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United States Court Cases

Nevada Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Information: 38053
Lower Court Case(s):NONEClassification:Original Proceeding - Civil - Mandamus
Disqualifications:Case Status:Notice in Lieu of Remittitur Issued/Case Closed
Replacement:Panel Assigned: En Banc
To SP/Judge:SP Status:
Oral Argument:07/06/2001 at 11:00 AMOral Argument Location:Carson City
Submission Date:07/06/2001How Submitted:After Oral Argument

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
06/20/2001Filing Fee Filing Fee Waived.
06/20/2001Petition/WritFiled Petition for Writ of Mandamus. 01-10422
06/20/2001Letter/IncomingFiled Letter. from attorney Andrew List. The necessary verification parties are at a conference in Winnemucca through the end of the week. Verifications have been sent for signature and will be delivered as soon as they are received - this should occur no later than Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 5:00 p.m. 01-10423
06/20/2001MotionFiled Motion. Motion to consolidate case no. 38039 and case no. 38053 and for an extension of time to file a single answer in the consolidated cases. Nos. 38039/38053. 01-10430
06/20/2001Order/ProceduralFiled Order/Answer Writ Petition. Order Directing Answer to Petition for Writ , Directing Reply and Scheduling Oral Argument. Respondent shall have to and including June 25, 2001, to file an answer, including points and authorities, against issuance of the writ. Petitioners are directed to file a reply to the answer on or before Friday, June 29, 2001. We direct the clerk of this court to schedule oral argument in this matter on Friday, July 6, 2001, at 11:00 a.m. Argument shall be limited to 30 minutes. Respondent has moved to consolidate this matter with Docket No. 38039. The motion is denied. 01-10467
06/21/2001Petition/WritFiled Supplement to Petition for Writ. Verification of Maggie Lowther; Verification of Barbara Reed; Verification of Alan Glover; Verification of Susan Harrer; Statement from Claire J. Clift, Secretary of the Senate; Statement w/assembly log from Jacqueline Sneddon, Chief Clerk of the Assembly. 01-10549
06/25/2001Petition/WritFiled Answer to Petition for Writ. 01-10697
06/25/2001AppendixFiled Appendix. (Answer). 01-10698
06/26/2001Notice/IncomingFiled Proof of Service. for answer and appendix. 01-10780
06/29/2001Petition/WritFiled Reply to Answer to Petition. Petitioner's Reply Brief. 01-11089
07/05/2001Notice/IncomingFiled Errata. Errata to Petitioner's Reply Brief (Reply to Answer). 01-11269
07/05/2001Letter/IncomingFiled Letter. from Ed Vogel requesting cameras in the courtroom for oral argument on July 6, 2001at 11:00 a.m. Nos. 38039/38053. 01-11319
07/05/2001Order/ProceduralFiled Order. It is hereby ordered that permission is granted for photographic and electronic media coverage of the hearing to be held Friday, July 6, 2001, at 11:00 a.m. for news purposes and not for commercial exploitation. All persons participating in such photographic and electronic coverage shall observe the standards set forth in the Supreme Court Rules in all respects, and Cathleen Allison of the Las Vegas Review-Journal is designated as pool coordinator for purposes of organizing and coordinating the orderly coverage of such proceedings by all participants. All equipment necessary to allow for such photographic and electronic coverage of such proceedings shall be placed in the courtroom before commencement of the hearing in the aforesaid matter. 01-11341
07/06/2001Case Status Update Submitted for Decision. Per conference call with counsel on July 5, 2001, Chief Justice Maupin and Justice Young are not recused from participation in the decision of Docket Nos. 38039 and 38053. See Minutes for full information.
07/17/2001Opinion/DispositionalFiled Authored Opinion. "Petition granted." The clerk of this court shall issue writs of mandamus compelling Legislative Counsel to enroll Assembly Bills No. 94 and No. 661, and deliver them to the Governor for action." Before the Court En Banc. By the Court, Shearing, J. We concur: Young, Rose, and Becker, JJ. Agosti, J., concurring. Maupin, C.J., dissenting. Leavitt, J., dissenting.117 Nev. Adv. Opn. No. 47. EN BANC. Nos. 38039/38053-not consolidated. 01-12093
07/17/2001WritIssued Writ. Original and one copy of writ and copy of opinion mailed to Andrew List for service upon Legislative Counsel Brenda Erdoes. 01-12103
07/24/2001WritFiled Writ. Served on Kevin Powers at Legislative Counsel Bureau on July 19, 2001. 01-12103
08/14/2001RemittiturIssued Notice in Lieu of Remittitur. 01-12330
08/14/2001Case Status Update Remittitur Issued/Case Closed.