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United States Court Cases

Wyoming Supreme/Appellate Court Record

CITY OF LARAMIE v. JENNIFER P. HANFT, as Personal Representative of the Estate of BRET LEE VANCE

Case Heading (S-20-0069)
Case Number:S-20-0069Case Docketed On:03/19/2020
Linked To: S-20-0068
Status:Oral/Under Advisement
Original Court:Second Judicial District Albany CountyCase Type:Direct Appeal - Civil - Cities and Towns (Title 15)
Short Title:CITY OF LARAMIE v. JENNIFER P. HANFT, as Personal Representative of the Estate of BRET LEE VANCE
Full Title:CITY OF LARAMIE, Appellant (Defendant), v. JENNIFER P. HANFT, as Personal Representative of the Estate of BRET LEE VANCE, Appellee (Plaintiff).

- Party Information
RoleParty NameAttorney(s)
AppellantCity of LaramieAmanda Ferguson Esch
William S. Helfand
AppelleeJennifer Paige HanftA. Joe Hageman

- Case Decision Information
Issues:Administrative Law and Procedure, Contracts, Trial - Damages
Opinion Number:

Docketing Filter View

Docket Information
Filing DateDocument DescriptionDocket Entry TypeDocket Entry SubtypeStatus
03/19/2020Event - Docketed and indexedEventDocketed and indexedFinal
03/19/2020Notice-Incoming - Record completion notice from district courtNotice-IncomingRecord completion notice from district courtFinal
03/19/2020Fees - Docket fee receivedFeesDocket fee receivedFinal
03/19/2020Notice-Outgoing - Docketing letterNotice-OutgoingDocketing letterFinal
04/15/2020Motion for Extension of Time to File Brief (Appellant, City of Laramie)MotionExtension of time - briefFinal
04/16/2020Order - Grant - extension of timeOrderGrant - extension of timeFinal
05/08/2020Motion - Substitution of partyMotionSubstitution of partyFinal
05/21/2020Notice-Internal - Recusal memo, Justice FoxNotice-InternalRecusal memoFinal
05/27/2020Order Granting Motions for Substitution of Personal Representative (with amended captions)OrderGrantFinal
05/28/2020Motion - Extension of time - briefMotionExtension of time - briefFinal
05/28/2020Motion - Admission pro hac viceMotionAdmission pro hac viceFinal
05/28/2020Order - Grant - extension of timeOrderGrant - extension of timeFinal
05/28/2020Order - Pro hac vice - allow William S. HelfandOrderPro hac vice - allowFinal
08/17/2020Brief - AppellantBriefAppellantFinal
08/21/2020Notice-Incoming - City of Laramie's Designation of recordNotice-IncomingDesignation of recordFinal
10/01/2020Brief - AppelleeBriefAppelleeFinal
10/02/2020Notice-Outgoing - Notice of case maturityNotice-OutgoingNotice of case maturityFinal
10/02/2020Notice-Incoming - Appellee's (Vance) Designation of recordNotice-IncomingDesignation of recordFinal
10/05/2020Notice-Incoming - Designation of record (City of Laramie)Notice-IncomingDesignation of recordFinal
10/06/2020Order Assigning Judge - District Judge Marvin L. Tyler assigned to act in this matter for Justice Fox, who is recusedOrderAssignment of judge/justiceFinal
10/13/2020Order - Oral argument scheduledOrderOral argument scheduledFinal
10/16/2020Brief - Appellant replyBriefAppellant replyFinal
10/16/2020Event - Hardcopy received - Reply Brief of Appellant City of LaramieEventHardcopy receivedFinal
10/19/2020Notice-Outgoing - Request for transmitted record on appealNotice-OutgoingRequest for transmitted record on appealFinal
10/23/2020Notice-Incoming - Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting from Amanda F. Esch obo City of Laramie (will not argue)Notice-IncomingReceipt acknowledgment - oral argument settingFinal
10/28/2020Record - Transmitted record on appeal from the Clerk of the District Court, nine volumes. Volumes 1-7, Original Papers; Volume 8, Transcripts - 5, plus index; Volume 9, Exhibits - 7.RecordTransmitted record on appealFinal
10/29/2020Notice-Incoming - Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting from William S. Helfand obo City of Laramie (will argue)Notice-IncomingReceipt acknowledgment - oral argument settingFinal
11/10/2020Notice-Incoming - Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting from A. Joe Hageman obo HanftNotice-IncomingReceipt acknowledgment - oral argument settingFinal
11/17/2020Notice-Internal - Oral argument notice - argued before Chief Justice Davis, Justices Kautz, Boomgaarden, Gray and Judge Tyler (A. Joe Hageman obo Jennifer P. Hanft; William S. Helfand and Amanda Ferguson Esch obo City of Laramie, argument by Mr. Helfand) and taken under advisementNotice-InternalOral argument noticeFinal