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United States Court Cases

District Of Columbia Court Of Appeals Record


Case Information: 10-CM-1541
Short Caption:MAHDI M. SHABAZZ V. UNITED STATESClassification:Appeals - Criminal Misdemeanor - Misd. Sex Abuse
Superior Court or Agency Case Number:DVM1528-10Filed Date:12/17/2010

Opening Event Date:12/17/2010Case Status:Decided/Dismissed
Record Completed:02/10/2011Post-Decision Matter Pending:
Briefs Completed:07/23/2014
Disposition:Next Scheduled Action:
Mandate Issued:05/29/2015
Costs Waived

Party Information
Appellate RoleParty NameIFPAttorney(s)Arguing AttorneyE-Filer
AppellantMahdi M. ShabazzYPro SeN
AppelleeUnited StatesN
Elizabeth TrosmanNY
Mark A. AzizYN
David P. SayboltNN

Event DateStatusDescriptionResult
12/28/2010ORDERED: That appellant shall advise this court within 15 days from the date of this order as to the identity of counsel, or whether appellant intends to proceed on appeal pro se, or file a motion and fully completed financial information statement to proceed on appeal in forma pauperis pursuant to D.C. App. R. 24 (3). It is FURTHER ORDERED that appellant shall within 30 days from the date of this order complete and file with this court a single copy of the attached statment regarding transcript. Where transcript(s) necessary for this appeal have been ordered and completed for non-appeal purposes, appellant must advise the Court Reporting Division to forward said transcript(s) for inclusion in the record on appeal. It is FURTHER ORDERED that appellant's failure to respond to any order of this court, including this order, shall subject this appeal to dismissal without further notice for lack of prosecution. See D.C. App. R. 13 (a). (By: JAC)
01/04/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #1 (119 pgs/Tape - 11/29/10 proc.)
01/04/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #2 (111 pgs/Tape - 11/30/10 proc.)(w/CD)
01/10/2011STATEMENT REGARDING TRANSCRIPT(S) (rt ordered/needed)dfe
01/11/2011APPEARANCE - of James J. Fournier counsel for the aplt
01/20/2011RECORD INDEX
01/20/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD - #3 (request for revocation/ removal from PSA supervison filed 8/4/10) ***SEALED
02/10/2011SUPPLEMENTAL RECORD #4 (38 pgs/Tape - 12/10/10 proc.) (w/CD-SR#4)
02/16/2011ORDERED: That the motion of counsel for appellant is granted and the appearance of James Fournier, Esquire, is hereby withdrawn as counsel of record. It is FURTHER ORDERED that appellant shall advise this court, within 20 days from the date of this order, as to the identity of new counsel, or if appellant intends to proceed on appeal pro se. (By: ETW)
03/24/2011ORD GRT APLT MO TO EXT TM TO FILE ANSWER/RESPONSE and the response shall be filed on or before April 7, 2011. (By: JAC)
04/05/2011APLT MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE ANSWER/RESPONSE60 days and asking court to appoint counsel
04/29/2011ORDERED: That the motion is granted to the extent that appellant shall file a motion to proceed on appeal in forma pauperis including a fully completed financial information statement within 15 days from the date of this order to determine his eligibility for court appointed counsel. Failure to comply with this order shall result in appellant being deemed as proceeding pro se. (By: JAC)
06/07/2011ORDERED, ss that appellant shall proceed on appeal pro se. It is F/O that appellant's brief and the appendix shall be filed w/in 40 days from the date of this order, and appellee's brief shall be filed w/in 30 days thereafter. See D.C. App. R. 30, 31. (ETW)
07/14/2011FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File Appendix, Brief (30 days) (Appellant)Granted
09/13/2011FiledGRANT - Order Granting apepllant's motion for an extension of time to file the brief and limited appendix for 30 days from the date of this order
10/13/2011FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File Appendix, Brief (Appellant)Granted
10/20/2011FiledGRANT - Order Granting appellant's motion for an extension of time to file the brief and limited appendix
10/20/2011FiledBrief (Appellant)
10/20/2011FiledAppendix and Supplemental Appendix (Appellant)
11/21/2011FiledBrief (Appellee)
11/21/2011FiledBriefing Completed
12/19/2011FiledReply Brief (Appellant)
01/12/2012FiledACTION - Ready for Calendaring
01/30/2012LodgedACTION - Calendar notice sent
02/10/2012FiledMotion To Stay Appeal (Appellant)
02/23/2012FiledOrder Granting Motion To Stay Appeal
03/20/2012FiledSubmitted To Associated Judges Glickman, easterly, and Senior Judge Belson.
03/30/2012FiledStatus Report regarding pending 23-110 motion (Appellant)
06/29/2012FiledChange Of Address Received From (Appellant)
06/29/2012FiledStatement regarding status report (Appellant)
01/02/2013FiledStatement regarding Status Report (Appellant)
04/01/2013FiledStatement regarding status report 5th (Appellant)
08/01/2013FiledStatement regarding status report 7th (Appellant)
09/06/2013FiledReceived- order denying defendant's motion to vacate, set aside, or correct a judgment pursuant to d.c. code 23-110 (Appellant)
11/04/2013FiledOrdered sua sponte, that the stay entered by this court on February 23, 2013, in appeal no. 10-co-1541 is hereby vacated, entering the appearance of counsel in appeal no. 13-co-1095, consolidating appeal nos. 10-cm-1541 and 13-co-1095 for all purposes and directing the srt in appeal no. 13-co-1095 within 30 days from the date of this order
11/04/2013FiledProceed With Appeal; No Longer On Hold/Stayed appeal no. 10-cm-1541
11/04/2013FiledOrder Sua Sponte Consolidating Appeals nos. 10-cm-1541 and 13-co-1095 for all purposes herein
11/04/2013FiledInitial Order
12/03/2013FiledStatement Regarding Transcript(s) (Appellant) (rt ordered/needed)de
12/04/2013FiledMotion To Appoint Counsel (Appellant)Denied
12/19/2013FiledSupplemental Record specify - #5 (100 pages/tape) 9/12/12 proc.
12/19/2013FiledSupplemental Record specify - #6 (81 pages/tape) 11/5/12 proc
12/19/2013FiledSupplemental Record specify - #7 (17 pages/tape) 11/8/12 proc.
01/07/2014FiledOrder Denying as moot appellant's motion for the appointment of counsel
02/26/2014FiledRecord Copies (13-CO-1095)
02/26/2014FiledRecord Index (13-CO-1095) (PDF Attached to Record Copies)
03/12/2014FiledOrder Sua Sponte directing Supplemental Briefing in 13-CO-1095
04/15/2014FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File Brief and appendix (13-CO-1095) (Appellant)Granted
04/30/2014FiledOrder Granting aplt's motion for extension of time to file opening brief.
05/05/2014FiledBrief (13-CO-1095) (Appellant)
05/05/2014FiledAppendix (13-CO-1095) (Appellant)
05/30/2014FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File Brief (Appellee)Granted
06/24/2014FiledGRANT - Order Granting appellee's motion for an extension of time to file the brief on or before July 24, 2014
07/23/2014FiledMotion For Leave to supplement the record with attachments (Appellee)Granted
07/23/2014FiledBrief (13-CO-1095) (Appellee)
07/23/2014FiledBriefing Completed
08/18/2014FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File Reply Brief (Appellant)Granted
08/20/2014FiledOrder Granting aplt's motion for ext to file reply brief.
08/20/2014FiledACTION - Calendar notice sent
09/02/2014FiledReply Brief (Appellant)
09/02/2014FiledSubmitted To Glickman, Easterly, Belson
09/04/2014FiledOrder Granting appellee's motion to supplement the record
09/19/2014FiledSupplemental Record - #8 (Government Exhibits #2 and #3 Photographs)
01/27/2015FiledAffirmed In Part/Remanded In Part (MOJ) (Glickman and Easterly, Associate Judges; and Belson, Senior Judge)
02/24/2015FiledMotion For Leave to File to file en banc consideration to direct the clerk to accept his petition for rehearing en banc as timely filed or alternatively for leave to file his petition for rehearing out of time. (Appellant)Granted
02/25/2015FiledGRANT - Order Granting appellant' motion and appellant's petition for rehearing en banc shall be filed on or before March 11, 2015.
03/04/2015FiledPetition For Rehearing En Banc (Appellant)Denied
05/21/2015FiledOrder Denying appellant's petition for rehearing en banc.
05/29/2015FiledMandate (BOTH)