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United States Court Cases

District Of Columbia Court Of Appeals Record


Case Information: 98-DA-0020
Short Caption:IN RE: J.A.P.Classification:Discretionary - Discretionary - Other Discretionary Applicatn
Superior Court or Agency Case Number:A238-97Filed Date:09/24/1998

Opening Event Date:09/24/1998Case Status:Closed
Record Completed:Post-Decision Matter Pending:
Briefs Completed:
Disposition:Next Scheduled Action:
Mandate Issued:

Party Information
Appellate RoleParty NameIFPAttorney(s)Arguing AttorneyE-Filer
AppellantJ.A.P. A N
AppelleeDistrict of ColumbiaN
Charles L. Reischel NN

Event DateStatusDescriptionResult
10/02/1998TMC - Motion for appeal by permission
11/24/1998ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION FOR ALLOWANCE OF APPEAL, and this appeal shall be numbered 98-FS-1727. The Clerk shall transmit to the Superior Court a copy of this order together with the application to enable th etrial court to promptly take appropriate action pursuant to the provisions of Rule 6(d) of the General Rules of this court. (By: FA, RD, MK)
12/08/1998ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION FOR ALLOWANCE OF APPEAL and this case shall be no 98-FS-1727. The Clerk shall file the application as a notice of appeal in no. 98-FS-1727, nunc pro tunc to November 24, 1998. F/O that appellant shall, within 10 days from the date of this order, file the designation of record and statement regarding transcript with the Superior Court, Office of Appeals Coordinator, Room, 3148. F/O that appellant shall simulataneously file a copy of those documents with this court. Failure to comply with this order shall subject this appeal to dismissal without further notice. See D.C. App. R. 14. (by: FARDMK)