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United States Court Cases

Nevada Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Information: 36171
Lower Court Case(s):Clark Co. - Eighth Judicial District - A399707Classification:Civil Appeal - General - Other
Disqualifications:YoungCase Status:Remittitur Issued/Case Closed
Replacement:Justice Maupin for Senior Justice YoungPanel Assigned: Panel
To SP/Judge:05/31/2000 / Hale, FloydSP Status:Completed
Oral Argument:11/08/2001 at 10:45 AMOral Argument Location:Carson City
Submission Date:11/08/2001How Submitted:After Oral Argument

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
05/23/2000OtherDisqualification of Justice Young. Law firm of Lionel Sawyer & Collins.
05/23/2000Filing FeeReceived Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $200.00 from Lionel Sawyer & Collins--check no. 111812.
05/23/2000Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. 00-08581
05/31/2000Settlement NoticeIssued Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program. Settlement Judge: Floyd A. Hale. (Briefing and preparation of transcripts and docketing statement suspended pending further order of this court.)
06/02/2000Transcript RequestFiled Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 3/28/00. To Court Reporter: Freelance Court Reporters. (Appellant/Cross-Respondent). 00-09316
06/09/2000Notice/IncomingFiled Proof of Service. (Request for Transcript of Proceedings). 00-09799
06/09/2000Notice/IncomingFiled Proof of Service. Studio Enterprises, Ltd's Certificate of Service by Mail of Request for Transcript of Proceedings. 00-09801
06/09/2000Filing FeeReceived Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $200.00 from Woods firm for cross-appeal-check no. 09240.
06/09/2000Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Certified Copy of Notice of Cross-Appeal. 00-09933
06/15/2000Notice/Outgoing Letter.
07/10/2000Settlement Program ReportFiled Interim Settlement Program Report. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of this matter. 00-11718
07/10/2000Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice to File Docketing Statement. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for appellant/cross-respondent and respondent/cross-appellant.) Due Date: 15 days
07/19/2000Settlement Order/ProceduralFiled Order: No Settlement/Briefing Reinstated. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of this appeal. Upon the filing of the docketing statements, this court shall conduct a preliminary jurisdictional review of this appeal and cross-appeal. Freelance Court Reporters shall have 30 days from the date of this order to prepare and complete the transcript requested by Appellant/Cross-Respondent pursuant to the transcript requested filed on June 2, 2000. Respondents/Cross-Appellants: 15 days to comply with NRAP 9(a). Appellant/Cross-Respondent: 100 days to file and serve opening brief and appendix. Briefing shall proceed in accordance with NRAP 31(a)(1). 00-12462
07/25/2000Docketing StatementFiled Docketing Statement. Respondent/Cross-Appellant. 00-12859
07/26/2000Docketing StatementFiled Docketing Statement. Appellant/Cross-Respondent. 00-12942
08/07/2000Transcript RequestFiled Certificate of No Transcript Request. 00-13660
08/21/2000Notice/IncomingFiled Notice. from Court Reporter Leta Haupt. The court reporter in this matter was Kimberly McAndrews. 00-14608
10/25/2000Order/ProceduralFiled Order. On July 19, 2000, this court entered an order reinstating briefing after the settlement conference. On August 21, 2000, this court received a letter from Leta Haupt, informing this court that the court reporter responsible for the requested transcript is Kimberly McAndrews. Accordingly, court reporter McAndrews shall file and serve certified copies of the requested transcript of proceedings held on March 28, 2000, within 30 days from the date of this order. 00-18839
10/31/2000BriefFiled Opening Brief. Appellant/Cross-Respondent. Mailed on: Fed Ex 10/30/00. 00-19157
10/31/2000AppendixFiled Joint Appendix. Appellant/Cross-Respondent. Vols. 1 through 9. 00-19158
11/29/2000MotionFiled Stipulation and Order. Brief due: December 4, 2000. 00-20854
12/04/2000BriefFiled Answering Brief. Respondents/Cross-Appellants. Mailed on: Fed Ex 12/01/00. 00-21100
01/02/2001MotionFiled Stipulation and Order. Brief due: January 10, 2001. 01-00061
01/16/2001BriefFiled Reply Brief. Appellant's Reply in Support of its Appeal/Appellant's Answering Brief in Opposition to Respondents' Cross-Appeal. Mailed on: Fed Ex 01/12/01. 01-00854
02/09/2001TranscriptFiled Transcript. Proceedings: March 28, 2000. Court Reporter: Kimberly McAndrews. 01-02670
02/13/2001MotionFiled Stipulation and Order. Brief due: February 16, 2001. 01-02839
02/16/2001BriefFiled Reply Brief on Cross-Appeal. Mailed on: Fed Ex 2/15/01. 01-03042
04/03/2001MotionFiled Motion. City of Henderson's Motion to Intervene on Appeal. 01-05708
04/16/2001MotionFiled Motion to Extend Time. Motion to Enlarge Time to File Response to City of Henderson's Motion to Intervene on Appeal. 01-06477
04/16/2001Notice/IncomingFiled Notice. Certificate of Non-Opposition to City of Henderson's Motion to Intervene on Appeal. 01-06490
04/25/2001MotionFiled Stipulation. Stipulation to Continue Time to File Response to Motion to Intervene. 01-06965
04/30/2001MotionFiled Stipulation. Stipulation to Continue Time to File Response to Motion to Intervene (same as stipulation filed on 4/25/01 with original signature of attorney William Cooper). 01-07158
06/15/2001Order/ProceduralFiled Order. On April 3, 2001, the City of Henderson (City) filed a motion to intervene on appeal. On April 16, 2001, appellant/cross-respondent Studio Enterprises, Ltd., filed a certificate of non-opposition to City's motion to intervene. On April 16, 2001, respondents/cross-appellants filed a motion for an extension of time, to and including April 23, 2001, to file a response to City's motion to intervene. On April 25, 2001, the parties filed a stipulation for a second extension of time, to and including April 25, 2001, for respondents/cross-appellants to file a response to City's motion to intervene. Because both of the above dates have already passed, we deny respondents/cross-appellants' motion for an extension of time and disapprove the parties' stipulation as moot. On June 8, 2001, respondents/cross-appellants submitted an untimely response to the City's motion to intervene. Despite the untimeliness of the response, we direct the clerk of this court to file the response received on June 8, 2001. Respondents/cross-appellants indicate that they have no opposition to the City's Intervention in this Appeal. We grant City's unopposed motion and designate City as a cross-respondent on cross-appeal. The clerk of this court shall modify the caption to be consistent with the caption on this order. Included in City's motion to intervene as Exhibit B, is the 'City Of Henderson's Opposition To Cross Appeal.' We elect to treat the six page opposition as City's answering brief on cross-appeal. The clerk of this court shall detach Exhibit B from City's motion and file Exhibit B as City's answering brief on cross-appeal. Respondents/cross-appellants shall have 20 days from the date of this order to file and serve a reply brief on cross-appeal, if deemed necessary, to City's answering brief. Appellant/cross-respondent Studio Enterprises, Ltd., and respondents/cross-appellants shall each serve copies of all briefs previously filed with this court on City within 15 days of the date of this order and file proof of such service with the clerk of this court. 01-10074
06/15/2001MotionFiled Response to Motion. Appellant/Cross-Respondent's Response to City of Henderson's Motion to Intervene on Appeal. 01-09584
06/15/2001BriefFiled Answering Brief. City's Answering Brief on Cross-Appeal. 01-10080
06/20/2001Notice/IncomingFiled Proof of Service. All briefs previously filed with the court have been served on all parties (response to June 15, 2001). 01-10443
07/05/2001Notice/IncomingFiled Proof of Service. Respondents' Answering Brief & Respondents Reply Brief in Support of its Cross-Appeal. 01-11268
09/27/2001Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice Scheduling Oral Argument. Oral Argument is scheduled for 30 minutes on November 8, 2001, at 1:00 p.m. (SNP02-WM/DA/ML)
10/25/2001Notice/OutgoingIssued Oral Argument Reminder Notice.
11/08/2001Case Status Update Submitted for Decision. Before the Southern Nevada Panel. SNP02-WM/DA/ML
12/12/2001Order/DispositionalFiled Order of Affirmance. Studio Enterprises has failed to demonstrate how the court abused its discretion. Having considered the parties' arguments, we 'ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED.' SNP02-WM/DA/ML 01-20911
01/08/2002RemittiturIssued Remittitur. 02-00225
01/08/2002Case Status Update Remittitur Issued/Case Closed.
01/25/2002RemittiturFiled Remittitur. Received by County Clerk on January 11, 2002. 02-00225