Docket Information |
Filing Date | Document Description | Docket Entry Type | Docket Entry Subtype | Status | |
03/22/2018 | Event - Docketed and indexed | Event | Docketed and indexed | Final | |
03/22/2018 | Notice-Incoming - Record completion notice from district court | Notice-Incoming | Record completion notice from district court | Final | |
03/22/2018 | Fees - Docket fee received | Fees | Docket fee received | Final | |
03/22/2018 | Notice-Outgoing - Docketing letter | Notice-Outgoing | Docketing letter | Final | |
05/07/2018 | Brief - Appellant | Brief | Appellant | Final | |
05/09/2018 | Event - Hardcopy received - Brief of Appellant | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
05/11/2018 | Notice-Incoming - Appellant's Designation of record | Notice-Incoming | Designation of record | Final | |
06/20/2018 | Brief - Appellee (Teton County Planning Director) | Brief | Appellee | Final | |
06/21/2018 | Event - Hardcopy received - Brief of Appellee/Respondent (Teton County Planning Director) | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
06/21/2018 | Brief - Appellee (Fernley Jackson Hole Partnership) | Brief | Appellee | Final | |
06/25/2018 | Event - Hardcopy received Brief of Appellee Intervenor, Fernley Jackson Hole Partnership | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
06/26/2018 | Notice-Incoming - Appellee's (Teton County Planning Director) Designation of record | Notice-Incoming | Designation of record | Final | |
07/06/2018 | Brief - Appellant reply | Brief | Appellant reply | Final | |
07/09/2018 | Notice-Outgoing - Request for transmitted record on appeal | Notice-Outgoing | Request for transmitted record on appeal | Final | |
07/09/2018 | Event - Hardcopy received - Reply brief | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
07/10/2018 | Notice-Incoming - Designation of record (Appellant's Supplemental) | Notice-Incoming | Designation of record | Final | |
07/19/2018 | Notice-Incoming - Record transmittal notice from district court | Notice-Incoming | Record transmittal notice from district court | Final | |
07/19/2018 | Record - Transmitted record on appeal from district court clerk, four volumes (Volume 1 - Original Papers; Volumes 2-4 - Agency Record) | Record | Transmitted record on appeal | Final | |
07/19/2018 | Notice-Outgoing - Transmitted record on appeal filed | Notice-Outgoing | Transmitted record on appeal filed | Final | |
08/24/2018 | Motion - Supplement the record (Not stipulated) | Motion | Supplement the record | Final | |
08/27/2018 | Event - Hardcopy received - Appellant's Motion to Supplement the Record and Memorandum of Points and Authorities. | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
09/06/2018 | Order - Oral argument scheduled | Order | Oral argument scheduled | Final | |
09/06/2018 | Response/Objection - Appellee's (Teton County Planning Director) Response to Appellant's Motion to Supplement the Record | Response/Objection | Motion | Final | |
09/07/2018 | Event - Hardcopy received - Appellee's Response to Appellant's Motion to Supplement the Record | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
09/13/2018 | Response/Objection - Appellant's Reply in Support of its Motion to Suppl[e]ment | Response/Objection | Motion | Final | |
09/14/2018 | Event - Hardcopy received - Appellant's Reply in Support of Its Motion to Supplement | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
09/14/2018 | Notice-Incoming - Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting received from Erin Elizabeth Weissman obo Teton County Planning Director | Notice-Incoming | Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting | Final | |
09/14/2018 | Notice-Incoming - Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting received by Matthew W. Kim-Miller obo appellant | Notice-Incoming | Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting | Final | |
09/20/2018 | Notice-Incoming - Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting from Matt Turner obo Fernley Jackson Hole Partnership | Notice-Incoming | Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting | Final | |
09/25/2018 | Order Requiring Appellant to Procure Transcripts of Electronically Recorded Proceedings and Order Denying Motion to Supplement the Record | Order | Other | Final | |
09/25/2018 | Letter enclosing USB stick of Commissioner Board Meetings | Notice-Outgoing | Other | Final | |
10/08/2018 | Service - Certified mail signature return card - Copy of Audio File contained on USB stick signed for 10/2/2018 by Erika Anderson | Service | Certified mail signature return card | Final | |
10/09/2018 | Receipt of Audio File of Commissioner Meetings signed by Paula Fleck on October 2, 2018 | Notice-Incoming | Other | Final | |
10/09/2018 | USB stick returned to Clerk of the Wyoming Supreme Court | Notice-Incoming | Other | Final | |
10/11/2018 | Notice-Incoming - Status report - Regarding Recorded Hearing Transcripts | Notice-Incoming | Status report - other | Final | |
10/12/2018 | Event - Hardcopy received - Notice of Submission of Recorded Transcripts (Copies of transcripts (6 total) were delivered to the Court and placed in a folder contained with the record on appeal, the Clerk of the District Court will be filing and retaining their copies, per Anne Sutton) | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
10/12/2018 | Record - Supplemental record on appeal (Copy of transcripts of the recorded hearings before the Board of County Commissioners of Teton County filed with the Clerk of the District Court, 6 total, labeled as Volume 5) Volume 5 returned by DC Clerk since originals were already rcvd. and filed. | Record | Supplemental record on appeal | Final | |
10/16/2018 | Motion - Dismiss - stipulated | Motion | Dismiss - stipulated | Final | |
10/16/2018 | Order Vacating Oral Argument and Dismissing Appeal | Order | Dismiss - voluntary or stipulated | Final | |
10/17/2018 | Event - Hardcopy received - Stipulated Motion for Voluntary Dismissal with Prejudice | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
10/17/2018 | Record - Record returned to district court | Record | Record returned to district court | Final | |
10/17/2018 | Notice-Outgoing - Record return letter | Notice-Outgoing | Record return letter | Final | |
10/17/2018 | Event - Case closed | Event | Case closed | Final | |