN
Patricia B. MilleriouxNN
Michael E. BrandNY

Event DateStatusDescriptionResult
04/21/2011NOTICE OF APPEAL (Duplicate NOA filed 4/22/11)
04/27/2011FiledRECEIVED - (Appellant's Motion for Appeal Transcript) filed in trial court on 4/21/11 (RT-NEEDED/RT-REQUESTED for 3/24/11, 1/13/11, 10/29/10, 8/20/10, 12/17/10, 12/13/10, 12/16/10 & 10/14/10)
05/10/2011 On consideration of the notice of appeal filed in this case on April 21, 2011, and it appearing that appellants were granted in forma pauperis status in the trial court, and the copy of the motion for appeal transcript filed in the trial court, it is ORDERED that a briefing order will be issued upon the filing in this court, by the Clerk of the Superior Court, the record index/record copies and transcript required by D.C. App. R. 11 (b)(3)(A). (JAC) elp
08/03/2011FiledSupplemental Record#1 (16-pgs/tape 8/20/10 proc.)
08/03/2011FiledSupplemental Record #2 (42-pgs./tape 10/29/10 proc)
08/03/2011FiledSupplemental Record #3 (79-pgs/tape 1/13/11 proc.)
08/03/2011FiledSupplemental Record #4 (54-pgs/gilliam 3/24/11 proc.)w/cd
08/04/2011FiledRecord Completed
08/04/2011FiledBriefing Order
08/15/2011FiledRecord Copies
08/15/2011FiledRecord Index
09/13/2011FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File Appendix, Brief (Appellant Hancock) & Talmadge Hancock)Granted
10/13/2011FiledGRANT - Order Granting Motion For Extension Of Time to File Appendix, Brief (Appellant Hancock) & Talmadge Hancock
10/31/2011FiledSupplemental Record#5 (9-pgs/tape 12/16/10 proc.) w/cd
11/14/2011FiledOrder Sua Sponte directing appellant to advise the court as to the status of transcripts
11/28/2011FiledAnswer/Response (Appellant Hancock) to court's order re: transcript
11/29/2011FiledSupplemental Record #6 (29-pgs/tape 10/14/10 proc.) W/CD
01/11/2012FiledOrder Sua Sponte directing appellants' brief and the limited appendix to be filed within 40 days from the date of the order and appellee's brief 30 days thereafter
01/25/2012FiledCounsel's Motion To Withdraw (Appellee)Granted
01/30/2012FiledOrder Granting Counsel's Motion To Withdraw (Appellee) and directing appellee to identify counsel within 15 days
02/13/2012FiledAppearance Jennifer L. Sarvadi (Appellee)
02/21/2012FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File Appendix, Brief (Appellant Hancock)Granted
02/29/2012FiledMOTION - Intervene (Intervenor) Morgan KelleherGranted
03/22/2012FiledGRANT - Order Granting Motion For Extension Of Time to File Appendix, Brief (Appellant Hancock)
03/22/2012FiledOrder Granting MOTION - Intervene (Intervenor) Morgan Kelleher and directing appellee's and intervenor's briefs within 30 days from the date appellant's brief and the appendix are filed with this court.
05/02/2012FiledOrder direct appellants to submit the brief and the limited appendix, accompanied by a motion for leave within 15 days from the date of the order
05/17/2012FiledAnswer/Response to court order May 2, 2012 requesting brief and limited index with in 15 days (Appellant Hancock)
05/30/2012FiledSupplemental Record#7 (13-pgs/tape 12/13/10 proc.)
05/30/2012FiledSupplemental Record #8 (44-pgs/tape 12/17/10 proc.)w/cd
06/05/2012FiledOrder Sua Sponte Dismissing Appeal