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United States Court Cases

District Of Columbia Court Of Appeals Record


Case Information: 11-AA-0361
Short Caption:TANISHA DANIEL V. NEIMAN MARCUS GROUPClassification:Agency - Administrative Agency - Employment Services
Superior Court or Agency Case Number:DOES03016-10Filed Date:02/28/2011

Opening Event Date:02/28/2011Case Status:Decided/Dismissed
Record Completed:09/12/2011Post-Decision Matter Pending:
Briefs Completed:
Disposition:Next Scheduled Action:
Mandate Issued:
Costs Waived

Party Information
Appellate RoleParty NameIFPAttorney(s)Arguing AttorneyE-Filer
PetitionerTanisha Daniel YPro SeN
RespondentNeiman Marcus GroupNPro SeN

Event DateStatusDescriptionResult
02/28/2011PETITION FOR REVIEW-NPT PER MARCH 29, 2011 ORDER LW nunc pro tunc to Feb 28, 2011 per 7/8/11 order rm
03/29/2011 ORDERED that the MOTION TO PROCEED IFP IS GRANTED and the Clerk shall file the lodged PFR, NPT TO MARCH 21, 2011. It is *****MORE*****
03/29/2011 FURTHER ORDERED that PETITIONER SHALL W/N 20 DAYS SHOW CAUSE why this petition should not be dismissed for having been UNTIMELY FILED... (BY: ETW)
03/29/2011TMC - OTSC - ROTSC
04/11/2011RECEIVED - aplt's response to show cause (not certificate of service and no signature)
04/18/2011RECEIVED - Response to show cause. (no cert of service)
05/24/2011 ORDERED that PETITIONER SHALL W/N 20 DAYS, FILE AN ADDITIONAL RESPONSE that should include (1) a copy of the letter she mailed to tis court on 2/23/11...(2)a copy of the correspondence received from this court in return...(3) copies of the postmarked envelopes sent to or from this court at that time...(4) any other proof that she mailed communications to this court on or about 2/23/11. (FITEST)
06/16/2011RECEIVED - petitioner's response to show cause order dated 5/24/11
07/08/2011on further consideration of this court's order to show cause and the responses thereto and it apearing that petitioner mailed a letter to this court seeking review that was received by this court on or before 2/28/11, thereby making this appeal timely, it is O that the show cause is discharged and the Clerk shall file pet nunc por tunc to 2/28/11 (FITEST)m
07/08/2011FO that Office of Admin. Appeals shall file the administrative record in 60 days FO that respondent shall identify its counsel within 30 day. SEE ORDER (FITEST)
08/24/2011FiledAnswer/Response to 7/8/11 order re identity of counsel. (Petitioner)
09/12/2011FiledRecord On Appeal w/ 1/14/11 hearing
09/12/2011FiledRecord Completed
09/19/2011FiledOrder directing respondent to identify counsel & petitioner to file brief and limited appendix
10/05/2011FiledNotice Received - unable to continue appeal (Petitioner)Granted
10/27/2011FiledOrder Granting petitioner's motion to dismiss.