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United States Court Cases

Wyoming Supreme/Appellate Court Record

KENNETH DALE NICODEMUS v. ROBERT LAMPERT, Director, Wyoming Department of Corrections; EDDIE WILSON, Warden, Wyoming State Penitentiary; and DOTTI WIXSON

Case Heading (S-14-0071)
Case Number:S-14-0071Case Docketed On:03/12/2014
Original Court:Second Judicial District Carbon CountyCase Type:Direct Appeal - Civil - Civil Rights Sec. 1983
Short Title:KENNETH DALE NICODEMUS v. ROBERT LAMPERT, Director, Wyoming Department of Corrections; EDDIE WILSON, Warden, Wyoming State Penitentiary; and DOTTI WIXSON
Full Title:KENNETH DALE NICODEMUS, Appellant (Plaintiff), v. ROBERT LAMPERT, Director, Wyoming Department of Corrections; EDDIE WILSON, Warden, Wyoming State Penitentiary; and DOTTI WIXSON, Appellees (Defendants).

- Party Information
RoleParty NameAttorney(s)
AppellantKenneth Dale Nicodemus Pro Se
AppelleeRobert O. LampertPeter K. Michael
David L. Delicath
Susan Gail O'Brien
James Michael Causey
AppelleeEddie WilsonPeter K. Michael
David L. Delicath
Susan Gail O'Brien
James Michael Causey
AppelleeDottie WixsonPeter K. Michael
David L. Delicath
Susan Gail O'Brien
James Michael Causey

- Case Decision Information
Issues:Civil Procedure, Civil Rights
Opinion Number:2014 WY 135
Citation:336 P.3d 671

Docketing Filter View

Docket Information
Filing DateDocument DescriptionDocket Entry TypeDocket Entry SubtypeStatus
03/12/2014Event - Docketed and indexedEventDocketed and indexedFinal
03/12/2014Notice-Incoming - Record completion notice from district courtNotice-IncomingRecord completion notice from district courtFinal
03/12/2014Fees - Docket fee receivedFeesDocket fee receivedFinal
03/12/2014Notice-Outgoing - Docketing letterNotice-OutgoingDocketing letterFinal
04/28/2014Brief - AppellantBriefAppellantFinal
06/09/2014Brief - AppelleeBriefAppelleeFinal
06/10/2014Event - Hardcopy received - Brief of Appellee; and received copy of designation of record on appeal.EventHardcopy receivedFinal
06/19/2014Notice-Internal - Expedite recommendationNotice-InternalBrief only recommendationFinal
06/26/2014Brief - Appellant replyBriefAppellant replyFinal
06/27/2014Notice-Outgoing - Request for transmitted record on appealNotice-OutgoingRequest for transmitted record on appealFinal
07/01/2014Order - Assigning to expedited docketOrderAssigning to brief only docketFinal
07/09/2014Record - Transmitted record on appeal from district court clerk, one volume of pleadingsRecordTransmitted record on appealFinal
07/09/2014Notice-Outgoing - Transmitted record on appeal filedNotice-OutgoingTransmitted record on appeal filedFinal
10/30/2014Opinion - Opinion and journal order affirming. Justice Davis writing for the court.OpinionOpinion and journal orderFinal
11/17/2014Notice-Outgoing - MandateNotice-OutgoingMandateFinal
11/17/2014Record - Record returned to district courtRecordRecord returned to district courtFinal
11/17/2014Notice-Outgoing - Record return letterNotice-OutgoingRecord return letterFinal
11/17/2014Event - Case closedEventCase closedFinal
11/20/2014Service - Certified mail signature return card - record received by clerk (no date given).ServiceCertified mail signature return cardFinal