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United States Court Cases

Wyoming Supreme/Appellate Court Record

GNARLEY DOGS, INC., a Wyoming corporation, and TIM SINGEWALD, an individual v. GORDON W. RENO

Case Heading (S-13-0061)
Case Number:S-13-0061Case Docketed On:03/27/2013
Linked To: S-13-0118
Original Court:Ninth Judicial District Sublette CountyCase Type:Direct Appeal - Civil - Common Law - Contract
Short Title:GNARLEY DOGS, INC., a Wyoming corporation, and TIM SINGEWALD, an individual v. GORDON W. RENO
Full Title:GNARLEY DOGS, INC., a Wyoming corporation, and TIM SINGEWALD, an individual, Appellants (Defendants), v. GORDON W. RENO, Appellee (Plaintiff).

- Party Information
RoleParty NameAttorney(s)
AppellantGnarly Dogs, Inc.William H. Twichell
AppellantTim SingewaldWilliam H. Twichell
AppelleeGordon W. RenoEdward Frank Hess

- Case Decision Information
Opinion Number:

Docketing Filter View

Docket Information
Filing DateDocument DescriptionDocket Entry TypeDocket Entry SubtypeStatus
03/27/2013Event - Docketed and indexedEventDocketed and indexedFinal
03/27/2013Notice-Incoming - Record completion notice from district courtNotice-IncomingRecord completion notice from district courtFinal
03/27/2013Fees - Docket fee receivedFeesDocket fee receivedFinal
03/27/2013Notice-Outgoing - Docketing letterNotice-OutgoingDocketing letterFinal
03/29/2013Notice-Outgoing - Other - notice of amended captionNotice-OutgoingOtherFinal
05/13/2013Brief - AppellantBriefAppellantFinal
05/14/2013Event - Hardcopy received - Brief of Appellants Gnarly Dogs, Inc., a Wyoming corporation, and Tim SingewaldEventHardcopy receivedFinal
05/30/2013Notice-Outgoing - Appellant Gnarley Dogs, Inc. spelling corrected in caption.Notice-OutgoingOtherFinal
07/02/2013Brief - Failure to file - appelleeBriefFailure to file - appelleeFinal
07/16/2013Motion - Dismiss - voluntaryMotionDismiss - voluntaryFinal
07/18/2013Event - Hardcopy received - Motion to Dismiss Appeal - Voluntary; and received proposed orderEventHardcopy receivedFinal
07/18/2013Order - Dismiss - voluntary or stipulatedOrderDismiss - voluntary or stipulatedFinal
07/18/2013Event - Case closedEventCase closedFinal