Case: 94-0278
App Writ Err - Cause (2 Applications)
Appellate Briefs
Date | Event Type | Description | Remarks | Document |
09/24/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/23/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/22/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/21/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/20/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/19/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/18/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/17/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/16/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/15/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/14/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/13/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/12/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/11/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/10/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/09/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/08/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/07/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
07/22/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of CXY Energy, Inc. "Reply to Pet's reply to CXY's amicus brief" | |
07/02/1996 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | Petitioner | PET RESP TO AMICUS BY CXY ENERGY INC | |
06/27/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of CXY Energy, Inc., by James A. Ellis, Jr., & others, 200 Crescent Court, Suite 1500, Dallas, Texas 75201 214/855-1333 | |
06/24/1996 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | Petitioner | Pet's reply to amicus of Tennessee Customer Group, Texas Utilities, and Lone Star Gas Co. | |
06/19/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | amicus curiae of Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association C.L. Ray & Charles B. Lord, 400 W. 15th Street, Suite 600, Austin, TX 78701 | |
06/19/1996 | Reply Brief | Respondent's Motion for Rehearing of Cause filed | Tennessee Gas Pipeline reply to pet's response to mo/re | |
06/10/1996 | Reply to Response to Motion for Rehearing filed | Respondent's Motion for Rehearing of Cause filed | on behalf of Lenape Resources Corp, Tesoro Exploration & Coastal Oil & Gas Co.Sequence #: 01 | |
06/06/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | ON BEHALF OF TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY Submitted by Robert K. Wise, Ene rgy Plaza, 1601 Bryan Street, Suite 3000, Dallas, Texas, 75201 | |
06/05/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of The Tennessee Customer Group & The Consumer Advocates, by Ed Small & others, 100 Congress, Austin, TX 78701 512/472-8355 | |
06/03/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Lone Star Gas Co., by Marsha L. Hunter, 301 S. Harwood Suite 504-N, Dallas, TX 75201 214/573-3415 | |
06/03/1996 | Motion for Rehearing | Respondent's Motion for Rehearing of Cause filed | on behalf of Tennessee Gas Pipeline CompanySequence #: 02 | |
04/23/1996 | Letter brief | Petitioner | RE: omission in judgment | |
03/14/1996 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Texas Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Assoc., Everard A. Marseglia, Jr., 1111 Bagby, Suite 4900, Houston, Tx 77002 (713) 651-0422 | |
03/06/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Tx Independent Producers & Royalty (additional cites) C.L. Ray and Scott Anderson, 515 Congress Avenue, St. 1910, Austin, Tx. 78701 | |
02/14/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Tx Independent Producers & Royalty Owners & Assoc., 515 Congress Ave Suite 1910, Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 477-4452 | |
02/06/1996 | Letter brief | Petitioner | Letter in reply to questions about this matter, and because there are two new justices not present at time of arguments | |
01/03/1996 | Reply Brief | Petitioner | Pet's reply to Tennessee's response to Transtexas' Amicus Brief | |
12/13/1995 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | Petitioner | of Tennessee Gas Pipelines response to brief of Amicus Transtexas Gas Corp.Sequence #: 02 | |
11/29/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Transtexas Gas Corp., John Nabors 1601 Elm St., Suite 3000, Dallas Tx, 75201-4760 (214) 999-3000 | |
11/27/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Allen Wood, 1100 Frost Bank Plaza, Corpus Christi, TX 78403 512/887-9300 | |
11/14/1995 | Reply Brief | Respondent | Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co., Reply to the Pet's response to amicus brief of Teh Tenn. Customer GroupSequence #: 02 | |
11/02/1995 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | Petitioner | of Tennessee Customer Group by Tesoro Exploration and Production, et al. | |
10/26/1995 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | Petitioner | | |
10/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of John J. Lawrence, P.O. Box 50844, Midland, Texas, 79710 | |
10/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Russell Douglass, 901 Rio Grande, Austin, TX 78701 512/472-3897 | |
10/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Van Buren Oil, 3415 Greystone Drive, #107, Austin, TX 78731 512/338-9522 | |
10/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of R.M. Resources, Inc., 3212 Ninth Street, Wichita Falls, TX 76309 817/322-2509 | |
10/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Mariah Energy Corporation, P.O. Box 13146, Austin, TX 78711-3146 512/322-0393 | |
10/23/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of William M. Petmecky, 1514 Wagon Gap Trail, Houston, TX 77090 | |
10/18/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Tennessee Customer Group, Thomas Rogers, Small Craig & Werkenthin 100 Congress Avenue, Suite 1100, Austin, Tx 78701-4099 (512) 472-8355 | |
10/18/1995 | Reply Brief | Petitioner | "Petitioner the Lenape Resources Corporation's reply to Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. response to Petitioners Mo/ReSequence #: 01 | |
10/17/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Louis Dreyfus Natural Gas, by Mark E. Monroe, 14000 Quail Springs Parkway, Suite 600, Oklahoma City, OK 73134-2600 405/749-1300 | |
10/16/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Goldston Oil Corporation, by Jack H. Mayfield, Jr., 6371 Richmond Ave., Houston, TX 77057 713/785-8217 | |
10/12/1995 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | Petitioner | "Petitioners reply to the amicus of Texas Utilities Electric Co. | |
10/09/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf Pitts Energy Group, by L. Frank Pitts, 4600 Greenville Ave., Dallas, Texas 75206-5038 214/369-9266 | |
10/04/1995 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | Petitioner | behalf of Lenape Resource Corp. reply to Amicus brief of Tx Utilities Electric also incorporated within Petitioner response to Tennessee Gas motionSequence #: 01 | |
10/04/1995 | Reply to Response to Motion for Rehearing filed | Respondent | behalf of Tennesee Gas PipelineSequence #: 02 | |
10/03/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Garland Minerals Corporation; J. Neal Garland, 1127 Judson Road, Suite 216, Longview, Tx 75601 (214) 753-3118 | |
09/29/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | supplemental amicus of Hunt Oil Company, by David L. Motloch, 1445 Ross Dallas, Texas 75202-2785 214/978-8568 | |
09/29/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Rio Petroleum, Inc./by Barrett W. Pierce, 2805 W. 15th, Amarillo, TX 79102 806/356-8033 | |
09/27/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Texas Utilities Electric Co., by Thomas F. Lillard, 1601 Bryan St Suite 300, Dallas, Texas 214/979-3000 | |
09/26/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | On behalf of Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association by Chuck Lord (& others) 400 W. 15th St., Ste. 600, Austin, TX 512/476-3331 | |
09/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Texas Utilities Electric Company, by Thomas Lillard, 1601 Bryan St., Suite 3000, Dallas, Texas 75201 214/979-3000 | |
09/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of East Texas Producers and Royalty Owners Assn, by Robert G. Schleier, Jr., 116 N. Kilgore St., Kilgore, TX 75662 903/984-0999 | |
09/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Carr Resources, Inc, Oil & Gas Exploration, 305 South Broadway, Suite 900, Tyler, Tx 75702 (903)597-2336 | |
09/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of ML Resources, Inc., 305 South Broadway, Suite 402, Tyler Texas 75702 (903) 533-0625 | |
09/21/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Producers Pipeline Corporation, by Roy T. Rimmer, Jr., 4550 Post Oak Place, Suite 175, Houston, TX 77027 713/722-8188 | |
09/19/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Wagner & Brown II, by Gary D. Douglas 300 N. Marienfeld, Midland, Texas 79702 915/682-7936 | |
09/18/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Duer Wagner & Co., Charles B. Harris, Harris, Finley & Bogle, 500 Throckmort St., Suite 1300, Ft Worth, Tx 76102 (817) 870-8700 | |
09/18/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Hunt Oil Company, by David L. Motloch, 1445 Ross at Field, Dallas, Texas 75202-2785 214/978-8568 | |
09/18/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Howell Corporation; Robert T. Moffett, 1500 Howell Building, 1111 Fannin St., Houston, Tx 77002-6923 (713)658-4008 | |
09/18/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | from Jack M. Roney, Abraxas Petroleum Corporation, 909 NE Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78217 210/828-5354 | |
09/15/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Texas Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association by Everard A. Marseglia 4900 Texas Heritage Plaza, Houston, TX 77002 713/651-0422 | |
09/15/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Marathon Oil Co., R. Doak Bishop, Hughes & Luce, 1717 Main St., Suite 2800, Dallas, Tx 75201 (214)939-5500 | |
09/15/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Texas Land Commissioner, Gary Mauro, 1700 N. Congress, Austin, TX 512/463-1495 | |
09/15/1995 | Motion for Rehearing | Petitioner's motion for rehearing of cause filed | behalf of Tesoro Exploration & Production Company and Coastal Oil & Gas Corp. and on behalf of Lenape Resources Corp. | |
09/15/1995 | Motion for Rehearing | Petitioner's motion for rehearing of cause filed | on behalf of Gulf Energy Pipeline Company | |
09/13/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Mesa, Boone Pickens, 1400 Williams Square West, 5205 North O'Connor Blvd., Irving, Texas 75039-3746 (214)402-7001 | |
09/13/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Louis A. Beecherl, Jr., Park Place on Turtle Creek, 2911 Turtle Creek Blvd., Suite 900, Dallas, Texas 75219 | |
09/12/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Parker & Parsley; Harry Spannaus, P.O. box 3178, Midland, Tx 79702-2 3178 (915) 683-4768 | |
09/11/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | from Edward Kliewer, Jr., P.O. Box 671129, Dallas, Texas 75367-1129 214/788-5224 | |
09/08/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Seneca Resources Corporation, by William M. Petmecky, 333 Clay St Houston, TX 77002 713/658-0191 | |
09/08/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of W. Wayne Hardin, 5910 Burgoyne, Ste 3, Houston, TX 77057 713/782-2604 | |
09/07/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Parker & Parsley, P.O. Box 3178, Midland, TX 79702 915/683-4768 (submitted by Harry A. Spannaus, VP) | |
09/05/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Brannon Oil & Gas, Richard D. Brannon, 2240A Forest Park, Blvd., Fort Worth, Tx 76110 (817) 924-8695 | |
08/29/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Dan A. Hughes Company; Ronald P. Stasny, P.O. Drawer 669, Beeville, Texas 78104-0669 (512) 358-3752 | |
08/21/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Neil E. Hanson, Hanson Production Co., 2925 Briarpark, Ste. 1000 Houston, TX 77042 713/789-6202 | |
08/18/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Venus Exploration; E.l. Ames, Jr., One Riverwalk Place, 700 N. St. Mary's St. San Antonio, Texas 78205-3512 (210) 222-9481 | |
08/18/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | behalf of Tom Brown, Inc., 508 West Wall, Suite 500, P.O. Box 2608, Midland, Tx 79702 (915) 682-9715 | |
08/15/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of H.L. Brown, Jr., P.O. Box 2237, Midland, TX 79702 915/683-5216 | |
01/12/1995 | Letter brief | Petitioner | on behalf of Tesoro Exploration et al. in response to letter brief filed by Tennessee Gas PipelineSequence #: 01 | |
12/22/1994 | Letter brief | Respondent | | |
12/13/1994 | Exhibits in case/cause filed | Respondent | 11 blow-ups | |
12/13/1994 | Exhibits in case/cause filed | Petitioner | 3 poster sized enlargements for oral argument (previously on file within record) | |
12/09/1994 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | Behalf of Associated Gas Distributors; Frederick Moring, Crowell & Moring, 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004-2595 (202) 624-2500 | |
12/08/1994 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | Petitioner | motion to strike incorporated | |
12/06/1994 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of The Cities of Clarksville, TN & others, by James R. Choukas- Bradley, 1140 19th Street, Washington DC 20035 202/296-2960 | |
11/30/1994 | Reply Brief | Petitioner | behalf of Tesoro Exploration and Production Company "Response to Respondent Tennessee's request for rebuttal time" | |
11/29/1994 | Reply Brief | Petitioner | Reply to Tennessee's response to amicus curiae briefs and response to brief of Amicus Curiae Texas Utilities, et al.Sequence #: 01 | |
11/15/1994 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Texas Utilities Electric Company, by Robert K. Wise, 1601 Bryan St., 30th Floor, Dallas, TX 75201 214/979-3000 | |
10/19/1994 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | Respondent | of Transtexas Gas Corporation, Texas Independent Producers & Royalty Owners Assn., and Texas Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association | |
07/11/1994 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | Behalf of Texas Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Assoc., Everard Marseglia, 1400 First Interstate Bank, 1000 Louisiana, Houston, Tx 77002 (713)237-3209 | |
06/13/1994 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | Behalf of Tx Independent Producers & Royalty Owners Assoc.; Charles Lord, 400 W. 15th Street, Suite 600, Austin, Tx 78701 (512) 476-3331 | |
06/07/1994 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Received (instead of filed) | on behalf of Transtexas Gas Corp., by John Nabors, 1601 Elm Street, Suite 3000, Dallas, TX 75201-4760 214/999-3000 | |
04/06/1994 | Appendix Filed | Respondent | to accompany reply of Tesoro Exploration, et al.Sequence #: 01 | |
04/06/1994 | Reply to Response | Respondent | on behalf of Tesoro Exploration, Coastal Oil & Gas, Lenape Resources Corp., & Gulf Energy Pipeline CompanySequence #: 01 | |
04/06/1994 | Reply to Response | Respondent | on behalf of Tennessee Gas Pipeline CompanySequence #: 02 | |
03/22/1994 | Application for Writ of Error - Filed | Petitioner | CONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive begin date. | |
03/22/1994 | Application for Writ of Error - Filed | Petitioner | on behalf of the Lenape Resources corporation et al.Sequence #: 01 | |
03/22/1994 | Application for Writ of Error - Filed | Petitioner | on behalf Tennessee Gas Pipeline CompanySequence #: 02 | |
Case Events
Date | Event Type | Disposition | Remarks | Document |
09/24/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/23/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/22/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/21/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/20/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/19/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/18/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/17/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/16/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/15/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/14/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/13/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/12/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/11/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/10/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/09/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/08/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/07/2019 | Case File from Microfiche | These electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file. | ||
09/10/1996 | Created for Data Conversion -- an event inserted to correspond to the mandate date of a process | CONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive mandate date. | | |
09/10/1996 | Mandate issued | 925 SW2d 565 | | |
08/16/1996 | Miscellaneous motion disposed. See Remarks. | Filing granted | motion to appear pro hac vice is granted. | |
08/16/1996 | Motion for Rehearing - Disposed | Overruled | | |
07/22/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | on behalf of CXY Energy, Inc. "Reply to Pet's reply to CXY's amicus brief" | | |
07/02/1996 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | PET RESP TO AMICUS BY CXY ENERGY INC | | |
06/27/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | on behalf of CXY Energy, Inc., by James A. Ellis, Jr., & others, 200 Crescent Court, Suite 1500, Dallas, Texas 75201 214/855-1333 | | |
06/24/1996 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | Pet's reply to amicus of Tennessee Customer Group, Texas Utilities, and Lone Star Gas Co. | | |
06/19/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | amicus curiae of Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association C.L. Ray & Charles B. Lord, 400 W. 15th Street, Suite 600, Austin, TX 78701 | | |
06/19/1996 | Reply Brief | Tennessee Gas Pipeline reply to pet's response to mo/re | | |
06/10/1996 | Reply to Response to Motion for Rehearing filed | on behalf of Lenape Resources Corp, Tesoro Exploration & Coastal Oil & Gas Co.Sequence #: 01 | | |
06/06/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | ON BEHALF OF TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY Submitted by Robert K. Wise, Ene rgy Plaza, 1601 Bryan Street, Suite 3000, Dallas, Texas, 75201 | | |
06/05/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | on behalf of The Tennessee Customer Group & The Consumer Advocates, by Ed Small & others, 100 Congress, Austin, TX 78701 512/472-8355 | | |
06/03/1996 | Miscellaneous Motion | to appear pro hac vice on behalf of William D. Hawkland | | |
06/03/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | on behalf of Lone Star Gas Co., by Marsha L. Hunter, 301 S. Harwood Suite 504-N, Dallas, TX 75201 214/573-3415 | | |
06/03/1996 | Motion for Rehearing | on behalf of Tennessee Gas Pipeline CompanySequence #: 02 | | |
06/03/1996 | Motion for Rehearing forwarded | record remains in clerk's office | | |
05/01/1996 | Reply to Response to Motion | Lenape's reply to m/e/t to file mo/re | | |
04/30/1996 | Motion for Extension of Time to File Motion for Rehearing disposed | Filing granted | mo/re due 06-03-96 | |
04/30/1996 | MOTION FOR REHEARING DUE TO BE FILED | due 06-03-96 | | |
04/29/1996 | Reply to Response to Motion | reply to m/e/t to file mo/re | | |
04/26/1996 | Motion for Extension of Time to File Motion for Rehearing | | | |
04/25/1996 | Corrected judgment issued | corrected judgment issued | | |
04/23/1996 | Letter brief | RE: omission in judgment | | |
04/18/1996 | Miscellaneous motion disposed. See Remarks. | Overruled | "motion to disregard various letter complaints" is overruled | |
04/18/1996 | Motion for Rehearing - Disposed | Filing granted | The motion for rehearing on behalf of Gulf Energy Pipeline Company is granted | |
04/18/1996 | Motion for Rehearing - Disposed | Filing granted | CONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive disposition info. | |
04/18/1996 | Motion for Rehearing - Disposed | Filing granted | CONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive disposition info. | |
04/18/1996 | cause reinstated to active docket | CONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive begin date. | | |
04/18/1996 | Concurring and Dissenting Opinion delivered | Concurring and dissenting opinion by Chief Justice Phillips, joined by RAG, NLH, and PRO. (Substituted for con/diss dated August 1, 1995.) | | |
04/18/1996 | Court approved judgment sent to attorneys of record | | | |
04/18/1996 | Judgment Withdrawn | Judgment of August 1, 1995, is withdrawn; judgment of this date is substituted | | |
04/18/1996 | Motion for Rehearing - Disposed | Filing granted | motion for rehearing on behalf of Tesoro Exploration and Coastal Oil & Gas is granted; opins & jdgmnt of 08/01/95 withdrawn; op. & jdgmt. today substituted | |
04/18/1996 | Opinion issued | Court of Appeals' judgment affirmed in part, reversed in part | Jud of the COA is rev in pt and aff in pt. Opin by CTE, joined by JC, RS, JAB, GA. Con/Diss by TRP, w/RAG, NLH, PRO. 925 SW2d 565 | |
04/18/1996 | Opinion issued | Court of Appeals' judgment affirmed in part, reversed in part | Jud of the COA is rev in pt and aff in pt. Opin by CTE, joined by JC, RS, JAB, GA. Con/Diss by TRP, w/RAG, NLH, PRO. 925 SW2d 565 | |
04/18/1996 | Previous opinion withdrawn | Majority opinion of August 1, 1995, is withdrawn; majority opinion issued this date is substituted. | | |
04/18/1996 | Previous opinion withdrawn | Concurring/dissenting opinion by Justice Enoch dated August 1, 1995, is with- drawn; con/diss by Chief Justice Phillips of this date is substituted. | | |
03/14/1996 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | behalf of Texas Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Assoc., Everard A. Marseglia, Jr., 1111 Bagby, Suite 4900, Houston, Tx 77002 (713) 651-0422 | | |
03/06/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | behalf of Tx Independent Producers & Royalty (additional cites) C.L. Ray and Scott Anderson, 515 Congress Avenue, St. 1910, Austin, Tx. 78701 | | |
02/14/1996 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | behalf of Tx Independent Producers & Royalty Owners & Assoc., 515 Congress Ave Suite 1910, Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 477-4452 | | |
02/06/1996 | Letter brief | Letter in reply to questions about this matter, and because there are two new justices not present at time of arguments | | |
01/03/1996 | Reply Brief | Pet's reply to Tennessee's response to Transtexas' Amicus Brief | | |
12/13/1995 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | of Tennessee Gas Pipelines response to brief of Amicus Transtexas Gas Corp.Sequence #: 02 | | |
12/04/1995 | Additional cites or additional authorities | behalf of Tennessee Gas; with attached copies of documents regarding the supersedeas bonds filed in trial court; Orig. onlySequence #: 02 | | |
11/29/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | behalf of Transtexas Gas Corp., John Nabors 1601 Elm St., Suite 3000, Dallas Tx, 75201-4760 (214) 999-3000 | | |
11/27/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | on behalf of Allen Wood, 1100 Frost Bank Plaza, Corpus Christi, TX 78403 512/887-9300 | | |
11/14/1995 | Reply Brief | Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co., Reply to the Pet's response to amicus brief of Teh Tenn. Customer GroupSequence #: 02 | | |
11/02/1995 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | of Tennessee Customer Group by Tesoro Exploration and Production, et al. | | |
10/26/1995 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | | | |
10/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of John J. Lawrence, P.O. Box 50844, Midland, Texas, 79710 | | |
10/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of Russell Douglass, 901 Rio Grande, Austin, TX 78701 512/472-3897 | | |
10/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of R.M. Resources, Inc., 3212 Ninth Street, Wichita Falls, TX 76309 817/322-2509 | | |
10/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of Van Buren Oil, 3415 Greystone Drive, #107, Austin, TX 78731 512/338-9522 | | |
10/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of Mariah Energy Corporation, P.O. Box 13146, Austin, TX 78711-3146 512/322-0393 | | |
10/23/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of William M. Petmecky, 1514 Wagon Gap Trail, Houston, TX 77090 | | |
10/18/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | behalf of Tennessee Customer Group, Thomas Rogers, Small Craig & Werkenthin 100 Congress Avenue, Suite 1100, Austin, Tx 78701-4099 (512) 472-8355 | | |
10/18/1995 | Reply Brief | "Petitioner the Lenape Resources Corporation's reply to Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. response to Petitioners Mo/ReSequence #: 01 | | |
10/17/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of Louis Dreyfus Natural Gas, by Mark E. Monroe, 14000 Quail Springs Parkway, Suite 600, Oklahoma City, OK 73134-2600 405/749-1300 | | |
10/16/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of Goldston Oil Corporation, by Jack H. Mayfield, Jr., 6371 Richmond Ave., Houston, TX 77057 713/785-8217 | | |
10/12/1995 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | "Petitioners reply to the amicus of Texas Utilities Electric Co. | | |
10/09/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf Pitts Energy Group, by L. Frank Pitts, 4600 Greenville Ave., Dallas, Texas 75206-5038 214/369-9266 | | |
10/06/1995 | Documents filed; see remarks | Order Regarding Supercedeas Bond; Supp. Supercedeas Bond; 2nd Supercedeas Bond Declaratory Judgment | | |
10/04/1995 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | behalf of Lenape Resource Corp. reply to Amicus brief of Tx Utilities Electric also incorporated within Petitioner response to Tennessee Gas motionSequence #: 01 | | |
10/04/1995 | Reply to Response to Motion | "Petitioner the Lenape Resources Corp's response to Tennessee Gas, motion to disregard various "Letter complaints" and Reply to Amicus incorp.Sequence #: 01 | | |
10/04/1995 | Reply to Response to Motion for Rehearing filed | behalf of Tennesee Gas PipelineSequence #: 02 | | |
10/03/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | behalf of Garland Minerals Corporation; J. Neal Garland, 1127 Judson Road, Suite 216, Longview, Tx 75601 (214) 753-3118 | | |
09/29/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | supplemental amicus of Hunt Oil Company, by David L. Motloch, 1445 Ross Dallas, Texas 75202-2785 214/978-8568 | | |
09/29/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of Rio Petroleum, Inc./by Barrett W. Pierce, 2805 W. 15th, Amarillo, TX 79102 806/356-8033 | | |
09/27/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | on behalf of Texas Utilities Electric Co., by Thomas F. Lillard, 1601 Bryan St Suite 300, Dallas, Texas 214/979-3000 | | |
09/26/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | On behalf of Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association by Chuck Lord (& others) 400 W. 15th St., Ste. 600, Austin, TX 512/476-3331 | | |
09/26/1995 | Reply to Response to Motion | response to Tennessee's motion to disregard amicus curiae letter | | |
09/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | on behalf of Texas Utilities Electric Company, by Thomas Lillard, 1601 Bryan St., Suite 3000, Dallas, Texas 75201 214/979-3000 | | |
09/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | on behalf of East Texas Producers and Royalty Owners Assn, by Robert G. Schleier, Jr., 116 N. Kilgore St., Kilgore, TX 75662 903/984-0999 | | |
09/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | behalf of Carr Resources, Inc, Oil & Gas Exploration, 305 South Broadway, Suite 900, Tyler, Tx 75702 (903)597-2336 | | |
09/25/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | behalf of ML Resources, Inc., 305 South Broadway, Suite 402, Tyler Texas 75702 (903) 533-0625 | | |
09/21/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of Producers Pipeline Corporation, by Roy T. Rimmer, Jr., 4550 Post Oak Place, Suite 175, Houston, TX 77027 713/722-8188 | | |
09/20/1995 | Miscellaneous Motion | behalf of Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, "Respondents motion to disregard various letter complaints" | | |
09/19/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of Wagner & Brown II, by Gary D. Douglas 300 N. Marienfeld, Midland, Texas 79702 915/682-7936 | | |
09/18/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | behalf of Howell Corporation; Robert T. Moffett, 1500 Howell Building, 1111 Fannin St., Houston, Tx 77002-6923 (713)658-4008 | | |
09/18/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | on behalf of Hunt Oil Company, by David L. Motloch, 1445 Ross at Field, Dallas, Texas 75202-2785 214/978-8568 | | |
09/18/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | behalf of Duer Wagner & Co., Charles B. Harris, Harris, Finley & Bogle, 500 Throckmort St., Suite 1300, Ft Worth, Tx 76102 (817) 870-8700 | | |
09/18/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | from Jack M. Roney, Abraxas Petroleum Corporation, 909 NE Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78217 210/828-5354 | | |
09/15/1995 | Conditional motion for rehearing | No description available. | CONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive begin date. | |
09/15/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | on behalf of Texas Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association by Everard A. Marseglia 4900 Texas Heritage Plaza, Houston, TX 77002 713/651-0422 | | |
09/15/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | behalf of Marathon Oil Co., R. Doak Bishop, Hughes & Luce, 1717 Main St., Suite 2800, Dallas, Tx 75201 (214)939-5500 | | |
09/15/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of Texas Land Commissioner, Gary Mauro, 1700 N. Congress, Austin, TX 512/463-1495 | | |
09/15/1995 | Motion for Rehearing | behalf of Tesoro Exploration & Production Company and Coastal Oil & Gas Corp. and on behalf of Lenape Resources Corp. | | |
09/15/1995 | Motion for Rehearing | on behalf of Gulf Energy Pipeline Company | | |
09/15/1995 | Motion for Rehearing forwarded | Record Forwarded | | |
09/13/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | behalf of Louis A. Beecherl, Jr., Park Place on Turtle Creek, 2911 Turtle Creek Blvd., Suite 900, Dallas, Texas 75219 | | |
09/13/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | behalf of Mesa, Boone Pickens, 1400 Williams Square West, 5205 North O'Connor Blvd., Irving, Texas 75039-3746 (214)402-7001 | | |
09/12/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | behalf of Parker & Parsley; Harry Spannaus, P.O. box 3178, Midland, Tx 79702-2 3178 (915) 683-4768 | | |
09/11/1995 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | from Edward Kliewer, Jr., P.O. Box 671129, Dallas, Texas 75367-1129 214/788-5224 | | |
09/08/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of Seneca Resources Corporation, by William M. Petmecky, 333 Clay St Houston, TX 77002 713/658-0191 | | |
09/08/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of W. Wayne Hardin, 5910 Burgoyne, Ste 3, Houston, TX 77057 713/782-2604 | | |
09/07/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of Parker & Parsley, P.O. Box 3178, Midland, TX 79702 915/683-4768 (submitted by Harry A. Spannaus, VP) | | |
09/05/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | behalf of Brannon Oil & Gas, Richard D. Brannon, 2240A Forest Park, Blvd., Fort Worth, Tx 76110 (817) 924-8695 | | |
08/29/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | behalf of Dan A. Hughes Company; Ronald P. Stasny, P.O. Drawer 669, Beeville, Texas 78104-0669 (512) 358-3752 | | |
08/21/1995 | Motion for Extension of Time to File Motion for Rehearing disposed | Filing granted | Motion for Rehearing due 15 September, 1995. | |
08/21/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of Neil E. Hanson, Hanson Production Co., 2925 Briarpark, Ste. 1000 Houston, TX 77042 713/789-6202 | | |
08/18/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | behalf of Tom Brown, Inc., 508 West Wall, Suite 500, P.O. Box 2608, Midland, Tx 79702 (915) 682-9715 | | |
08/18/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | behalf of Venus Exploration; E.l. Ames, Jr., One Riverwalk Place, 700 N. St. Mary's St. San Antonio, Texas 78205-3512 (210) 222-9481 | | |
08/15/1995 | Amicus Curiae Letter Received | on behalf of H.L. Brown, Jr., P.O. Box 2237, Midland, TX 79702 915/683-5216 | | |
08/14/1995 | Motion for Extension of Time to File Motion for Rehearing | "Gulf Energy Pipeline Company M/E/T Mo Re Filed | | |
08/14/1995 | Notice requesting filing fee | $10 M/E/T to file Mo/Re behalf of Gulf Energy Pipeline Company | | |
08/08/1995 | Motion for Extension of Time to File Motion for Rehearing disposed | Filing granted | mo/re due 09-15-95 | |
08/08/1995 | Call received | From Ms. Elizabeth Bloch(Resp's atty) will be filing reply to m/e/t to file mo/re | | |
08/08/1995 | Reply to Response to Motion | Tennesse Gas Pipeline's reply to m/e/t to file mo/re | | |
08/07/1995 | Motion for Extension of Time to File Motion for Rehearing | behalf of Tesoro Exploration Orig & 1 fwd. | | |
08/01/1995 | Opinion issued | Court of Appeals' judgment affirmed/remanded to trial court | CONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive disposition info. | |
08/01/1995 | Concurring and Dissenting Opinion delivered | Withdrawn | Concurring and dissenting opinion by Justice Enoch, joined by Justice Cornyn and Justice Gammage. Withdrawn 04-18-96 | |
08/01/1995 | Court approved judgment sent to attorneys of record | | | |
08/01/1995 | Miscellaneous motion disposed. See Remarks. | Overruled | Petitioners' motion to strike amicus curiae brief overruled. | |
08/01/1995 | Opinion issued | Withdrawn | Judgment of COA is affirmed & cause is remanded to TC. Opinion by TRP, w/RAG, JH, NLH, RS, PRO. Concur/dissent by CTE, w/JC, BG. W/D 04-18-96 | |
05/22/1995 | Address Change | Amicus Brief of Tx Utilities Electric Co., Wooldridge, Robert Wise, 1601 Bryan St., 30th Floor, Dallas, Tx 75201 (214) 979-3000 | | |
05/17/1995 | Notice from Counsel of a change in address | for Frank Douglass | | |
01/12/1995 | Letter brief | on behalf of Tesoro Exploration et al. in response to letter brief filed by Tennessee Gas PipelineSequence #: 01 | | |
12/22/1994 | Letter brief | | | |
12/13/1994 | Created for Data Conversion -- an event inserted to correspond to the submission date of a process | CONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive submission info. | | |
12/13/1994 | Created for Data Conversion -- an event inserted to correspond to the submitted date of a process | CONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive submitted date. | | |
12/13/1994 | Exhibits in case/cause filed | 11 blow-ups | | |
12/13/1994 | Exhibits in case/cause filed | 3 poster sized enlargements for oral argument (previously on file within record) | | |
12/13/1994 | Oral argument | argued for petitioner by Elizabeth N. Miller & Ernest Smith for respondent by Thomas H. Watkins | ||
12/09/1994 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Behalf of Associated Gas Distributors; Frederick Moring, Crowell & Moring, 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004-2595 (202) 624-2500 | | |
12/08/1994 | Motion to Strike filed | incorporated with reply to amicus; motion to strike amicus of Cities of Clarksville, Springfield, & Portland, Tennessee | | |
12/08/1994 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | motion to strike incorporated | | |
12/06/1994 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | on behalf of The Cities of Clarksville, TN & others, by James R. Choukas- Bradley, 1140 19th Street, Washington DC 20035 202/296-2960 | | |
12/05/1994 | Miscellaneous motion disposed. See Remarks. | Overruled | RESP MO/ALLOW RESP/CR-PET TIME F/REBUTTAL DURING O/A | |
11/30/1994 | Reply Brief | behalf of Tesoro Exploration and Production Company "Response to Respondent Tennessee's request for rebuttal time" | | |
11/29/1994 | Miscellaneous Motion | "Motion to allow respondent/cross-petitioner time for rebuttal during oral argument" on behalf of Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company | | |
11/29/1994 | Reply Brief | Reply to Tennessee's response to amicus curiae briefs and response to brief of Amicus Curiae Texas Utilities, et al.Sequence #: 01 | | |
11/15/1994 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | on behalf of Texas Utilities Electric Company, by Robert K. Wise, 1601 Bryan St., 30th Floor, Dallas, TX 75201 214/979-3000 | | |
10/19/1994 | Reply to Amicus Curiae Brief | of Transtexas Gas Corporation, Texas Independent Producers & Royalty Owners Assn., and Texas Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association | | |
07/11/1994 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Behalf of Texas Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Assoc., Everard Marseglia, 1400 First Interstate Bank, 1000 Louisiana, Houston, Tx 77002 (713)237-3209 | | |
06/22/1994 | Application for Writ of Error - Disposed | Filing granted | CONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive disposition info. | |
06/22/1994 | Application for Writ of Error - Disposed | Filing granted | CONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive disposition info. | |
06/22/1994 | Application for Writ of Error - Disposed | Filing granted | CONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive begin date. | |
06/22/1994 | Amount of time allotted for oral argument. | 20-20 minutes to argue | | |
06/22/1994 | Application for Writ of Error - Disposed | Filing granted | Lenape Resources' app Granted on Points 1 & 2 | |
06/22/1994 | Application for Writ of Error - Disposed | Filing granted | Tennessee Gas Pipeline's application is granted on Points 1, 3 & 4 | |
06/22/1994 | Set for Submission | to be argued 13 December 1994 | | |
06/22/1994 | Writ of error issued to Court of Appeals. | | | |
06/16/1994 | Letter Filed | Tennessee Gas Pipeline's intention to file response to amicus briefsSequence #: 02 | | |
06/13/1994 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | Behalf of Tx Independent Producers & Royalty Owners Assoc.; Charles Lord, 400 W. 15th Street, Suite 600, Austin, Tx 78701 (512) 476-3331 | | |
06/07/1994 | Amicus Curiae Brief received | on behalf of Transtexas Gas Corp., by John Nabors, 1601 Elm Street, Suite 3000, Dallas, TX 75201-4760 214/999-3000 | | |
05/16/1994 | Letter Filed | re: Pet's reply brief | | |
05/03/1994 | Petitioner's reply brief | The Lenape Resources Co et al.Sequence #: 01 | | |
04/19/1994 | Miscellaneous motion disposed. See Remarks. | Filing granted | Motion of resident attorney behalf of Thomas Watkins in support of motion to appear pro hac vice behalf of Theodore R. Tetzlaff was this day granted. | |
04/19/1994 | Miscellaneous motion disposed. See Remarks. | Filing granted | Motion to appear pro hac Vice behalf of Theodore R. Tetzlaff, Norman Hirsch & Donald Cassling | |
04/18/1994 | Miscellaneous Motion | "Motion to appear pro hac vice "behalf of Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, att. Theodore Tetzlaff, Norman Hirsch & Donald Cassling" | | |
04/18/1994 | Miscellaneous Motion | "Motion of resident attorney in support of motion to appear pro hac vice behalf of Tennessee Gas Pipeline company | | |
04/07/1994 | Case forwarded to Court | | | |
04/07/1994 | Phone call from Clerk's Office | to HILGERS & WATKINS re PRO HAC VICE MOTION behalf/Chgo attys listed on reply brief of Tennessee Gas | | |
04/06/1994 | Appendix Filed | to accompany reply of Tesoro Exploration, et al.Sequence #: 01 | | |
04/06/1994 | Reply to Response | on behalf of Tesoro Exploration, Coastal Oil & Gas, Lenape Resources Corp., & Gulf Energy Pipeline CompanySequence #: 01 | | |
04/06/1994 | Reply to Response | on behalf of Tennessee Gas Pipeline CompanySequence #: 02 | | |
03/22/1994 | Application for Writ of Error - Filed | CONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive begin date. | | |
03/22/1994 | Application for Writ of Error - Filed | on behalf of the Lenape Resources corporation et al.Sequence #: 01 | | |
03/22/1994 | Application for Writ of Error - Filed | on behalf Tennessee Gas Pipeline CompanySequence #: 02 | |
Set Date | Calendar Type | Reason Set | Remarks |
09/10/1996 | Case Stored | Case stored. |
Party | PartyType | Representative |
LENAPE RESOURCES CORPORATION | Petitioner | Mr. Emerson Banack Jr. |
COASTAL OIL & GAS CORPORATION | Petitioner | Ms. Jane M. N. Webre |
TENNESSEE GAS PIPELINE COMPANY | Respondent | Mr. H. Carter Burdette Ms. Elizabeth G. Bloch Mr. Ralph H. Duggins Mr. Norman M. Hirsch Hon. John R. Hathaway Mr. Thomas H. Watkins Mr. C. A. Davis Mr. Sloan B. Blair Mr. Theodore R. Tetzlaff Mr. Donald R. Cassling |
ENERCORP RESOURCES | Petitioner | Mr. William T. Armstrong III |
POMFRET PRODUCTION COMPANY | Petitioner | Mr. Charles R. Roberts |
GULF ENERGY PIPELINE COMPANY | Petitioner | Mr. Rudy A. England Mr. Dwight A. Dalrymple |
TESORO EXPLORATION | Petitioner | Ms. Elizabeth N. Miller Mr. Ernest E. Smith III Mr. Frank Douglass Mr. Steve Selby |
Court of Appeals Information:
Rev'd & Remand'd/Affm'd
870 SW2d 286, 08-25-93
4th Court of Appeals
Trial Court Information
57th District Court
Honorable Charles W. Barrow