Events |
Event Date | Status | Description | Result |
06/14/2010 | | NOTICE OF APPEAL | |
06/28/2010 | | ORDERED, sua sponte, that appeals nos. 10-CF-570 and 10-CF-746 are consolidated for all purposes herein. F/O that Gregory Smith, Esquire, is hereby appointed to represent appellant Silas C. Fortune in appeal no. 10-CF-746. F/O that counsel for appellant Silas C. Fortune shall immediately take the necessary steps to review the trial court record and to ensure that the transcripts necessary to the appeal have been ordered and shall, within 30 days from the date of this order complete and file with this court a single copy of the statement regarding transcript available for completion online. Where transcript(s) necessary for this appeal have been ordered and completed for non-appeal purposes, appellant must advise the Court Reporting and Recording Division to forward said transcript(s) for inclusion in the record on appeal. (JAC) | |
07/13/2010 | | RECEIVED - motion for appeal transcript (Fortune) | |
08/02/2010 | | SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD - #1 (36 pgs/tape) 12/12/08 proc. CD attached | |
08/02/2010 | | SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD - #2 (47 pgs/Burr) 7/15/09 proc. | |
08/02/2010 | | SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD - #3 (241 pgs/Pirfo) 1/27-28/10 proc. | |
08/02/2010 | | SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD - #4 (458 pgs/Richer) 2/1-2/10 proc. | |
08/02/2010 | | SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD - #5 (459-589 pgs/Richer) 2/3-4/10 proc. | |
08/02/2010 | | RECORD COMPLETED | |
08/05/2010 | | It appearing that the complete record on appeal has been filed with this court, it is ORDERED that appellants' briefs and the limited appendixes including the documents required by D.C. App. R. 30 (f), shall be filed within 40 days from the date of this order, and appellee's brief shall be filed within 30 days thereafter. See D.C. App. R. 31. (JAC) | |
08/09/2010 | | SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD - #6 (sealed pleadings) | |
08/09/2010 | | RECORD COPIES (10-CF-570) | |
08/09/2010 | | RECORD INDEX (10-CF-570) | |
09/09/2010 | | APPELLANT'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF to 30 days. (Fortune) no oppo | |
09/10/2010 | | APPELLANT'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF (Wood) and appendix 60 days no oppo | |
09/16/2010 | | On consideration of appellants Silas C. Fortune and Anwar R. Woods' unopposed motions for extensions of time within which to file their briefs, it is ORDERED that appellant Silas C. Fortune's motion is granted and appellant Silas C. Fortune's brief and limited appendix shall be filed October 14, 2010. It is FURTHER ORDERED that appellant Anwar R. Woods motion is granted and appellant Anwar R. Woods brief and limited appendix shall be filed November 15, 2010. (JAC) | |
10/14/2010 | | APPELLANT'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF until November 15, 2010 (Fortune) (unopposed) | |
10/15/2010 | | RECEIVED- aplt's brief and appendix (Fortune) | |
10/21/2010 | | On consideration of appellant Silas C. Fortune's consent motion for an extension of time within which to file the brief, and the lodged brief and limited appendix, it is ORDERED that the motion of appellant Fortune is granted and the lodged brief and limited appendix are filed. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the brief and limited appendix of Anwar R. Woods remain to be due on or before November 15, 2010. (Castillo) | |
10/21/2010 | | APPELLANT'S BRIEF - Fortune | |
10/21/2010 | | APPENDIX - Fortune | |
11/16/2010 | | APPELLANT'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE BRIEF (Woods)(unopposed) | |
11/16/2010 | | RECEIVED - Appellant's Brief and Appendix (Woods) | |
11/18/2010 | | On consideration of appellant Anwar R. Woods' unopposed motion for leave to late file the lodged brief and appendix, it is ORDERED that appellant Anwar R. Woods' motion is granted and the lodged brief and appendix are filed. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the consolidated brief of appellee shall be filed within 30 days from the date of the order. (Castillo) | |
11/18/2010 | | APPELLANT'S BRIEF - (Woods) | |
11/18/2010 | | APPENDIX - (Woods) | |
11/22/2010 | | RECORD COPIES 10cf746 | |
11/22/2010 | | RECORD INDEX 10CF746 | |
11/22/2010 | | SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #6 (D.C.pretrial service agency requestfor judicial action report-filed 9/25/08, order sealing bench conference Judge Iscoe- filed1/27/10) (yellow envelope) | |
12/15/2010 | | APPELLEE'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF to 2/3/11. no oppo | |
12/21/2010 | | On consideration of appellee's motion for an extension of time within which to file the brief, to which no opposition has been filed, it is ORDERED that the motion is granted and appellee's brief shall be filed on or before February 3, 2011. (JAC) | |
02/03/2011 | | APPELLEE'S BRIEF | |
02/03/2011 | | BRIEFS COMPLETED | |
05/05/2011 | | CALENDAR NOTICE SENT | |
06/15/2011 | Filed | ACTION - Argued / Submitted | |
06/15/2011 | | SUBMITTED (Washington, Blackburne-Rigsby, Nebeker) | |
10/26/2011 | Filed | Affirmed (MOJ)
(Washington, Chief Judge, and Blackburne-Rigsby, Associate Judge, and Nebeker, Senior Judge.) | |
11/17/2011 | Filed | Mandate | |
11/18/2011 | Filed | Qualls Letter Filed (Appellant) | |