Docket Information |
Filing Date | Document Description | Docket Entry Type | Docket Entry Subtype | Status | |
08/21/2017 | Event - Docketed and indexed | Event | Docketed and indexed | Final | |
08/21/2017 | Fees - Docket fee received | Fees | Docket fee received | Final | |
08/21/2017 | Notice-Incoming - Record completion notice from district court | Notice-Incoming | Record completion notice from district court | Final | |
08/21/2017 | Notice-Outgoing - Docketing letter | Notice-Outgoing | Docketing letter | Final | |
09/01/2017 | Event - Phone Call from Mr. Hibben. He will be filing a motion to withdraw as counsel in this appeal. Elizabeth Lance entered her appearance in the district court after the notice of appeal was filed, but before this case was docketed. She will need to enter her appearance before his withdrawal will be granted. | Event | Phone Call | Final | |
09/08/2017 | Notice-Incoming - Entry of appearance - Elizabeth B. Lance and M.J. Hall obo Appellant | Notice-Incoming | Entry of appearance | Final | |
09/08/2017 | Notice-Incoming - Entry of appearance - Amanda Roberts obo Appellee | Notice-Incoming | Entry of appearance | Final | |
09/08/2017 | Event - Hardcopy received - Entry of Appearance (E. Lance obo of appellant) | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
09/11/2017 | Event - Hardcopy received - Entry of Appearance (Roberts obo appellee) | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
10/06/2017 | Motion - Withdrawal of counsel (Steiner obo appellee) | Motion | Withdrawal of counsel | Final | |
10/06/2017 | Event - Hardcopy received - Motion for Withdrawal of Counsel (Steiner for appellee) | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
10/09/2017 | Motion - Withdrawal of counsel (Hibben obo appellant) | Motion | Withdrawal of counsel | Final | |
10/09/2017 | Order Allowing Withdrawal of Counsel (Steiner) | Order | Granting withdrawal of counsel | Final | |
10/09/2017 | Brief - Appellant | Brief | Appellant | Final | |
10/09/2017 | Event - Hardcopy received - Brief of Appellant and Statement of the Costs | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
10/11/2017 | Notice-Internal - Recusal memo - Justice Kautz | Notice-Internal | Recusal memo | Final | |
10/13/2017 | Notice-Incoming - Designation of record (Appellant's) | Notice-Incoming | Designation of record | Final | |
10/19/2017 | Event - Hardcopy received - Motion for Withdraw of Counsel (Hibben) | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
10/20/2017 | Order Allowing Withdrawal of Counsel (Hibben) | Order | Granting withdrawal of counsel | Final | |
11/17/2017 | Motion - Extension of time - brief | Motion | Extension of time - brief | Final | |
11/20/2017 | Event - Hardcopy received - Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Brief | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
11/20/2017 | Order - Grant - extension of time | Order | Grant - extension of time | Final | |
12/04/2017 | Brief - Appellee | Brief | Appellee | Final | |
12/06/2017 | Event - Hardcopy received - Brief of Appellee; and received Designation of Record | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
12/08/2017 | Notice-Internal - Brief only recommendation | Notice-Internal | Brief only recommendation | Final | |
12/08/2017 | Notice-Internal - Veto (Justice Davis) | Notice-Internal | Veto | Final | |
12/20/2017 | Order - Oral argument scheduled | Order | Oral argument scheduled | Final | |
12/27/2017 | Notice-Outgoing - Request for transmitted record on appeal | Notice-Outgoing | Request for transmitted record on appeal | Final | |
01/02/2018 | Order - Assignment of judge/justice - District Judge Richard L. Lavery assigned to act in this matter for Justice Kautz who is recused | Order | Assignment of judge/justice | Final | |
01/03/2018 | Notice-Incoming - Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting received by M.J. Hall obo appellant | Notice-Incoming | Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting | Final | |
01/04/2018 | Record - Transmitted record on appeal from district court clerk, four volumes. Volume 1, Original Papers; Volume 2, Transcripts - containing 3; Volume 3, Confidential Folder; Volume 4, Exhibits. | Record | Transmitted record on appeal | Final | |
01/04/2018 | Notice-Outgoing - Transmitted record on appeal filed | Notice-Outgoing | Transmitted record on appeal filed | Final | |
01/08/2018 | Notice-Incoming - Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting received by Amanda K. Roberts obo appellee | Notice-Incoming | Receipt acknowledgment - oral argument setting | Final | |
01/25/2018 | Notice-Internal - Oral argument notice, argued before Chief Justice Burke, Justices Hill, Davis, Fox and District Judge Lavery (Elizabeth B. Lance and Mary J. Hall, argument by Ms. Hall o/b/o Appellant; Amanda K. Roberts o/b/o Appellee) and taken under advisement | Notice-Internal | Oral argument notice | Final | |
02/05/2018 | Motion - Withdrawal of counsel (Amanda Roberts) | Motion | Withdrawal of counsel | Final | |
02/06/2018 | Notice-Incoming - Entry of appearance (Mistee Elliott obo Appellee) | Notice-Incoming | Entry of appearance | Final | |
02/07/2018 | Event - Hardcopy received - Motion to Withdraw as Counsel for Appellee | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
02/07/2018 | Order Allowing Withdrawal of Counsel (Amanda K. Roberts) | Order | Granting withdrawal of counsel | Final | |
02/08/2018 | Event - Hardcopy received - Entry of Appearance (Mistee Elliott) | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
02/20/2018 | Notice of Reassignment Following Retirement (Justice Hill) | Order | Other | Final | |
03/29/2018 | Notice-Incoming - Entry of appearance (Molly H. Dow obo Appellee) | Notice-Incoming | Entry of appearance | Final | |
03/29/2018 | Motion - Withdrawal of counsel (Mistee Lyn Elliott) | Motion | Withdrawal of counsel | Final | |
03/30/2018 | Event - Hardcopy received - Entry of Appearance and Motion to Withdraw as Counsel for Appellee | Event | Hardcopy received | Final | |
03/30/2018 | Order - Granting withdrawal of counsel (Mistee L. Elliott is withdrawn as counsel and Molly H. Dow is substituted as counsel for Appellee) | Order | Granting withdrawal of counsel | Final | |
05/14/2018 | Opinion - Opinion and journal order affirming with District Judge Lavery writing for the court | Opinion | Opinion and journal order | Final | |
05/30/2018 | Notice-Outgoing - Mandate | Notice-Outgoing | Mandate | Final | |
05/30/2018 | Record - Record returned to district court | Record | Record returned to district court | Final | |
05/30/2018 | Notice-Outgoing - Record return letter | Notice-Outgoing | Record return letter | Final | |
05/30/2018 | Event - Case closed | Event | Case closed | Final | |
06/07/2018 | Service - Certified mail signature return card - record signed for 5/31/2018 by Joanna Wilcox | Service | Certified mail signature return card | Final | |