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United States Court Cases

Nevada Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Information: 46113
Lower Court Case(s):Washoe Co. - Second Judicial District - CV0502241Classification:Original Proceeding - Civil - Prohibition
Disqualifications:Case Status:Notice in Lieu of Remittitur Issued/Case Closed
Replacement:Panel Assigned: En Banc
To SP/Judge:SP Status:
Oral Argument:Oral Argument Location:
Submission Date:How Submitted:

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
10/14/2005Filing Fee Filing Fee Waived.
10/14/2005Petition/WritFiled Petition for Writ of Prohibition. 05-20393
10/14/2005Petition/WritFiled Points and Authorities in Support of Petition for Writ. Points and Authorities in Support of the Defendants Application for a Writ of Prohibition. 05-20394
10/14/2005Petition/WritFiled Exhibits to Petition for Writ. Petitioner's Exhibits to Petition for Writ of Prohibition. 05-20396
10/20/2005Petition/WritFiled Supplement to Petition for Writ. 05-20840
11/01/2005Order/ProceduralFiled Order/Answer Writ Petition. Answer from the real parties in interest due: 30 days. 05-21484
11/14/2005Notice/IncomingFiled Notice of Appearance. Attorney General will represent respondents district court and Judge Polaha in this matter. 05-22373
11/23/2005Petition/WritFiled Answer to Petition for Writ. 05-23085
11/23/2005AppendixFiled Appendix. Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Opposition to Petition for a Writ of Prohibition. 05-23086
11/23/2005MotionFiled Motion. Motion to Disqualify District Attorney. 05-23087
12/05/2005MotionFiled Motion to Extend Time. Motion to extend time in which the Petitioner may file its opposition to the motion to disqualify the District Attorney. 05-23741
12/07/2005MotionFiled Response to Motion. Opposition to Motion to Disqualify District Attorney. 05-23954
12/28/2005MotionFiled Motion for Permission to File Document. Motion to Allow Petitioner to File Reply Points and Authorities. 05-25290
01/06/2006MotionFiled Response to Motion. Opposition to Motion to Allow Petitioner to File Reply Points and Authorities. 06-00296
02/03/2006Order/DispositionalFiled Order Granting Petition. Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Petition for Writ of Prohibition. fn1[Petitioner has moved to file a reply to real parties in interest's answer but, because a reply is unnecessary, we deny petitioner's motion.] Real parties in interest have filed a motion to disqualify the district attorney. The disqualification motion should be addressed in the first instance by the district court. Accordingly, we deny without considering the motion to disqualify the district attorney. 'As to the first, second, and a portion of the fifth counts of the complaint, we deny the petition for writ of prohibition . . . as to the third, fourth, and the portion of the fifth count related to NRS 361.275, we grant the petition and direct the court clerk to issue a writ of prohibition.' EN BANC 06-02484
02/03/2006WritIssued Writ. Original and one copy of writ and copy of order mailed to Brian M. Brown for service upon Judge Jerome Polaha. 06-02554
02/09/2006WritFiled Writ. Served on Judge Polaha on February 7, 2006. 06-02554
02/16/2006MotionFiled Motion. Motion to Publish Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Petition for Writ of Prohibition. Issued Notice to Provide Proof of Service. 06-03571
02/28/2006RemittiturIssued Notice in Lieu of Remittitur. 06-03407
02/28/2006Case Status Update Remittitur Issued/Case Closed.
03/10/2006Order/ProceduralFiled Order Denying Motion. to Publish. We conclude tht the issues presented in the petition were uniqued to this case and need not be resolved in an opinion. The motion is therefore denied. EN BANC 06-05227
03/13/2006Notice/IncomingFiled Proof of Service. Motion to Publish. 06-05389