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United States Court Cases

Wyoming Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Heading (S-11-0199)
Case Number:S-11-0199Case Docketed On:08/30/2011
Original Court:Ninth Judicial District Fremont CountyCase Type:Direct Appeal - Criminal - Offenses Against the Person 6-2-101 - 6-2-509
Full Title:GABRIEL R. DRENNEN, Appellant (Defendant), v. THE STATE OF WYOMING, Appellee (Plaintiff).

- Party Information
RoleParty NameAttorney(s)
AppellantGabriel R. DrennenThomas B. Jubin
AppelleeThe State of WyomingGregory A. Phillips
David L. Delicath
Theodore R. Racines
Jeffrey Scott Pope
Other Particpants
Interested ObserverPublic Defenders Office - State Public Defenders' OfficeRyan R. Roden
Tina N. Olson

- Case Decision Information
Issues:Criminal Law -Counsel, Criminal Law -Jury Instructions, Criminal Law -Prosecutorial Misconduct, Criminal Law -Self Defense
Opinion Number:2013 WY 118
Citation:311 P.3d 116 (Wyo. 2013)

Docketing Filter View

Docket Information
Filing DateDocument DescriptionDocket Entry TypeDocket Entry SubtypeStatus
08/30/2011Event - Docketed and indexedEventDocketed and indexedFinal
08/30/2011Notice-Incoming - Record completion notice from district courtNotice-IncomingRecord completion notice from district courtFinal
08/30/2011Notice-Outgoing - Docketing letterNotice-OutgoingDocketing letterFinal
09/15/2011Notice-Incoming - Entry of appearance - Thomas JubinNotice-IncomingEntry of appearanceFinal
09/15/2011Motion - Extension of time - brief of appellant.MotionExtension of time - briefFinal
09/15/2011Event - Hardcopy received - Notice of intent to substitute counsel and entry of appearance - Thomas B. Jubin for AppellantEventHardcopy receivedFinal
09/15/2011Event - Hardcopy received - Motion for extension of time to file appellant's brief; and received proposed order.EventHardcopy receivedFinal
09/15/2011Order - Grant - extension of timeOrderGrant - extension of timeFinal
09/16/2011Motion - Withdrawal of counselMotionWithdrawal of counselFinal
09/19/2011Event - Hardcopy received - Motion to withdraw; and received proposed order.EventHardcopy receivedFinal
09/19/2011Order - Granting withdrawal of counsel - Diane M. Lozano and Tina N. Olson allowed to withdraw as counsel for Appellant.OrderGranting withdrawal of counselFinal
11/17/2011Motion - Other - for payment of expert fees.MotionOtherFinal
11/17/2011Motion - Extension of time - brief (or to file motion for Rule 21 remand).MotionExtension of time - briefFinal
11/17/2011Event - Hardcopy received - Motion for additional time in which to file appellant's brief or request for rule 21 remand hearingEventHardcopy receivedFinal
11/17/2011Event - Hardcopy received - Motion for payment of expert expenses by the State Public Defender.EventHardcopy receivedFinal
11/17/2011Order - Grant - extension of timeOrderGrant - extension of timeFinal
11/22/2011Response/Objection - Other -by Public Defender in response to motion for payment of expert expenses.Response/ObjectionOtherFinal
11/23/2011Event - Hardcopy received - State Public Defender's response to appellant's request for the State Public to pay for expert expenses.EventHardcopy receivedFinal
12/06/2011Order - Granting Motion to Require State Public Defender to Pay Expert Expenses (Order served on PD Appellate Counsel)OrderGrantFinal
12/21/2011Motion - Other - Motion for defense expert examination of evidence.MotionOtherFinal
12/22/2011Event - Phone Call from Deputy Attorney General, will not respond to motionEventPhone CallFinal
12/22/2011Order - Authorizing Defense Expert Examination of EvidenceOrderOtherFinal
12/30/2011Event - Hardcopy received - Motion for defense expert examination of evidenceEventHardcopy receivedFinal
12/30/2011Motion - Extension of time - briefMotionExtension of time - briefFinal
12/30/2011Event - Hardcopy received - Motion for extension of time to file appellant's brief; and received proposed order.EventHardcopy receivedFinal
12/30/2011Order - Grant - third extension of timeOrderGrant - third extension of timeFinal
02/16/2012Motion - Remand to district courtMotionRemand to district courtFinal
02/16/2012Event - Hardcopy received - Appellant's Motion and Memorandum in Support of Rule 21 RemandEventHardcopy receivedFinal
02/21/2012Motion - Other (Attorney fees & Costs)MotionOtherFinal
02/21/2012Event - Hardcopy received - Motion for payment of attorney fees by the State Public Defender; and received proposed order.EventHardcopy receivedFinal
03/06/2012Response/Objection - CostsResponse/ObjectionCostsFinal
03/07/2012Event - Hardcopy received - State public defender's response to appellant's request for the state public defender to pay for attorney fees.EventHardcopy receivedFinal
03/08/2012Response/Objection - Motion (response to Public Defender's response/objection)Response/ObjectionMotionFinal
03/09/2012Event - Hardcopy received - Appellant's response to Public Defender's objection to payment of attorney fees by the State Public Defender.EventHardcopy receivedFinal
03/12/2012Response/Objection - Motion (Public Defender's supplemental response)Response/ObjectionMotionFinal
03/13/2012Event - Hardcopy received -State Public Defender's supplemental response to Appellant's request for the State Public Defender to pay for attorney fees.EventHardcopy receivedFinal
03/21/2012Order - Remand - Calene - Order Granting, in part, Motion for RemandOrderRemand - CaleneFinal
03/22/2012Order - Other - Order on motion for payment of attorney fees by State Public DefenderOrderOtherFinal
06/19/2012Event - Phone Call. Spoke with Kristi in the clerk's office. Hearing is set for 7/31/2012. Reset tickler for middle of August.EventPhone CallFinal
08/21/2012Event - Phone Call - Status check with Clerk of the District Court. Hearing was held and taken under advisement, no decision yet.EventPhone CallFinal
09/21/2012Event - Phone Call re remand, Judge has been out of office expects decision letter to be filed in the next couple of weeksEventPhone CallFinal
10/15/2012Rulings-Other Courts/Agencies - Order on remandRulings-Other Courts/AgenciesOrder on remandFinal
10/15/2012Notice-Outgoing - Resuming briefing scheduleNotice-OutgoingResuming briefing scheduleFinal
12/03/2012Brief - AppellantBriefAppellantFinal
12/03/2012Event - Hardcopy received - Appellant's Principal BriefEventHardcopy receivedFinal
01/22/2013Brief - AppelleeBriefAppelleeFinal
01/23/2013Event - Hardcopy received - Brief of Appellee; and copy of designation of recordEventHardcopy receivedFinal
02/01/2013Order - Oral argument scheduledOrderOral argument scheduledFinal
02/06/2013Notice-Incoming - Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting from Jeffrey Pope obo AppelleeNotice-IncomingReceipt acknowledgment - oral argument settingFinal
02/08/2013Notice-Incoming - Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting from Thomas Jubin obo AppellantNotice-IncomingReceipt acknowledgment - oral argument settingFinal
02/11/2013Brief - Appellant replyBriefAppellant replyFinal
02/11/2013Event - Hardcopy received - Appellant's Reply BriefEventHardcopy receivedFinal
02/12/2013Notice-Outgoing - Request for transmitted record on appealNotice-OutgoingRequest for transmitted record on appealFinal
02/14/2013Motion - Strike Appellant's Reply BriefMotionStrikeFinal
02/15/2013Event - Hardcopy received - Motion to Strike Appellant's Reply BriefEventHardcopy receivedFinal
02/19/2013Record - Transmitted record on appeal from district court clerk, nine volumes (Volumes I-II, original papers; Volumes III-V, transcripts; Volume VI, confidential folder; Volume VII, state's exhibits; Volume VIII, defense exhibits; Volume IX, remand hearing exhibits)RecordTransmitted record on appealFinal
02/19/2013Notice-Outgoing - Transmitted record on appeal filedNotice-OutgoingTransmitted record on appeal filedFinal
02/20/2013Response/Objection - MotionResponse/ObjectionMotionFinal
02/20/2013Event - Hardcopy received - Appellant's Response to Appellee's Motion to Strike Reply BriefEventHardcopy receivedFinal
03/05/2013Order - Denying Motion to Strike Reply BriefOrderDenyFinal
03/12/2013Notice-Internal - Oral argument notice. Argued before Chief Justice Kite, Justices Hill, Voigt, Burke and Davis (Thomas Jubin obo Appellant; Jeffrey Pope obo Appellee) and taken under advisement.Notice-InternalOral argument noticeFinal
03/19/2013Correspondence - Incoming - letter correcting oral argument factual statementCorrespondenceIncomingFinal
10/01/2013Opinion - Opinion and journal order reversing and remanding, Chief Justice Kite writing for the CourtOpinionOpinion and journal orderFinal
10/07/2013Service - Certified mail signature return card - Opinion signed for 10/2/2013 by agent for Eddie Wilson, Warden Wyoming State PenitentiaryServiceCertified mail signature return cardFinal
10/17/2013Notice-Outgoing - MandateNotice-OutgoingMandateFinal
10/17/2013Notice-Outgoing - Record return letterNotice-OutgoingRecord return letterFinal
10/17/2013Record - Record returned to district courtRecordRecord returned to district courtFinal
10/17/2013Event - Case closedEventCase closedFinal
10/21/2013Service - Certified mail signature return card - record signed for 10/18/2013ServiceCertified mail signature return cardFinal