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United States Court Cases

Nevada Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Information: 38073
Short Caption:LABOR COMM'N VS. UNIVERSAL ELECTRICCourt:Supreme Court
Related Case(s): 34902 , 41472
Lower Court Case(s):Clark Co. - Eighth Judicial District - A393053Classification:Civil Appeal - Administrative Agency - General
Disqualifications:Case Status:Remittitur Issued/Case Closed
Replacement:Panel Assigned: Panel
To SP/Judge:07/02/2001 / Shirinian, AraSP Status:Completed
Oral Argument:Oral Argument Location:
Submission Date:09/12/2002How Submitted:On Briefs

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
06/22/2001Filing Fee Filing Fee Waived.
06/22/2001Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal/Settlement. Notice re: settlement conference program/suspension of rules mailed to all counsel. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for appellant.) 01-10603
07/02/2001Settlement NoticeIssued Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program. Settlement Judge: Ara H. Shirinian. (Briefing and preparation of transcripts suspended pending further order of this court.)
07/27/2001MotionFiled Motion to Extend Time. 01-12712
07/27/2001Order/Clerk'sFiled Clerk's Order Granting Motion. filed July 27, 2001. The clerk shall file the docketing statement received on July 24, 2001. 01-12749
07/27/2001Docketing StatementFiled Docketing Statement. 01-12527
08/01/2001Notice/Outgoing Letter. Ara H. Shirinian.
10/09/2001Settlement Program ReportFiled Interim Settlement Program Report. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of this matter. 01-16961
10/19/2001Settlement Order/ProceduralFiled Order: No Settlement/Briefing Reinstated. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of this matter. Appellant: 15 days to comply with NRAP 9(a); 120 days to file and serve opening brief and appendix. Briefing shall proceed in accordance with NRAP 31(a)(1). 01-17651
10/29/2001Transcript RequestFiled Certificate of No Transcript Request. 01-18062
11/01/2001Letter/IncomingFiled Letter. (copy) from attorney Orin Grossman addressed to Deputy A.G. Dianna Hegeduis re: transcripts needed for appeal. 06/19/02 Order: no action will be taken with respect to this letter. 01-18292
11/07/2001Transcript RequestFiled Certificate of No Transcript Request. 01-18582
02/15/2002BriefFiled Opening Brief. Mailed on: UPS 02/14/02. Signed by: Dianna Hegeduis. 02-03034
02/15/2002AppendixFiled Appendix to Opening Brief. Vols. 1 through 3. 02-03035
02/19/2002MotionFiled Motion. Motion for Leave to File Brief Amicus Curiae (Building Trades Council of Southern Nevada). 02-03101
02/19/2002BriefReceived Amicus Brief. Brief of Amicus Curiae Building Trades Council of Southern Nevada in Support of Appellant Labor Commissioner. 02-03102
02/25/2002MotionFiled Response to Motion. Respondent's Opposition to Motion for Leave to File Brief Amicus Curiae. 02-03464
02/26/2002BriefReceived Amicus Brief. Mailed on: Hand Delivered. 02-03594
02/28/2002MotionFiled Motion. Motion for Leave of Court to File Amicus Brief. 02-03756
03/07/2002MotionFiled Response to Motion. Respondent's Opposition to Motion for Leave to File Brief Amicus Curiae. 02-04155
03/19/2002BriefFiled Answering Brief. Mailed on: Fed Ex 03/18/02. Signed by: Orin G. Grossman. 02-04910
03/19/2002AppendixFiled Appendix to Answering Brief. 02-04911
04/22/2002Other Returned Unfiled Document. Appellant's Reply Brief.
04/25/2002MotionFiled Motion. Motion to Strike Appellant's Reply Brief and for Sanctions. 02-07317
04/29/2002BriefFiled Reply Brief. Mailed on: 04/26/02. Signed by: Dianna Hegeduis. 02-07552
04/29/2002AppendixFiled Appendix to Reply Brief. 02-07556
04/29/2002Notice/IncomingFiled Proof of Service. Certificate of Service of Brief & Appendix. Attached to inside back cover of reply brief and appendix. 02-07557
05/06/2002MotionFiled Response to Motion. Appellant's Opposition to Motion to Strike Brief and for Sanctions. 02-07905
06/19/2002Order/ProceduralFiled Order. On November 1, 2001, this court received a copy of a letter from respondent's counsel to appellant's counsel regarding transcripts. A review of the briefs and appendices filed after the letter reveals that several transcripts have been included in appellant's and respondent's appendices. It appears that this matter has been resolved. Accordingly, no action will be taken with respect to the letter. On February 19, 2002, the Building & Construction Trades Council of Southern Nevada ("Southern Council") filed a motion for permission to file an amicus curiae brief. The brief was submitted along with the motion. On February 25, 2002, respondent filed an opposition to the Southern Council's motion. On February 28, 2002, the Building and Construction Trades Council of Northern Nevada ("Northern Council") filed a motion for leave to file an amicus curiae brief in this appeal. The proposed brief of the Northern Council was received on February 26, 2002. Respondent filed an opposition to the Northern Council's motion on March 7, 2002. After consideration of the motions and the oppositions, we grant both motions. The clerk of this court shall file the amici briefs received on February 19, 2002, and February 26, 2002, respectively. We remind the parties that in our review of all the briefs in this matter, we will disregard any matters inappropriately included in the amici briefs. On April 25, 2002, respondent filed a motion to strike appellant's reply brief and for sanctions to be imposed against counsel for appellant. On May 6, 2002, appellant filed an opposition to the motion to strike the reply brief, and requested that sanctions be imposed against counsel for respondent. We deny respondent's motion to strike the reply brief or the appendix. Further, we deny both parties' request for the imposition of sanctions. We remind the parties, however, that although we decline to strike exhibits "A" and "B" of the appendix to the reply brief, in taking this matter under consideration we will disregard all matters improperly appended to appellant's reply brief or referred to therein. 02-10630
06/19/2002BriefFiled Amicus Brief. Brief of Amicus Curiae Building Trades Council of Southern Nevada in Support of Appellant Labor Commissioner. 02-03102
06/19/2002BriefFiled Amicus Brief. Brief of Amicus Curiae Building and Construction Trades Council of Northern Nevada in Support of Appellant Labor Commissioner. 02-03594
09/12/2002Order/ProceduralFiled Order/Submit on Briefs. Submitting for Decision Without Oral Argument. Cause appearing, oral argument will not be scheduled and this appeal shall stand submitted for decision to the Southern Nevada Panel as of the date of this order on the briefs filed herein. See NRAP 34(f)(1). 02-15847
09/12/2002Case Status Update Submitted for Decision. To the Southern Nevada Panel. SNP03-MS/ML/NB
11/21/2002Order/DispositionalFiled Dispositional Order/Appeal. Order of Reversal. "We reverse the judgment of the district court and reinstate the order of the labor commissioner." SNP03-MS/ML/NB 02-20033
12/05/2002MotionFiled Motion. Motion for Publication of Order of Reversal. 02-20845
12/05/2002Post-Judgment PetitionFiled Petition for Rehearing. Petition for Rehearing and Motion for Stay. Mailed on: Federal Express 12/4/02. 02-20850
12/11/2002MotionFiled Response to Motion. Petitioner's Opposition to Motion for Publication of Order of Reversal. 02-21118
12/16/2002Filing FeeReceived Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $100 from Orin G. Grossman--check no. 58391.
12/17/2002Order/ProceduralFiled Order Denying Motion. Denying Motion for Stay. Within the petition for rehearing filed on December 5, 2002, petitioner also requests this court to stay our Order of Reversal. Jurisdiction in an appeal is vested solely in the supreme court until the remittitur issues to the district court. Thus, until the remittitur is issued, our Order of Reversal in this appeal is not final. We deny as moot respondent's request for a stay of that order. 02-21535
02/05/2003Post-Judgment OrderFiled Order/Rehearing Denied. We conclude that rehearing is not warranted and " . . . deny the petition." NRAP 40(c). On December 5, 2002, appellant filed a motion to publish as an opinion the Order of Reversal entered in this matter. That motion is opposed. We conclude that publication is not warranted. We deny the motion for publication. Shearing, J. and Leavitt, J. Becker, J., dissenting in part. SNP03-MS/ML/NB 03-01947
03/06/2003RemittiturIssued Remittitur. 03-03777
03/06/2003Case Status Update Remittitur Issued/Case Closed.
03/17/2003RemittiturFiled Remittitur. Received by County Clerk on March 10, 2003. 03-03777