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United States Court Cases

Texas 8th Court Of Appeals Record

Chevron USA Inc. v. Lara, Carlos

Case: 08-89-00215-CV
Other Personal Injury
Chevron USA Inc.
Lara, Carlos
West Publishing
Appellate Briefs
Date Event Type Description Document
No briefs.
Case Events
Date Event Type Disposition Document
05/02/2011Exhibits returned to the district or county clerk
03/17/2011Case file was destroyed per retention schedule
08/15/1990Shuck purged
08/15/1990Mandate Issued
08/15/1990Mandate Issued
07/31/1990Case Returned from Higher Court
07/31/1990Decision from Supreme Court or CCAMotion or Writ Denied
04/30/1990Case Forwarded to Higher Court
04/27/1990Fee paid
04/26/1990Fee paid
04/20/1990Application for Writ of Error
04/20/1990Application for Writ of Error
04/05/1990Fee paid
03/21/1990Motion for Rehearing DisposedOverruled
03/21/1990Motion for Rehearing DisposedOverruled
03/19/1990Fee paid
03/08/1990Motion for Rehearing Filed
03/07/1990Motion for Rehearing Filed
03/05/1990Fee paid
02/21/1990Opinion issuedAffirmed/Reversed & Rendered
02/21/1990Payment of fee due requested
02/21/1990Opinion issuedAffirmed/Reversed & Rendered
01/25/1990Miscellaneous filing
01/24/1990Waiver of brief, list of authorities, etc.
01/16/1990Brief Filed
12/11/1989Brief Filed
11/20/1989Exhibits Filed
11/01/1989Brief Filed
11/01/1989Case ready to be set
11/01/1989Miscellaneous Motion DisposedMotion or Writ Granted
11/01/1989Motion for Ext. of time to file brief disposedMotion or Writ Granted
11/01/1989Case ready to be set
10/20/1989Miscellaneous Motion Filed
10/20/1989Response to Petition, Motion or Inquiry
10/16/1989Miscellaneous Motion Filed
10/16/1989Motion for Extension of time to file brief filed
09/27/1989Motion for Ext. of time to file brief disposedMotion or Writ Granted
09/21/1989Response to Petition, Motion or Inquiry
09/14/1989Motion for Extension of time to file brief filed
08/15/1989Case ready to be set
07/21/1989Brief Filed
07/21/1989Filed Ltr re req. for oral argument
06/29/1989Fee paid
06/22/1989Payment of fee due requested
06/22/1989Statement of Facts Filed
06/22/1989Transcript Filed
06/22/1989Created for Data Conversion -- an event inserted to correspond to the beginning of a process
Set DateCalendar TypeReason Set
03/17/2011Case StoredCase destroyed
UnknownAppelleeHon. Jeff Spain
UnknownAppelleeHon. Dick R. Holland
UnknownAppellantHon. Rick G. Strange
UnknownAppelleeHon. Bill G. Alexander
Trial Court Information
109th District Court