Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
06/03/1998 | Filing Fee | Received Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $200.00 from Beckley Singleton firm -- Check No. 66354. | | 00-08654 |
06/03/1998 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. (Docketing Statement mailed to counsel for appellant.) | | |
06/08/1998 | Motion | Filed Motion to Consolidate. and to Establish New Briefing Schedule or Settlement Conference. Nos. 31573, 32465. | | |
06/12/1998 | Transcript Request | Filed Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Court Reporter: Thomas Mercer | | |
06/18/1998 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement. | | |
07/02/1998 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. We grant Appellant's motion to consolidate the above entitled appeals. We hereby consolidate these matters for all appellate purposes. We further assign these consolidated matters to the settlement conference program. We suspend briefing in these consolidated matters pending conclusion of the settlement Judge Earle W. White. The clerk of this court shall issue the appropriate notice to the parties and forward the necessary documents to the settlement judge. (nos. 31573 & 32465). | | |
07/07/1998 | Settlement Notice | Issued Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program. Settlement Judge: Earle W. White. (Briefing and preparation of transcripts suspended pending further order of this court.) (nos. 31573 & 32465). | | |
09/16/1998 | Other | Other. Issued Notice of Settlement Conference. New Settlement Judge: Noel Manoukain. (Settlement Conference materials forwarded to Judge Manoukain.) | | |
01/20/1999 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of these consolidated appeals. Court reporter Thomas Mercer shall have 30 days from the date of this order to comply with the provisions of NRAP 9(b) in Docket Number 32465. Appellant shall have 120 days from the date of this order to file and serve the opening brief and appendix. Thereafter, briefing shall proceed in accordance with NRAP 31(a)(1). As these appeals have been consolidated, each party shall raise all issues on appeal in one brief when complying with the briefing schedule. Nos. 31573, 32465. | | |
02/09/1999 | Transcript Request | Filed Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: Daubert Motion -- 8/4/97; Jury Trial -- 9/2/97, 9/3/97 (2), 9/4/97, 9/5/97, 9/9/97 (2), 9/10/97, 9/11/97; verdict -- 9/12/97; Jury Trial -- 1/14/98 (2), 1/15/98, 1/16/98 (2), 1/20/98; verdict--1/22/98; Proceedings 3/23/98 and 4/23/98. Court Reporter: Tom Mercer & Associates. | | |
03/15/1999 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice. Change of firm name. The law firm of Gillock, Koning, Markley & Killebrew, P.C., has been changed to Gillock, Markley & Killebrew, P.C. immediately. Nos. 31573, 32465. | | |
05/20/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion and Order Extending Time. Brief due: June 11, 1999. (Nos. 31573 & 32465) | | |
05/24/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Opposition to Motion for Order Extending Time to File Appellant's Opening Brief and Respondents' Motion for Dismissal of Appeal. (Nos. 31573 & 32466) | | |
06/11/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Motion for Order Extending Time to File Appellant's Opening Brief. (Nos. 31573 & 32466) | | |
06/16/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Respondent's Motion for Dismissal of Appeal and Opposition to Moiton for Order Extending Time to File Appellant's Opening Brief. (Nos. 31573 & 32465) | | |
06/18/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Original Affidavit of Daniel F. Polsenberg in Support of Appellant's Motion for Order Extending Time to File Appellant's Opening Brief. (Nos. 31573 & 32466) | | |
07/02/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. (Nos. 31573 & 32465) | | |
07/02/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion for Excess Pages. (Nos. 31573 & 32465) | | |
07/02/1999 | Brief | Received Opening Brief. (Nos. 31573 & 32465) Mailed on: 06/29/99 | | |
07/02/1999 | Appendix | Received Appendix. Appellant's Appendix, Vols. 1 through 28 (Nos. 31573 & 32465). | | |
08/02/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Motion for Extension of Time within which to Oppose or Otherwise Challenge Appellant Block's "Motion for Leave to Exceed page Limitation" and "Motion for Order Extending Time to File Opening Brief," and for Extension of Time to Answer or Otherwise Contest Purported Opening Brief and Appendix. | | |
08/12/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Partial Opposition to Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time, etc. (Nos. 31573 & 32465) | | |
08/18/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Motion to Strike Appellant's Opening Brief and Appendix, to Dismiss Appeal, and for Award of Attorney's Fees, Double Costs, and Delay Damages on the Ground of Multiple Procedural Derelictions. (Nos. 31573 & 32465) | | |
08/19/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Supplemental Affidavit of Daniel F. Polsenberg in Support of Appellant's Partial Opposition to Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time. (Nos. 31573 & 32465) | | |
08/25/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Opposition to Respondent's Motion to Strike Appellant's Opening Brief Etc. (nos. 31573 & 32465) | | |
08/27/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Motion for Leave to file Reply Memorandum in Support of "Motion to Strike Appellant's Opening Brief and Appendix, to Dismiss Appeal, and for Award of Attorney's Fees, Double Costs, and Delay Damages on the Ground of Multiple Procedural Derelictions." (nos. 31573 & 32465) | | |
08/27/1999 | Other | Other. Received Reply Memorandum in Support of "Motion to Strike Appellant's Opening Brief and Appendix, to Dismiss Appeal, and for Award of Attorneys' Fees, Double Costs, and Delay Damages on the Ground of Proceedural Derelictions. Nos. 31573 & 32465. RETURNED UNFILED 6/2/00. | | |
09/07/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Appellant's Motion for Leave to File Amended Opposition and to Strike Portion of Respondents' Proposed Reply Prior to its filing. Nos. 31573, 32465 | | |
09/07/1999 | Other | Other. Received Amended Opposition to Respondents' Motion to Strike Appellant's Opening Brief, etc. Nos. 31573 & 32465. RETURNED UNFILED 6/2/00. | | |
09/13/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Opposition to "Appellant's Motion for Leave to file Amended Opposition and to Strike Portions of Respondents' Proposed Reply prior to Filing". Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
09/22/1999 | Other | Other. Received Second Amended Opposition to Respondents' Motion to Strike Appellant's Opening Brief, etc. Nos. 31573 & 32465. RETURNED UNFILED 6/2/00. | | |
09/22/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Motion for: (1) Leave to File a Second Amended Brief; and (2) an Order Striking from the Record on Appeal, all Reference to Matters Not Contained in the Record on Appeal. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
09/28/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Order we elect to treat respondents' May 24, 1999, opposition to appellant's motion for an extension of time to file the opening brief as a motion to reconsider our May 20, 1999, order, and we deny respondents' motion. We grant appellant's June 11, 1999, motion and July 2, 1999, motions. 1[We deny as moot respondents' August 2, 1999, motion for an extension of time to file an opposition to appellant's July 2, 1999, motions]. The clerk shall forthwith file the opening brief and appendix, provisionally submitted on July 2, 1999. Respondents shall, within 30 days from the date of this order, serve and filed the answering brief. Thereafter, briefing shall proceed in accordance with NRAP 31(a)(1). We defer ruling on the remaining motions filed in this matter. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
09/28/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Appellant's Opening Brief. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
09/28/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Appellant's Appendix, Vols. 1 through 28 (filed in No. 31573). Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
10/04/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Respondent's Opposition to "Motion for: (1) Leave to File Second Amended Brief; and (2) an Order Striking from the Record on Appeal all Reference to Matters Not Contained in the Record on Appeal." Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
10/25/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion and Order Extending Time. Brief due: 11/29/99. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
10/25/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion. Respondents' Motion to Require Transmission of Original Exhibits, or Copies, for Inclusion in Appendix at Appellant's Cost, and Motion to Consider Failure to Transmit Such Exhibits as Further Ground for Dismissal and/or Sanctions. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
11/02/1999 | Other | Other. Filed Appellant's Response to Respondents' Motion to Require Transmission of Original Exhibits, Etc. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
11/18/1999 | Letter/Incoming | Filed Letter. from attorney Gerald Gillock requesting this court's action on motion to transmit exhibits filed on October 25, 1999. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
11/29/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
12/30/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion. Motion for Leave to File Brief in Excess of 30 Page to wit: 97 pages. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
12/30/1999 | Brief | Received Answering Brief. Mailed on: 12/28/99. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
12/30/1999 | Appendix | Received Appendix to Answering Brief. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
02/02/2000 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
03/03/2000 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. (Second Request). Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
03/09/2000 | Other | Other. Filed Respondents' Opposition to Appellant's Second Request for Extension of Time to File Appellant's Reply Brief. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
04/03/2000 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. (Third Request) Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
04/04/2000 | Other | Other. Filed Respondents' Opposition to Appellant's Third Request for Extension of Time to File Appellant's Reply Brief. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
04/25/2000 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. (Appellant's Fourth Request.) Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
04/27/2000 | Other | Other. Filed Respondents' Opposition to Appellant's Fourth Request for Extension of Time to File Appellant's Reply Brief. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
05/03/2000 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. (Appellant's Fifth Request.) Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
05/05/2000 | Other | Other. Filed Repondents' Opposition to Appellant's Fifth Request for Extension of Time to File Appellant's Reply Brief. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
05/09/2000 | Motion | Filed Motion for Excess Pages. Motion for Leave to Exceed Page Limitation. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
05/09/2000 | Brief | Received Reply Brief. Mailed on: 5/5/00. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
06/02/2000 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. On September 28, 1999, we entered an order resolving appellant's motions for extensions of time to file the opening brief. Since entry of the September 28, 1999, order, the parties have filed myriad additional motions, responses, oppositions and affidavits related to the briefing of these consolidated appeals. The clerk of this court shall file respondents' answering brief and appendix received on December 30, 1999, and appellant's reply brief received on May 5, 2000. We grant respondent's October 25, 1999, motion to require the transmission of original exhibits or copies for inclusion in the appellate court record. The clerk of the district court shall forthwith certify and transmit to this court all of the original exhibits which were received in evidence during the trials that resulted in the verdicts now on appeal. As briefing of these appeals is now completed we deny all other pending motions filed in these appeals. fn2 [The clerk of this court shall return, unfiled, any received documents which the parties sought leave to file throught the motions we have denied in this order.] This court wil disregard any matters in the parties' briefs or the appellate court record which are not supported by proper citation or that are otherwise irrelevant to the issues on appeal. Nos. 31573, 32465. | | |
06/02/2000 | Brief | Filed Answering Brief. Nos. 31573, 32465. (Brief in 31573) | | |
06/02/2000 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Answering Brief. Nos. 31573, 32465. (Appendix in 31573) | | |
06/02/2000 | Brief | Filed Reply Brief. Nos. 31573, 32465. (Brief in no. 31573) | | |
06/02/2000 | Other | Other. Returned, unfiled, with letter, to the Beckley firm: "Amended Opposition to Respondents' Motion to Strike Appellant's Opening Brief, etc." received September 7, 1999, and "Second Amended Opposition to Respondents' Motion to Strike Appellant's Opening Brief, etc." received September 22, 1999. Nos. 31573 & 32465 | | |
06/02/2000 | Other | Other. Returned, unfiled, with letter to the Galatz firm: original Reply Memorandum in Support of "Motion to Strike Appellant's Opening Brief and Appendix, to Dismiss Appeal, and for Award of Attorneys' Fees, Double Costs, and Delay Damages on the Ground of Procedural Derelictions" received August 27, 1999. Nos. 31573 & 32465. | | |
07/20/2000 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. On June 6, 2000, this court entered an order which, in part, granted respondents' motion filed October 25, 1999. On July 14, 2000, this court received from the district court clerk a large box of assorted original exhibits including non-documentary exhibits. The clerk of this court shall forthwith return to the district court clerk all exhibits in these consolidated appeals which were received by this court on July 14, 2000. Respondents shall have 10 days from the date of this order to file a supplemental motion to transmit exhibits and shall specify precisely and individually each original exhibit which respondents desire to have transmitted to this court. Nos. 31573, 32465. Document No. 00-12512. | | |
07/20/2000 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Letter. to the Clark County Clerk: pursuant to the Order filed today, returned the original Exhibits received on July 14, 2000. Nos. 31573, 32465. | | |
08/04/2000 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice. Notice of Return of Exhibits. Nos. 31573, 32465. Document No. 00-13513. | | |
10/10/2000 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. To date, respondents have not filed a supplemental motion. It appears that respondents do not require the transmissin of exhibits from the district court for consideration in this appeal. The briefing of this appeal is deemed completed. Nos. 31573, 32465. Document No. 00-17891. | | |
03/16/2001 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order/Submit on Briefs. Cause appearing, oral argument will not be scheduled and this appeal shall stand submitted for decision to the Southern Nevada Panel as of the date of this order on the briefs filed herein. Nos. 31573/32465. (01-04776) | | |
03/16/2001 | Case Status Update | Submitted for Decision. Southern Nevada Panel. SNP01A-CY/ML/NB. Nos. 31573/32465 | | |
03/21/2001 | Motion | Filed Motion. Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Authorities. Nos. 31573/32465 (01-04966). | | |
03/21/2001 | Brief | Received Supplemental Brief. (Respondents' Supplemetnal Authorities) Nos. 31573/32465 (01-04967).
RETURNED UNFILED WITH LETTER 04/03/01. Nos. 31573/32465 (01-04967). | | |
04/03/2001 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Denying Motion. On March 16, 2001, this court entered an order submitting these consolidated appeals for decision upon the briefs. On March 21, 2001, respondents filed a 'Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Authorities.' Because respondents' 'supplemental authorities' do not appear to comply with the intent of NRAP 31(d), and no good cause appearing, we deny respondents' motion. The clerk of this court shall return, unfiled, the document entitled, 'Respondents' Supplemental Authorities Filed Pursuant to NRAP 31(d),' that was received on March 21, 2001. We remind the parties that this court will disregard any matters improperly included in the briefs. Nos. 31573/32465. (01-05693) | | |
04/03/2001 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Letter. to the Galatz firm: returned original and one copy of the Respondents' Supplemental Authorities Filed Pursuant to NRAP 31(d), received on March 21, 2001. Nos. 31573/32465 (01-04967). | | |
05/16/2001 | Order/Dispositional | Filed Order of Affirmance. We conclude that the district court properly denied appellant's request for a new trial on damages. "AFFIRMED." SNP01A-CY/ML/NB Nos. 31573/32465 | | 01-08098 |
06/12/2001 | Remittitur | Issued Remittitur. | | 01-08123 |
06/12/2001 | Case Status Update | Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. | | |
07/05/2001 | Remittitur | Filed Remittitur. Received by County Clerk on June 19, 2001. | | 01-08123 |