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United States Court Cases

Nevada Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Information: 38044
Short Caption:JENNINGS (CHARLES) VS. STATECourt:Supreme Court
Related Case(s): 31863 , 44813
Lower Court Case(s):Clark Co. - Eighth Judicial District - C140821Classification:Criminal Appeal - Life - Direct
Disqualifications:Case Status:Remittitur Issued/Case Closed
Replacement:Panel Assigned: Panel
To SP/Judge:SP Status:
Oral Argument:10/15/2002 at 9:30 AMOral Argument Location:Carson City
Submission Date:10/15/2002How Submitted:After Oral Argument

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
06/18/2001Filing Fee Filing Fee Waived.
06/18/2001Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for appellant.) 01-10199
06/19/2001Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice to Transmit Required Document. Judgment/Order Appealed from. Due Date: 10 days
06/19/2001Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice to File Case Appeal Statement. Due Date: 10 days
06/28/2001Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled District Court Order/Judgment. Certified copy of order or judgment appealed from filed in district court on: June 14, 2001. 01-10937
07/09/2001Docketing StatementFiled Docketing Statement. 01-11506
07/17/2001Order/ProceduralFiled Order. Appellant shall, within 10 days of the date of this order, file a case appeal statement in the district court and file, with this court, two certified copies of the case appeal statement. Failure to comply timely with this order may result in the imposition of sanctions against appellant's counsel. 01-12101
07/30/2001Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Case Appeal Statement. Filed in district court on: July 26, 2001. 01-12783
08/23/2001Order/ProceduralFiled Order. To date appellant has failed to file either a transcript request form or a certificate indicating that no transcripts are being requested. Appellant shall, within 10 days of the date of this order, file and serve the required document. 01-14323
10/23/2001Order/ProceduralFiled Order. To date, appellant has failed to file the opening brief and appendix and either a transcript request form or a certificate indicating that no transcripts are being requested. Appellant shall have 10 days from the dte of this order to file the required documents. Failure to comply timely with this order may result in the imposition of sanctions, including the dismissal of this appeal. 01-17867
11/02/2001Transcript RequestFiled Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 4/6/01; 4/9/01; 4/10/01; 4/11/01; 4/24/01; 6/6/01. To Court Reporter: Department XIV, Eighth Judicial District Court. 01-18377
11/02/2001MotionFiled Motion to Extend Time. Sixty day extension request. 01-18379
11/08/2001Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Motion. filed November 2, 2001. Appellant shall have until January 2, 2002, to file and serve the opening brief and appendix. We caution counsel that failure to demonstrate extreme and unforeseeable circumstances for additional requests for extension of time may result in the denial of the motion. 01-18689
11/19/2001Transcript RequestFiled Request for Transcript of Proceedings. (Amended Request). Transcripts requested: 3/29/01; 4/6/01; 4/9/01; 4/10/01; 4/24/01; 4/27/01; 4/29/01 and 6/6/01. To Court Reporter: Department XIV. 01-19388
11/29/2001TranscriptFiled Transcript. Proceedings: 4/6/01; 4/9/01; 4/20/01; 4/23/01; 4/24/01; 6/6/01. Court Reporter: Maureen. Schorn. 01-19977
11/29/2001TranscriptFiled Transcript. Proceedings: 4/16/01; 4/17/01 and 4/18/01. Court Reporter: Joseph A. D'Amato. 01-19987
01/03/2002BriefFiled Opening Brief. Mailed on: Fed Ex 01/02/02. 02-00126
01/03/2002AppendixFiled Appendix to Opening Brief. 02-00128
02/05/2002Transcript RequestFiled Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 4/19/01. To Court Reporter: Joey D'Amato/Maureen Shorn. 02-02339
02/05/2002TranscriptFiled Rough Draft Transcript of Proceedings. Proceedings: 4/18/01. Court Reporter: Joseph D'Amato. 02-02340
02/06/2002MotionFiled Motion and Order/Excess Pages. Granted: 35 pages. 02-02404
02/06/2002BriefFiled Answering Brief. Express State Mail. Signed by James Tufteland. 02-02405
02/06/2002AppendixFiled Appendix to Answering Brief. 02-02406
02/07/2002TranscriptFiled Rough Draft Transcript of Proceedings. Proceedings: 4/19/01. Court Reporter: Joseph D'Amato. 02-02458
03/04/2002BriefFiled Reply Brief. Mailed on: 2/28/02. Signed by Randall H. Pike. 02-03873
03/21/2002TranscriptFiled Rough Draft Transcript of Proceedings. Proceedings: 4/19/01 rough draft copy-not certified. (Duplicate of transcript filed on 02/07/02.) Court Reporter: Joseph D'Amatpo. 02-05041
04/12/2002Order/ProceduralFiled Order. On November 19, 2001, appellant filed an amended transcript request form. Among the transcripts requested were transcripts for proceedings conducted on April 10, 2001, and April 29, 2001. Our review of the district court records indicates that no proceedings were conducted on those dates. Transcripts for proceedings conducted on March 29, 2001, and April 27, 2001, have not been filed with this court. None of the briefs filed in this appeal cite to the proceedings conducted on those dates. We conclude that the transcripts for these dates need not be produced. On February 7, 2002, and March 21, 2002, Mr. D'Amato filed a rough draft copy of the requested transcript. Because this appeal is not subject to NRAP 3C, the filing of a rough draft transcript was improper. In the interests of judicial efficiency, we waive the requirement of NRAP 9(b) for the filing of a certified copy of the requested transcript. On January 3, 2002, appellant filed the opening brief and an appellant's appendix. We note that the appendix is not in compliance with the Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure. Appellant shall file and serve a supplemental appendix that fully complies with the provisions of NRAP 30(b)(2) within 15 days from the date of this order. We caution appellant's counsel that future failure to comply with the Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure may result in the imposition of sanctions. 02-06557
04/26/2002Letter/IncomingFiled Letter. via fax from attorney Randall Pike requesting an extension of time to respond to this court's order filed 4/12/02. 02-07393
05/03/2002MotionFiled Motion to Extend Time. Motion for Enlargement of Time to File Amended Appendix First Request. 02-07824
05/07/2002Order/ProceduralFiled Order/Motion Granted in Part. Appellant shall have until May 20, 2002, to file and serve an amended appendix. 02-08023
05/23/2002AppendixFiled Appendix to Opening Brief. (Amended) Appendix. 02-09116
08/22/2002Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice Scheduling Oral Argument. Oral Argument is scheduled for 30 minutes on October 15, 2002, at 9:30 a.m. (NNP03Y-RR/CY/DA)
09/30/2002Notice/OutgoingIssued Oral Argument Reminder Notice.
10/15/2002Case Status Update Submitted for Decision. To the Northern Nevada Panel. NNP03Y-RR/CY/DA
12/11/2002Order/DispositionalFiled Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." NNP03Y-CY/RR/DA 02-21145
12/31/2002Post-Judgment PetitionFiled Petition for Rehearing. Mailed on: 12/30/02. 02-22242
02/06/2003Post-Judgment OrderFiled Order/Rehearing Denied. "Rehearing denied." NRAP 40(c). fn1[This matter was decided by a panel of this court comprised of Justices Rose, Agosti, and Young, Justice Young's term of office having expired January 6, 2003, he did not participate in the decision of this petition for rehearing.] NNP03Y-DA/RR 03-02088
03/04/2003RemittiturIssued Remittitur. 03-02192
03/04/2003Case Status Update Remittitur Issued/Case Closed.
03/17/2003RemittiturFiled Remittitur. Received by County Clerk on March 6, 2003. 03-02192