Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
12/07/1998 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee Waived. | | |
12/07/1998 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for appellant.) | | 98-00281 |
01/21/1999 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. Appellant shall within 10 days of the date of this order, file and serve the docketing statement and either a transcript request form or a certificate of no transcript request or show cause why sanctions should not be imposed against counsel for appellant. | | 99-00432 |
01/27/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion to Dismiss Appeal. (mailed on: 01/25/99). | | 99-00567 |
05/28/1999 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Resolving Motion or Stipulation. fn2[All filing deadlines shall commence to run from the date of this order]. | | 99-04454 |
06/14/1999 | Transcript | Filed Transcript. Proceedings: December 20, 1995, February 14, 1996, April 17, 1996 and July 12, 1996. Court Reporter: Sharleen Nicholson. | | 99-05116 |
06/14/1999 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement. | | 99-05117 |
06/14/1999 | Transcript Request | Filed Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Proceedings: April 17, 1996, July 12, 1996, December 20, 1995, February 14, 1996 and October 8, 1990. To Court Reporter: Sharleen Nicholson. | | 99-05118 |
09/27/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. Motion for extension of time to file Appellant's Opening Brief and Appendix. | | 99-09199 |
10/05/1999 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Extending Time. Brief due: October 27, 1999. Thereafter, briefing shall proceed in accordance with the schedule set forth in NRAP 31(a)(1). See SCR 250(7) (c). | | 99-09522 |
10/28/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. Motion for extension of time to file Appellant's Opening Brief and Appendix. | | 99-10568 |
11/29/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. Third Motion for Extension of time to file Appellant's Opening Brief and Appendix. | | 99-11883 |
12/08/1999 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Extending Time. Brief and appendix due: December 27, 1999. No futher extensions of time shall be permitted in the absence of extreme and unforeseeable circumstances. | | 99-12272 |
12/27/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. Fourth Motion for Extension of Time to File Appellant's Opening Brief and Appendix. | | 99-13161 |
12/29/1999 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Extending Time. Brief due: January 10, 2000. | | 99-13364 |
01/13/2000 | Motion | Filed Motion for Excess Pages. Motion to Allow Appellant to file an Opening Brief in excess of 30 pages. | | 00-00598 |
01/13/2000 | Appendix | Received Appendix to Opening Brief. Volumes 1 and 2. | | 00-00602 |
03/03/2000 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion. The clerk shall file the thirty-eight page opening brief and the appendix provisionally received on January 13, 2000. Respondent shall, within 20 days of the date of this order, file and serve the answering brief. Thereafter, briefing shall proceed in accordance with NRAP 31(a)(1). | | 00-03421 |
03/03/2000 | Brief | Filed Opening Brief. | | 00-00601 |
03/03/2000 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief. Volume 1 and 2. | | 00-00602 |
03/24/2000 | Brief | Filed Answering Brief. Mailed on: Express-No postmark. | | 00-04771 |
03/24/2000 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Answering Brief. | | 00-04772 |
05/01/2000 | Case Status Update | Submitted for Decision. | | |
05/10/2000 | Motion | Filed Stipulation. | | 00-07726 |
05/19/2000 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order/Stipulation Disapproved. On May 10, 2000, the parties filed a stipualtion to extend the time to file appellant's reply brief. Because the stipulation was not timely filed, it is disapproved. In the interest of judicial economy, we grant appellant an extension until June 6, 2000, to file the reply brief. Failure to file the reply brief on or before June 6, 2000, may result in this matter being submitted for decision on the opening biref, answering brief and appendices filed in this matter. | | 00-08391 |
06/01/2000 | Brief | Filed Reply Brief. Mailed on: Las Vegas Drop Box 5/30/00. | | 00-09209 |
06/01/2000 | Case Status Update | Submitted for Decision. | | |
07/07/2000 | Order/Dispositional | Filed Order Dismissing Appeal. "ORDER this appeal dismissed." NNP99B-CY/DA/ML | | 00-11579 |
07/26/2000 | Post-Judgment Petition | Filed Petition for Rehearing. Mailed on: 7/24/00--LV Drop Box. | | 00-12944 |
08/30/2000 | Post-Judgment Order | Filed Order/Rehearing Denied. "Rehearing denied." NNP99B-CY/DA/ML | | 00-15309 |
09/15/2000 | Remittitur | Issued Remittitur. | | 00-15423 |
09/15/2000 | Case Status Update | Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. | | |
10/25/2000 | Remittitur | Filed Remittitur. Received by County Clerk on October 4, 2000. | | 00-15423 |