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United States Court Cases

Nevada Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Information: 39452
Short Caption:GRAFF VS. BD. OF PAROLE COMM'RSCourt:Supreme Court
Lower Court Case(s):Carson City - First Judicial District - 0101413AClassification:Civil Appeal - Family Law - Proper Person
Disqualifications:Case Status:Remittitur Issued/Case Closed
Replacement:Panel Assigned: Panel
To SP/Judge:SP Status:
Oral Argument:Oral Argument Location:
Submission Date:05/17/2002How Submitted:On Record

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
04/09/2002Filing Fee Filing Fee due. Filing fee waived - see order filed 7/11/02.
04/09/2002Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal/Proper Person. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. 02-06282
04/09/2002Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice to Pay Supreme Court Filing Fee. Due Date: 10 days
04/17/2002Order/ProceduralFiled Order/Transmit Record and Directing Response. Original record due: 30 days. fn2[NRAP 11(a)(2) (the complete record shall contain each and every paper, pleading and other document filed, or submitted for filing, in the district court, as well as any previously prepared transcripts of the district court proceedings).] fn3[The record shall not include any exhibits filed in the district court.] 02-06828
05/17/2002Record on Appeal DocumentsFiled Record on Appeal Copy. 02-08760
05/17/2002Case Status Update Submitted for Decision.
07/11/2002Order/DispositionalFiled Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." Fn4 [Although appellant was not granted permission to file documents in proper person, we have considered all proper person documents received in this matter. We note that initially appellant failed to pay the filing fee mandated by NRS 2.250. On April 15, 2002, appellant submitted documents to this court seeking permission to proceed in forma pauperis pursuant to NRAP 24. The record indicates that on October 3, 2001, the district court granted appellant's motion to proceed in forma pauperis. Accordingly we order the filing fee waived. - NNP02-MS/RR/NB 02-11856
07/11/2002Filing Fee Filing Fee Waived. Per order filed 7/11/02.
09/11/2002Post-Judgment OrderFiled Order/Rehearing Denied. "Rehearing denied." NRAP 40(c). fn1[Although appellant was not granted leave to file papers in proper person, see NRAP 46(b), we have considered appellant's petition]. NNP02-MS/RR/NB 02-15686
10/08/2002RemittiturIssued Remittitur. 02-15937
10/08/2002Case Status Update Remittitur Issued/Case Closed.
10/14/2002RemittiturFiled Remittitur. Received by County Clerk on October 9, 2002. 02-15937