Events |
Event Date | Status | Description | Result |
04/22/2011 | | CERTIFICATION OF QUESTION OF LAW received from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Court, order and opinion dated April 15, 2011 - includes dockets from the U.S. Court of Appeals D.C.Circuit and the U.S. District Court | |
04/22/2011 | | RECEIVED - Appellant's Brief (3 cys) and Appendix Vols 1 & 2 and a Supplemental) | |
04/22/2011 | | RECEIVED - Joint Brief of Appellees (3 cys) | |
04/22/2011 | | RECEIVED - Appellants' Reply Brief (3 cys) | |
04/22/2011 | | RECEIVED Appendix Volumes 1 & 2 | |
04/22/2011 | | RECEIVED Supplemental appendix | |
04/27/2011 | | ORDER On consideration of the order, dated Arpil 15, 2011, of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, received in this Court on April 22, 2011, certifying a question of law pursuant to D.C. Code Sec 11-723, it is ORDERED that all parties shall file a statement pursuant to Rule 22 (a)(2) on or before May 16, 2011. (ETW) | |
04/27/2011 | | MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE - for Daniel B. Allanoff | |
04/27/2011 | | MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE - for Bruce K. Cohen | |
04/29/2011 | | ORDER On consideration of the motion of Michael R. Lazerwith, Esquire, requesting that the appearance of Daniel Allanoff, Esquire, be entered pro hac vice on behalf of Companhia Brasilerira Carbureto De Calicio, et al., it is ORDERED that the motion of Michael R. Lazerwitz, Esquire is granted and the Clerk shall enter the appearance of Daniel Allanoff, Esquire, pro hac vice on behalf of Companhia Brasilerira Carbureto De Calicio, et al. (ETW) | |
05/06/2011 | | MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE Dale Hershey w/receipt attached | |
05/06/2011 | | MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE (Michael Borasky) w/ receipt | |
05/09/2011 | | ORDER On consideration of the motion of Edward J. Longosz, II, Esquire, requesting that the appearances of Dale Hershey, Esquire, and Michael R. Borasky, Esquire, be entered pro hac vice on behalf of Applied Industrial Materials Corporation, et al., it is ORDERED that the motion of Edward J. Longosz,II, Esquire, is granted and the Clerk shall enter the appearances of Dale Hershey, Esquire, and Michael R. Borasky, Esquire, pro hac vice on behalf of Applied Industrial Materials Corporation, et al. (ETW) | |
05/09/2011 | | ORDER On consideration of the motion of Edward J. Longosz, II, Esquire, requesting that the appearances of Dale Hershey, Esquire, and Michael R. Borasky, Esquire, be entered pro hac vice on behalf of Applied Industrial Materials Corporation, et al, it is ORDERED that the motion of Edward J. Longosz,II, Esquire, is granted and the Clerk shall enter the apperances of Dale Hershey, Esqire and Michael R. Borasky, Esquire, pro hac vice on behalf of Applied Industiral Materials Corporation, et al. (ETW) | |
05/09/2011 | | ORDER On consideration of the motion of Michael R. Lazerwitz, Esquire, requesting that the appearance of Bruce K. Cohen, Esqure, be entered pro hac vice on behalf of Companhia Brasilerira Carbureto De Calicio, et al., it is ORDERED that the motion of Michael R. Lazerwirz, Esquire is granted and the Clerk shall enter the appearance of Bruce K. Cohen, Esquire, pro hac vice on behalf of Companhia Brasilerira Carbureto De Calicio, et al. (ETW) | |
05/12/2011 | | STATEMENT from appellants pursuant to Rule 22 (a)(2) that the record supplied by the United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit is adequate to decide the issue presented herein. | |
05/13/2011 | | STATEMENT of appellees pursuant to Rule 22 (a)(2) that the certification and accompanying papers are adequate to enable this court to decide the certified question posed by the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. | |
07/11/2011 | Filed | Order on behalf of the merits division assigned to consider this matter that the Clerk is directed to schedule this matter for argument on the regular calendar of October, 2011. (JAC) | |
07/11/2011 | Filed | Final Screening - Regular | |
07/11/2011 | Filed | Briefing Completed | |
09/01/2011 | Filed | ACTION - Calendar notice sent | |
09/02/2011 | Filed | Motion To Appear Pro Hac Vice (Appellee Degussa) | |
09/14/2011 | Filed | Order Granting Alan Kanzer to appear pro hac vice. | |
09/20/2011 | Filed | Motion To Appear Pro Hac Vice (Appellee Degussa) | |
09/22/2011 | Filed | Order Granting aplt Amber Wessells motion to appear pro hac vice. | |
10/27/2011 | Filed | Argued before Chief Judge Washington, Judges Fisher, Oberly | |
01/09/2012 | Filed | Motion To Appear Pro Hac Vice (Appellant Companhia Brasileria Carbureto De Calicio, Appellant Companhia Ferroligas Minas Gerais-Minasligas, Appellant De Ferroligas Da Bahia-Ferbasa) w/ receipt attached | |
01/25/2012 | Filed | Order Granting aplt's motion for special admission of Steven J. Greenfogel. | |
01/26/2012 | Filed | Answer To Certified Question Of Law
(Washington, Chief Judge, and Fisher and Oberly, Associate Judges.) | |
01/26/2012 | Filed | LETTER to Mark J. Langer, Clerk, United States Court of Appeals transmitting a certified copy of the opinion filed on January 26, 2012, pursuant to Rule 54(c) of the General Rules of this court. | |
01/31/2012 | Filed | Notice of withdrawal from Meredith Cohen Greenfogel & Skirnick, P.C. on behalf of the appellants (Appellant Companhia Brasileria Carbureto De Calicio, Appellant Companhia Ferroligas Minas Gerais-Minasligas, Appellant De Ferroligas Da Bahia-Ferbasa, Appellee A/s) | |
02/01/2012 | Filed | Change Of Address Received From Charles R. Claxton | |