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United States Court Cases

Texas Supreme Court Record


Case: 94-0137
Petition for Writ of Mandamus
Appellate Briefs
Date Event Type Description Remarks Document
09/09/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
09/08/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
09/07/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
02/16/1994Letter brief RelatorLetter supplement to Relator's reply brief in support of Petition for writ of mandamus
02/15/1994Reply to Petition for Writ of MandamusRespondenton behalf of Lacy Lee Thomas "Response to Petition for Writ of Mandamus & Brief in Support"
02/14/1994Relator's reply brief on the meritsRelator"Reply Brief in Support of Up-Rights Petition for Writ of Mandamus"
02/11/1994Reply to Petition for Writ of MandamusRespondenton behalf of real party, Cy-Fair ISD
02/09/1994Brief in Support of PetitionRelatorIncorporated within Petition
Case Events
Date Event Type Disposition Remarks Document
09/09/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
09/08/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
09/07/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
03/21/1994Case StoredNo Mo/Re filed
02/16/1994Letter brief Letter supplement to Relator's reply brief in support of Petition for writ of mandamus
02/16/1994M/L/F Petition for Writ of Mandamus disposedOverruledStay Order Issued 2/9/94 is vacated; (JJ.HECHT, CORNYN & ENOCH WOULD VOTE TO GRANT)
02/16/1994Stay order vacated. See remarks & op/disp screenStay Order issued by this Court 2/9/94 is vacated
02/15/1994Reply to Petition for Writ of Mandamuson behalf of Lacy Lee Thomas "Response to Petition for Writ of Mandamus & Brief in Support"
02/14/1994Additional cites or additional authoritiesCopy of Opinion in Case # A14-94-00103-CV and 11 copies; Court Order in same case and copies
02/14/1994Relator's reply brief on the merits"Reply Brief in Support of Up-Rights Petition for Writ of Mandamus"
02/11/1994Reply to Petition for Writ of Mandamuson behalf of real party, Cy-Fair ISD
02/09/1994Motion to Expedite disposedFiling granted
02/09/1994Motion to Expedite Filed
02/09/1994Motion to Stay DisposedFiling grantedSTAY ORDER ISSUED
02/09/1994Motion to Stay Filed Incorporated with Motion to expedited relief
02/09/1994Brief in Support of PetitionIncorporated within Petition
02/09/1994Exhibits received
02/09/1994Motion/leave to file petition for writ of mandamus
02/09/1994Petition for writ received
02/09/1994Request made for reply to proceedingFR/REAL PTY/S BY TUES, FEB. 15
02/09/1994Stay Order issuedTO J.STONE STAYING HER ORDER OF 1/26/94 IN #91-59813 IN 55TH DIST CT/HARRIS CO
Set DateCalendar TypeReason SetRemarks
03/21/1994Case StoredCase stored.No Mo/Re filed
CYPRESS-FAIRBANKS I.S.D.RespondentMr. Ray Schorre
THOMAS, LACY LEERespondentMr. George W. Wilhite
UP-RIGHT, INC.RelatorMr. Michael W. Mengis
Mr. D. Gibson Walton
Mr. James A. Reeder Jr.
Court of Appeals Information:
14th Court of Appeals
Trial Court Information
55th District Court
Honorable Kathleen S. Stone