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United States Court Cases

District Of Columbia Court Of Appeals Record


Case Information: 98-CV-1812
Short Caption:DORREE W. LYNN V. F. MINA KLEIN, ET ALClassification:Appeals - Civil - Torts
Superior Court or Agency Case Number:CA4524-97Filed Date:12/01/1998

Opening Event Date:12/01/1998Case Status:Closed
Record Completed:Post-Decision Matter Pending:
Briefs Completed:
Disposition:Next Scheduled Action:
Mandate Issued:02/11/1999

Party Information
Appellate RoleParty NameIFPAttorney(s)Arguing AttorneyE-Filer
AppellantDorree W. Lynn N
Jeffrey J. HinesNY
AppelleeF. Mina Klein N
Mark S. Carlin NN
AppelleeBernard P. Klein N
Mark S. Carlin NN

Event DateStatusDescriptionResult
12/16/1998APPELLANT'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DS no oppo and designation of record
12/16/1998MOTION(S) FEE PAID
12/16/1998$50.00 DOCKETING FEE
12/16/1998RECEIVED - designation of record statement regarding transcripts aplt's docketing statement
12/21/1998APPELLEE'S MOTION TO DISMISS/WITHDRAW APPEAL and for attorney's fees and costs
12/21/1998MOTION(S) FEE PAID
12/23/1998 On consideration of the notice of appeal filed in the above-referenced matter, and in accordance with D.C. App. R. 7A(b), it is ORDERED that counsel for the parties shall appear before Senior Judge John W. Kern, III, for a status conference at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 7, 1999, in the Catherine B. Kelly Hearing Room, located on the sixth floor, 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C., to identify and narrow the issues on appeal, to discuss the status of record and transcript ordering and preparation, and to discuss other matters that may affect either the calendaring of the case or the efficient presentation of the issues on appeal. It is FURTHER ORDERED that counsel for the appellant shall present to Senior Judge John W. Kern, III, copies of the designation of record, and statement regarding transcript, which copies shall be stamped by the Appeals Coordinator's Office to reclect that said documents have been filed in that office. Counsel shall also present at the status conference a copy of the docketing statement which is required to be filed in this court. See D.C. App. Rules 10(a), 10(c) and 7A(a). Any such documents filed in this court more than 10 days after the filing of the notice of appeal must be accompanied by a motion for leave to file the documents out of time, and this court's motion fee. See D.C. App. R. 27. Failure to appear or to present these documents shall constitute grounds for dismissal of the appeal(s) and other appropriate sanctions. (AMW)
12/29/1998TMC - Aple's motion to dismiss appeal and for attorney's fees and costs - Aplt's motion to stay enforcement of the trial court's November 10, 1998, order pending appeal - Aplt's opposition to motion to dismiss - Aplt's motion to file docketing statement - Aplt's docketing statement (lodged)
12/30/1998APPELLANT'S MOTION FOR STAY - enforcement of the trial court's 11/10/98 order pending appeal
12/30/1998MOTION(S) FEE PAID
01/04/1999APPELLANT'S OPPOSITION - aple's motion to dismiss appeal
01/05/1999APPELLANT'S MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE this appeal with 98-CV-1813 (consented).
01/05/1999MOTION(S) FEE PAID for macon.
01/08/1999APPELLANT'S OPPOSITION -to aple's motion to dismiss appeal
01/11/1999APPELLEE'S REPLY to appellant's opposition to appellee's motion to dismiss appeal and for attorney's fees and costs.
01/11/1999APPELLEE'S OPPOSITION to appellant's motion to stay enforcement of the trial court's November 10, 1998, order pending appeal.
01/19/1999APPELLANT'S ANSWER/RESPONSE - Dr. Dorree Waldbaum Lynn's reply to aple's oppo to aplts' motion to stay enforcement of the trial court's 11/10/98 order pending appeal
01/28/1999COPY OF SUPERIOR COURT LETTER: to aplt dtd 1/22/99 re record pick-up
02/04/1999ORDER GRANT APLE MOTION TO DISMISS/WITHDRAW APPEAL and this appeal is hereby dismissed. *** MORE ***
02/04/1999ORDER DENYING APLE' MOTION FOR ATTORNEY'S FEE and costs as to appellant Lynn is appeal no. 98-CV-1812. *** MORE ***
02/04/1999ORDER GRANTING APLES' MOTION FOR ATTORNEY'S FEE and costs as to appellant Compton in appeal no. 98-CV-1813. F/O that appellees shall file an accounting specifying the fees and costs to be recovered from appellant Compton within 20 days from the date of this order. *** MORE ***
02/04/1999ORDER DENYING APLT MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DS designation of record AS MOOT. *** MORE ***
02/04/1999ORDER DENY APLT MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE DS of appellant Compton for filing docketing statement AS MOOT. *** MORE ***
02/04/1999ORDER DENYING APPELLANT MOTION FOR STAY enforcement of the trial court's November 10, 1998, order pending appeal AS MOOT. (by: FARZPY)