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United States Court Cases

District Of Columbia Court Of Appeals Record


Case Information: 97-BG-1245
Short Caption:IN RE: HARVEY TAYLORClassification:Bar Governance - Bar - Disciplinary
Superior Court or Agency Case Number:BDN231-97Filed Date:08/05/1997

Opening Event Date:08/05/1997Case Status:Closed
Record Completed:Post-Decision Matter Pending:
Briefs Completed:
Disposition:Next Scheduled Action:
Mandate Issued:

Party Information
Appellate RoleParty NameIFPAttorney(s)Arguing AttorneyE-Filer
PetitionerBar CounselN
Leonard H. Becker NN
PetitionerBoard on Professional ResponsibilityN
Karen K. Christensen NN
RespondentHarvey Taylor N
Dalton J. HowardNY

Event DateStatusDescriptionResult
08/05/1997PETITIONER'S MISCELLANEOUS SUBSTANTIVE MOTION (Bar Counsel) for an order to show cause.
10/08/1997ORDER Whereas, the business of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals requires the designation and temporary assignment of a judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia to serve on this Court, Now Therefore, pursuant to D.C. Code Sec 11-707 (a), I hereby designate and assign the Honorable Shellie F. Bowers, an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, to serve as a judge of this Court for the purposes of conducting all required proceedings in case no. 97-BG-1245, In re: Harvey Taylor, and for such additional time in advance of said proceedings or thereafter as may be required to prepare for and dispose of said case. (AMW)
10/08/1997ORDER On consideration of Bar Counsel's motion for order to show cause and there appearing to be no opposition thereto, it is ORDERED that Bar Counsel's motion is granted. It is FURTHER ORDERED that respondent shall show cause within 20 days why he should not be found in criminal contempt of court for the reasons alleged in the motion for Bar Counsel, it is FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk is directed to transmit the pleadings herein to the Honorable Shellie F. Bowers, Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, designated in accordance with D.C. Code Sec 11-707 (a) to serve as a judge of this court, for a hearing to be conducted with respect to the issue whether respondent should be found in criminal contempt. (By SC, RD, NW)
12/22/1997ORDER Continuing Show Cause Hearing to 1:15 p.m. on January 31, 1998, in Courtroom 310. Judge Bowers
01/21/1998ORDER Motion of Bar Counse for order to show cause held. Respondent enter into a plea of guilty to (1) one count of criminal contempt, pre-sentence report ordered. Set for sentencing March 31, 1998, at 1:15 p.m. (Judge Bowers)
03/31/1998FiledOUTCOME/DISPOSITION - Outcome-Disposition
03/31/1998GRANTED Respondent having entered a plea of guilty to the charge(s) of A criminal contempt and having been found guilty by court, it is hereby ORDERED that respondent has been convicted of and is guilty of the offense charged, and is hereby sentenced to A pay a fine of three hundred dollars not later than June 30, 1998. (Judge Bowers)