Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
08/25/2008 | Filing Fee | Received Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $250.00 from Rooker Rawlins LLP check no. 402639. | | |
08/25/2008 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal/Settlement. Notice Re Settlement Conference Program and Suspension of Rules mailed to all counsel. (The requesting of transcripts and briefing are stayed pursuant to NRAP 16(a)(1). Docketing Statement Form mailed to counsel for appellant(s).) | | 08-21840 |
08/25/2008 | Other | Disqualification of Justice Saitta. (Laura Wightman FitzSimmons) | | |
09/02/2008 | Settlement Notice | Issued Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program. Settlement Judge: M. Nelson Segel | | 08-22445 |
09/11/2008 | Motion | Filed Motion. Joint Motion to Remove Appeal from Settlement Conference and To Expedite Briefing Scheduled. | | 08-23547 |
09/11/2008 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement. | | 08-23552 |
09/16/2008 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Proof of Service. Docketing Statement and Joint Motion to Remove from Settlement on Settlement Judge. | | 08-23900 |
09/23/2008 | Settlement Program Report | Filed ECAR/Appropriate for Settlement Program. This case is not appropriate for mediation and should be removed from the settlement conference program. | | 08-24609 |
09/26/2008 | Settlement Order/Procedural | Order Removing From Settlement Program/Briefing Reinstated. and Reinstating Briefing. This appeal is removed from the settlement conference program. Transcript request due: 7 days. Opening brief due: 60 days. Fn1[in light of the settlement judge's recommendation, we deny as moot the parties' "Joint Motion to Remove Appeal from Settlement Conference and to Expedite Briefing Schedule." We remind the parties that a request to remove an appeal from the settlement program should be made directly to the settlement judge in the first instance. NRAP16(b).]
[Copies have been distributed per the ccs listed on the order.] | | 08-24909 |
09/29/2008 | Transcript Request | Filed Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 11/13/07, 2/21/08. To Court Reporter: Florence Hoyt | | 08-25105 |
11/17/2008 | Motion | Filed Stipulation. Stipulation to File Briefs in Excess of Thirty Pages Pursuant to Rule 28(g) of the Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure. (requesting all briefs in excess) | | 08-29262 |
11/26/2008 | Appendix | Received Joint Appendix. Vols 1-12. (FILED PER ORDER 12/05/08). | | 08-30164 |
12/05/2008 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. Approving Stipulation and Regarding Transcripts. clerk shall file the 47-page opening brief and the joint appendix received on November 26, 2008. Respondent shall have 30 days from the date of this order to file and serve an answering brief no longer than 50 pages. Appellants shall have 30 days from service of respondent's answering brief to file and serve a reply brief of no longer than 50 pages, if deemed necessary. Court recorder Florence Hoyt is not required to file a certificate acknowledging delivery of the requested transcripts in this court. | | 08-31029 |
12/05/2008 | Brief | Filed Opening Brief. | | 08-30163 |
12/05/2008 | Appendix | Filed Joint Appendix. Vols. 1 through 12. | | 08-30164 |
12/15/2008 | Other | Returned Mail. Order filed 12/5/08 to Court Reporter Florence Hoyt. Per NV Certified Court Reporter Boards website, Ms. Hoyt is not listed and/or Northwest Transcripts. No forwarding address. | | 08-31816 |
12/18/2008 | Motion | Filed Stipulation and Order. Brief due: February 4, 2009. | | 08-32125 |
01/28/2009 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. | | 09-02388 |
02/02/2009 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice. Notice of Change of Address. Rooker Rawlins, LLP | | 09-02806 |
02/03/2009 | Motion | Filed Stipulation. Second Stipulation and Joint Motion for an Additional Ten Day Enlargement of Time for the Filing of Respondent's Answering Brief. | | 09-02935 |
02/11/2009 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. Granting Motion for Extension of Time to File Answering Brief. Answering Brief due: February 17, 2009. | | 09-03725 |
02/25/2009 | Other | Other. Received courtesy copy of letter addressed to Justice Pickering from C. Stanley Hunterton of Hunterton & Associates requesting Justice Pickering to disqualify herself in this appeal. | | 09-04915 |
02/25/2009 | Brief | Filed Answering Brief. | | 09-04926 |
02/25/2009 | Letter/Incoming | Filed Letter. from Justice Kristina Pickering regarding the request for disqualification. She will not disqualify herself at this time. | | 09-04953 |
02/25/2009 | Letter/Incoming | Filed Letter. from C. Stanley Hunterton addressed to Justice Pickering regarding disqualification. | | 09-04915 |
03/25/2009 | Motion | Filed Motion. Joint request that this appeal be heard on the first available oral argument calendar and stipulation for 20 days enlargement for filing of reply brief. | | 09-07503 |
03/27/2009 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. Granting Joint Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply Brief. Reply Brief due: April 20, 2009. fn1[We defer ruling on the parties' request for oral argument until the briefs are received and reviewed.] | | 09-07809 |
04/22/2009 | Brief | Filed Reply Brief. | | 09-10034 |
04/22/2009 | Brief | Filed Brief. Addendum to Appellant's Reply Brief. Vols 1-3. | | 09-10035 |
05/12/2009 | Motion | Filed Motion. Respondent Pierre Boueri's Motion to Disqualify Justice Pickering. Parts 1-7. | | 09-11733 |
05/12/2009 | Appendix | Filed Appendix. Part 8 of Respondent Pierre Boueri's Motion to Disqualify Justice Pickering. (Exhibits in Support of Motion) | | 09-11735 |
05/26/2009 | Motion | Filed Response to Motion. Appellants' Response to Respondent Pierre Boueri's Motion to Disqualify Justice Pickering. | | 09-13006 |
05/29/2009 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. On March 25, 2009, the parties filed a joint motion requesting in part that this matter be scheduled for oral argument before the en banc court on this court's September or October oral argument calendars. Having considered the motion, we grant it, in part. Specifically, we conclude that this matter is appropriate for resolution by the en banc court and that oral argument may assist us in resolving this matter. We decline, however, to schedule this matter for oral argument at this time. Accordingly, the clerk of this court shall assign this case to the en banc court for resolution; oral argument will be scheduled at a later date. We shall expedite our resolution of this appeal to the extent that our docket allows. fn1[We defer ruling on respondent's May 12, 2009, motion to disqualify the Honorable Kristina Pickering, Justice, from participation in the decision of this matter.] | | 09-13488 |
06/04/2009 | Motion | Filed Response to Motion. Response of Justice Pickering to Motion to Disqualify. | | 09-14022 |
06/08/2009 | Motion | Filed Response to Motion. - ORIGINAL - Response of Justice Pickering to Motion to Disqualify. | | 09-14258 |
06/12/2009 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. Denying Motion. The motion to disqualify Justice Pickering is denied as moot. | | 09-14635 |
06/12/2009 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice of Change of Address. (Law Firm of Laura Wightman Fitzsimmons) | | 09-14724 |
08/27/2009 | Motion | Filed Stipulation. Stipulation and Joint Motion to Remand the Case to the Eighth Judicial District Court for Further Proceedings. | | 09-20918 |
09/02/2009 | Order/Dispositional | Filed Order Dismissing Appeal. and Remanding. "We hereby dismiss this appeal and remand this matter to the district court." Fn1 [The Honorable Nancy M. Saitta and the Honorable Kristina Pickering, Justices, did not participate in the decision of this matter.] EN BANC-JH/RP/MD/MC/MG | | 09-21325 |
09/29/2009 | Remittitur | Issued Remittitur. | | 09-22524 |
09/29/2009 | Case Status Update | Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. | | |
10/07/2009 | Remittitur | Filed Remittitur. Received by County Clerk on October 2, 2009. | | 09-22524 |