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United States Court Cases

Nevada Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Information: 37468
Short Caption:STATE VS. SCHERER (GARY)Court:Supreme Court
Related Case(s): 41600
Lower Court Case(s):Clark Co. - Eighth Judicial District - C124520Classification:Criminal Appeal - Other - Post-Conviction
Disqualifications:Case Status:Remittitur Issued/Case Closed
Replacement:Panel Assigned: Panel
To SP/Judge:SP Status:
Oral Argument:Oral Argument Location:
Submission Date:07/10/2002How Submitted:On Briefs

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
02/22/2001Filing Fee Filing Fee Waived.
02/22/2001Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. 01-03332
03/05/2001Order/ProceduralFiled Order/Fast Track. This court has determined that this appeal should be expedited and made subject to the fast track provisions of NRAP 3C. Counsel for appellant shall, within 10 days from the date of this order, file a transcript request form or a certificate stating that no transcript is required in this appeal. fn1[If transcripts have already been prepared and are on file in the district court, the parties may include such transcripts in the appendix without filing a transcript request form.] Counsel for appellant shall file a fast track statement within 40 days of this order. This appeal shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of NRAP 3C. 01-03939
03/12/2001Transcript RequestFiled Certificate of No Transcript Request. 01-04373
04/17/2001MotionFiled Motion to Extend Time. 01-06541
04/23/2001Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Motion. Counsel for appellant shall file and serve the fast track statement and appendix on or before May 21, 2001. 01-06831
05/22/2001MotionFiled Motion for Excess Pages. Motion for Leave to File a 27 Page Fast Track Statement. 01-08592
05/30/2001Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Motion. The motion filed May 22, 2001, is granted. The clerk of this court shall file, forthwith, the fast track statement and appendix provisionally submitted on May 22, 2001. 01-08987
05/30/2001Fast Track BriefFiled Fast Track Statement. 01-08595
05/30/2001AppendixFiled Appendix to Fast Track Statement. Volumes 1 through 12. 01-08599
06/12/2001MotionFiled Motion to Extend Time. 01-09789
06/18/2001Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Motion. filed June 12, 2001. Counsel for respondent shall have 20 days from the date of this order to file and seerve the fast track response. 01-10136
07/11/2001MotionFiled Motion for Excess Pages. Motion for Leave to file a 15 page Fast Track Response. 01-11741
07/16/2001Order/Clerk'sFiled Clerk's Order Granting Motion. filed July 11, 2001. The clerk shall file the fifteen-page fast track response received on July 11, 2001. 01-11940
07/16/2001Fast Track BriefFiled Fast Track Response. 01-11743
10/23/2001Order/ProceduralFiled Order/Full Briefing. We have determined that full briefing will assist the court in the disposition of this appeal. Opening brief due: 40 days. fn1[If a party's brief will cite to documents not previously filed in this court, that party shall file and serve an appropriately documented supplemental appendix with the brief.] Answering brief and reply brief shall be filed in compliance with NRAP 31. 01-17854
11/30/2001BriefFiled Opening Brief. Mailed on: Express-No postmark. 01-20040
01/03/2002MotionFiled Motion and Order Extending Time. Brief due: January 30, 2002. 02-00123
02/04/2002BriefFiled Answering Brief. Mailed on: 01/31/02. Signed by: Daniel J. Albregts. 02-02235
02/04/2002AppendixFiled Appendix to Answering Brief. Respondent's Supplemental Appendix. 02-02236
03/06/2002MotionFiled Motion and Order Extending Time. Brief due: March 4, 2002. 02-04067
03/20/2002BriefFiled Reply Brief. Mailed on: Express-No postmark. Signed by: David T. Wall. 02-05010
03/20/2002Case Status Update Submitted for Decision.
07/10/2002Case Status Update Resubmitted for Decision. To the Southern Nevada Panel. SNP02-CY/DA/ML.
09/25/2002Order/DispositionalFiled Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." SNP02-CY/DA/ML 02-16559
10/22/2002RemittiturIssued Remittitur. 02-16775
10/22/2002Case Status Update Remittitur Issued/Case Closed.
10/30/2002RemittiturFiled Remittitur. Received by County Clerk on October 24, 2002. 02-16775